What is @tiptap/extension-character-count?
@tiptap/extension-character-count is an extension for the Tiptap editor that provides character count functionality. It allows developers to easily track and display the number of characters in the editor, which can be useful for applications that require character limits or want to provide feedback to users on their text input.
What are @tiptap/extension-character-count's main functionalities?
Basic Character Count
This feature allows you to configure a character count limit for the Tiptap editor. The example sets a limit of 200 characters.
const characterCount = CharacterCount.configure({ limit: 200 });
Display Character Count
This feature demonstrates how to initialize the Tiptap editor with the CharacterCount extension and retrieve the current character count from the editor's content.
const editor = new Editor({ extensions: [CharacterCount], content: '<p>Hello World!</p>' }); const characterCount = editor.storage.characterCount.characters();
Character Count with Warning
This feature configures the character count extension to provide a warning when the character limit is approached. The example sets a limit of 200 characters and enables warning mode.
const characterCount = CharacterCount.configure({ limit: 200, mode: 'warning' });
Other packages similar to @tiptap/extension-character-count
react-character-counter is a React component that provides character count functionality for text inputs and textareas. It is similar to @tiptap/extension-character-count but is designed specifically for React applications and does not integrate with the Tiptap editor.
tiptap is a headless wrapper around ProseMirror – a toolkit for building rich text WYSIWYG editors, which is already in use at many well-known companies such as New York Times, The Guardian or Atlassian.
Offical Documentation
Documentation can be found on the tiptap website.
tiptap is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.