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IORedis store for node cache manager
Redis cache store for node-cache-manager.
This is a rewrite of dabroek/node-cache-manager-ioredis.
It uses TypeScript with updated dependencies and missing features added.
It aims to provide the most simple wrapper possible by just passing the configuration to the underlying ioredis
npm install @tirke/node-cache-manager-ioredis
yarn add @tirke/node-cache-manager-ioredis
pnpm add @tirke/node-cache-manager-ioredis
Usage Examples
I wanted to provide more type-safe ways to init the cache-manager
import { IoRedisStore, Store } from '@tirke/node-cache-manager-ioredis'
import { caching } from 'cache-manager'
const defaultRedisCache = caching({
store: IoRedisStore,
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'XXXXX',
db: 0,
ttl: 600,
const instanceRedisCache = caching({
store: IoRedisStore,
instanceConfig: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'XXXXX',
ttl: 600,
const clusterRedisCache = caching({
store: IoRedisStore,
clusterConfig: {
nodes: [
{ port: 6380, host: '' },
{ port: 6381, host: '' },
ttl: 600,
import Redis from 'ioredis'
const instance = new Redis()
const instantiatedRedisCache = caching({
store: IoRedisStore,
redisInstance: instance,
ttl: 600,
Generic usage with promises
import { IoRedisStore, Store } from '@tirke/node-cache-manager-ioredis'
import { caching } from 'cache-manager'
const redisCache = caching({
store: IoRedisStore,
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'XXXXX',
db: 0,
ttl: 600,
const cache = redisCache.store as Store
const redisClient = cache.getClient()
redisClient.on('error', (error: unknown) => {
await redisCache.set('foo', 'bar', { ttl: 5 })
const result = await redisCache.get('foo')
await redisCache.del('foo')