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@tisoap/react-flow-smart-edge - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.0 to 0.4.1




@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ 'use strict';

var React__default = _interopDefault(React);
var reactFlowRenderer = require('react-flow-renderer');
var useDebounce = _interopDefault(require('react-use/lib/useDebounce'));
var reactFlowRenderer = require('react-flow-renderer');
var warning = _interopDefault(require('tiny-warning'));
var pathfinding = require('pathfinding');
var warning = _interopDefault(require('tiny-warning'));

@@ -33,2 +33,91 @@ function _extends() {

var round = function round(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundDown = function roundDown(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundUp = function roundUp(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple;
var toInteger = function toInteger(value, min) {
if (min === void 0) {
min = 0;
var result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min);
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min;
result = result >= min ? result : min;
return result;
var defaultOptions = {
debounceTime: 200,
nodePadding: 10,
gridRatio: 10,
lineType: 'curve',
lessCorners: false
var SmartEdgeContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(defaultOptions);
var SmartEdgeProvider = function SmartEdgeProvider(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
_ref$options = _ref.options,
options = _ref$options === void 0 ? defaultOptions : _ref$options;
var _options$debounceTime = options.debounceTime,
debounceTime = _options$debounceTime === void 0 ? 200 : _options$debounceTime,
_options$nodePadding = options.nodePadding,
nodePadding = _options$nodePadding === void 0 ? 10 : _options$nodePadding,
_options$gridRatio = options.gridRatio,
gridRatio = _options$gridRatio === void 0 ? 10 : _options$gridRatio,
_options$lineType = options.lineType,
lineType = _options$lineType === void 0 ? 'curve' : _options$lineType;
var _options$lessCorners = options.lessCorners,
lessCorners = _options$lessCorners === void 0 ? false : _options$lessCorners; // Guarantee that all values are positive integers
gridRatio = toInteger(gridRatio, 2);
nodePadding = toInteger(nodePadding, 2);
debounceTime = toInteger(debounceTime); // Guarantee correct line type
if (lineType !== 'curve' && lineType !== 'straight') {
lineType = 'curve';
warning(debounceTime >= 30, 'A small debounce time on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') ;
warning(gridRatio >= 10, 'A small grid ratio on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') ;
return React__default.createElement(SmartEdgeContext.Provider, {
value: {
debounceTime: debounceTime,
nodePadding: nodePadding,
gridRatio: gridRatio,
lineType: lineType,
lessCorners: lessCorners
}, children);
var useSmartEdge = function useSmartEdge() {
var context = React.useContext(SmartEdgeContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider');
if (context.debounceTime === undefined || context.gridRatio === undefined || context.nodePadding === undefined || context.lineType === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider');
return context;
var getNextPointFromPosition = function getNextPointFromPosition(point, position) {

@@ -173,34 +262,2 @@ switch (position) {

var round = function round(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundDown = function roundDown(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundUp = function roundUp(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple;
var toInteger = function toInteger(value, min) {
if (min === void 0) {
min = 0;
var result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min);
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min;
result = result >= min ? result : min;
return result;
var createGrid = function createGrid(graph, nodes, source, target, gridRatio) {

@@ -360,2 +417,6 @@ if (gridRatio === void 0) {

/* eslint-disable
var rf = node == null ? void 0 : node.__rf;

@@ -368,2 +429,7 @@ var width = Math.max((rf == null ? void 0 : rf.width) || 0, 1);

/* eslint-enable
var topLeft = {

@@ -452,59 +518,2 @@ x: position.x - nodePadding,

var defaultOptions = {
debounceTime: 200,
nodePadding: 10,
gridRatio: 10,
lineType: 'curve',
lessCorners: false
var SmartEdgeContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(defaultOptions);
var SmartEdgeProvider = function SmartEdgeProvider(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
_ref$options = _ref.options,
options = _ref$options === void 0 ? defaultOptions : _ref$options;
var _options$debounceTime = options.debounceTime,
debounceTime = _options$debounceTime === void 0 ? 200 : _options$debounceTime,
_options$nodePadding = options.nodePadding,
nodePadding = _options$nodePadding === void 0 ? 10 : _options$nodePadding,
_options$gridRatio = options.gridRatio,
gridRatio = _options$gridRatio === void 0 ? 10 : _options$gridRatio,
_options$lineType = options.lineType,
lineType = _options$lineType === void 0 ? 'curve' : _options$lineType,
_options$lessCorners = options.lessCorners,
lessCorners = _options$lessCorners === void 0 ? false : _options$lessCorners; // Guarantee that all values are positive integers
gridRatio = toInteger(gridRatio, 2);
nodePadding = toInteger(nodePadding, 2);
debounceTime = toInteger(debounceTime); // Guarantee correct line type
if (lineType !== 'curve' && lineType !== 'straight') {
lineType = 'curve';
warning(debounceTime >= 30, 'A small debounce time on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') ;
warning(gridRatio >= 10, 'A small grid ratio on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') ;
return React__default.createElement(SmartEdgeContext.Provider, {
value: {
debounceTime: debounceTime,
nodePadding: nodePadding,
gridRatio: gridRatio,
lineType: lineType,
lessCorners: lessCorners
}, children);
var useSmartEdge = function useSmartEdge() {
var context = React.useContext(SmartEdgeContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider');
if (context.debounceTime === undefined || context.gridRatio === undefined || context.nodePadding === undefined || context.lineType === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider');
return context;
var PathFindingEdge = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(function (props) {

@@ -563,6 +572,6 @@ var sourceX = props.sourceX,

Fallback to BezierEdge if no path was found.
length = 0: no path was found
length = 1: starting and ending points are the same
length = 2: a single straight line from point A to point B
Fallback to BezierEdge if no path was found.
length = 0: no path was found
length = 1: starting and ending points are the same
length = 2: a single straight line from point A to point B

@@ -616,3 +625,3 @@

style: style,
className: "react-flow__edge-path",
className: 'react-flow__edge-path',
d: svgPathString,

@@ -651,2 +660,3 @@ markerEnd: markerEnd

RegularPathFindingEdge.displayName = 'RegularPathFindingEdge';
var SmartEdge = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(function (props) {

@@ -665,2 +675,3 @@ var context = React.useContext(SmartEdgeContext);

SmartEdge.displayName = 'SmartEdge';

@@ -667,0 +678,0 @@ exports.SmartEdge = SmartEdge;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";function e(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"default"in e?e.default:e}Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var t=require("react"),r=e(t),n=e(require("react-use/lib/useDebounce")),o=require("react-flow-renderer"),i=require("pathfinding");function a(){return(a=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var r=arguments[t];for(var n in r),n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}require("tiny-warning");var u=function(e,t){switch(t){case"top":return{x:e.x,y:e.y-1};case"bottom":return{x:e.x,y:e.y+1};case"left":return{x:e.x-1,y:e.y};case"right":return{x:e.x+1,y:e.y}}},d=function(e,t,r){for(var n=e.getNodeAt(t.x,t.y);!n.walkable;){e.setWalkableAt(n.x,n.y,!0);var o=u(n,r);n=e.getNodeAt(o.x,o.y)}},l=function(e,t,r,n){var o=e.x/n,i=e.y/n,a=t/n,u=r/n;if(a<1)for(;1!==a;)a++,o++;else if(a>1)for(;1!==a;)a--,o--;if(u<1)for(;1!==u;)u++,i++;else if(u>1)for(;1!==u;)u--,i--;return{x:o,y:i}},s=function(e,t,r,n){var o=e.x*n,i=e.y*n,a=t,u=r;if(a<n)for(;a!==n;)a+=n,o-=n;else if(a>n)for(;a!==n;)a-=n,o+=n;if(u<n)for(;u!==n;)u+=n,i-=n;else if(u>n)for(;u!==n;)u-=n,i+=n;return{x:o,y:i}},c=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.round(e/t)*t},y=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.floor(e/t)*t},f=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.ceil(e/t)*t},x=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=0);var r=Math.max(Math.round(e),t);return(r=Number.isInteger(r)?r:t)>=t?r:t},g={allowDiagonal:!0,dontCrossCorners:!0,diagonalMovement:i.DiagonalMovement.Always},v={allowDiagonal:!1},h={debounceTime:200,nodePadding:10,gridRatio:10,lineType:"curve",lessCorners:!1},m=t.createContext(h),b=function(e){var t=e.children,n=e.options,o=void 0===n?h:n,i=o.debounceTime,a=void 0===i?200:i,u=o.nodePadding,d=void 0===u?10:u,l=o.gridRatio,s=void 0===l?10:l,c=o.lineType,y=void 0===c?"curve":c,f=o.lessCorners,g=void 0!==f&&f;return s=x(s,2),d=x(d,2),a=x(a),"curve"!==y&&"straight"!==y&&(y="curve"),r.createElement(m.Provider,{value:{debounceTime:a,nodePadding:d,gridRatio:s,lineType:y,lessCorners:g}},t)},p=function(){var e=t.useContext(m);if(void 0===e)throw new Error("useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider");if(void 0===e.debounceTime||void 0===e.gridRatio||void 0===e.nodePadding||void 0===e.lineType)throw new Error("Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider");return e},E=t.memo((function(e){var t=e.sourceX,n=e.sourceY,a=e.sourcePosition,x=e.targetX,h=e.targetY,m=e.targetPosition,b=e.arrowHeadType,E=e.markerEndId,,w=e.storeNodes,S=e.label,P=e.labelStyle,N=e.labelShowBg,T=e.labelBgStyle,R=e.labelBgPadding,A=e.labelBgBorderRadius,_=p(),B=_.gridRatio,j=_.lineType,C=_.lessCorners,O=function(e,t,r){void 0===t&&(t=2),void 0===r&&(r=2);var n=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,o=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,i=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,a=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,{var u,d,l=null==e?void 0:e.__rf,s=Math.max((null==l?void 0:l.width)||0,1),c=Math.max((null==l?void 0:l.height)||0,1),x=(null==l||null==(u=l.position)?void 0:u.x)||0,g=(null==l||null==(d=l.position)?void 0:d.y)||0,v={x:x-t,y:g-t},h={x:x-t,y:g+c+t},m={x:x+s+t,y:g-t},b={x:x+s+t,y:g+c+t};return r>0&&(v.x=y(v.x,r),v.y=y(v.y,r),h.x=y(h.x,r),h.y=f(h.y,r),m.x=f(m.x,r),m.y=y(m.y,r),b.x=f(b.x,r),b.y=f(b.y,r)),v.y<a&&(a=v.y),v.x<i&&(i=v.x),b.y>o&&(o=b.y),b.x>n&&(n=b.x),{,width:s,height:c,topLeft:v,bottomLeft:h,topRight:m,bottomRight:b}})),d=2*t;n=f(n+d,r),o=f(o+d,r),i=y(i-d,r),a=y(a-d,r);var l={x:i,y:a},s={x:i,y:o},c={x:n,y:a};return{nodes:u,graph:{topLeft:l,bottomLeft:s,topRight:c,bottomRight:{x:n,y:o},width:Math.abs(l.x-c.x),height:Math.abs(l.y-s.y),xMax:n,yMax:o,xMin:i,yMin:a}}}(w,_.nodePadding,B),I=O.graph,L={x:t,y:n,position:a},k={x:x,y:h,position:m},F=function(e,t,r,n,o){void 0===o&&(o=2);var a=e.xMin,s=e.yMin,y=e.height,x=f(e.width,o)/o+1,g=f(y,o)/o+1,v=new i.Grid(x,g);t.forEach((function(e){for(var t=l(e.topLeft,a,s,o),r=l(e.bottomRight,a,s,o),n=t.x;n<r.x;n++)for(var i=t.y;i<r.y;i++)v.setWalkableAt(n,i,!1)}));var h=l({x:c(r.x,o),y:c(r.y,o)},a,s,o),m=l({x:c(n.x,o),y:c(n.y,o)},a,s,o),b=v.getNodeAt(h.x,h.y);d(v,b,r.position);var p=v.getNodeAt(m.x,m.y);d(v,p,n.position);var E=u(b,r.position),M=u(p,n.position);return{grid:v,start:E,end:M}}(I,O.nodes,L,k,B),q=function(e,t,r,n){var o=new i.AStarFinder(n?v:g),a=[],u=[];try{a=o.findPath(t.x,t.y,r.x,r.y,e),u=i.Util.smoothenPath(e,a)}catch(e){}return{fullPath:a,smoothedPath:u}}(F.grid,F.start,F.end,C),G=q.fullPath,D=q.smoothedPath;if(D.length<=2)return r.createElement("curve"===j?o.BezierEdge:o.StraightEdge,Object.assign({},e));var{var t=s({x:e[0],y:e[1]},I.xMin,I.yMin,B);return[t.x,t.y]})),W="curve"===j?function(e,t,r){return function(e){for(var t=e[0],r=e[0],n="M"+r[0]+","+r[1]+"M",o=0;o<e.length;o++){var i=e[o],a=[(t[0]-(u=i[0]))/2+u,(t[1]-(d=i[1]))/2+d];n+=" "+a[0]+","+a[1],n+="Q"+i[0]+","+i[1],t=i}var u,d,l=e[e.length-1];return n+" "+l[0]+","+l[1]}([[e.x,e.y]].concat(r,[[t.x,t.y]]))}(L,k,X):function(e,t,r){var n="M "+e.x+", "+e.y+" ";return r.forEach((function(e){n+="L "+e[0]+", "+e[1]+" "})),n+="L "+t.x+", "+t.y+" "}(L,k,X),Y=G[Math.floor(G.length/2)],z=s({x:Y[0],y:Y[1]},I.xMin,I.yMin,B),H=S?r.createElement(o.EdgeText,{x:z.x,y:z.y,label:S,labelStyle:P,labelShowBg:N,labelBgStyle:T,labelBgPadding:R,labelBgBorderRadius:A}):null,Q=o.getMarkerEnd(b,E);return r.createElement(r.Fragment,null,r.createElement("path",{style:M,className:"react-flow__edge-path",d:W,markerEnd:Q}),H)})),M=t.memo((function(e){var i=o.useStoreState((function(e){return e.nodes})),u=p().debounceTime,d=t.useState(a({storeNodes:i},e)),l=d[0],s=d[1];return n((function(){s(a({storeNodes:i},e))}),u,[e,i]),r.createElement(E,Object.assign({},l))})),w=t.memo((function(e){var t=o.useStoreState((function(e){return e.nodes}));return r.createElement(E,Object.assign({storeNodes:t},e))})),S=t.memo((function(e){var n=t.useContext(m);return n?r.createElement(0===n.debounceTime?w:M,Object.assign({},e)):r.createElement(b,null,r.createElement(M,Object.assign({},e)),";")}));exports.SmartEdge=S,exports.SmartEdgeProvider=b,exports.default=S;
"use strict";function e(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"default"in e?e.default:e}Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var t=require("react"),r=e(t),n=require("react-flow-renderer"),o=e(require("react-use/lib/useDebounce"));require("tiny-warning");var i=require("pathfinding");function a(){return(a=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var r=arguments[t];for(var n in r),n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}var d=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.round(e/t)*t},u=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.floor(e/t)*t},l=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=10),Math.ceil(e/t)*t},s=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=0);var r=Math.max(Math.round(e),t);return(r=Number.isInteger(r)?r:t)>=t?r:t},c={debounceTime:200,nodePadding:10,gridRatio:10,lineType:"curve",lessCorners:!1},y=t.createContext(c),f=function(e){var t=e.children,n=e.options,o=void 0===n?c:n,i=o.debounceTime,a=void 0===i?200:i,d=o.nodePadding,u=void 0===d?10:d,l=o.gridRatio,f=void 0===l?10:l,g=o.lineType,x=void 0===g?"curve":g,v=o.lessCorners,h=void 0!==v&&v;return f=s(f,2),u=s(u,2),a=s(a),"curve"!==x&&"straight"!==x&&(x="curve"),r.createElement(y.Provider,{value:{debounceTime:a,nodePadding:u,gridRatio:f,lineType:x,lessCorners:h}},t)},g=function(){var e=t.useContext(y);if(void 0===e)throw new Error("useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider");if(void 0===e.debounceTime||void 0===e.gridRatio||void 0===e.nodePadding||void 0===e.lineType)throw new Error("Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider");return e},x=function(e,t){switch(t){case"top":return{x:e.x,y:e.y-1};case"bottom":return{x:e.x,y:e.y+1};case"left":return{x:e.x-1,y:e.y};case"right":return{x:e.x+1,y:e.y}}},v=function(e,t,r){for(var n=e.getNodeAt(t.x,t.y);!n.walkable;){e.setWalkableAt(n.x,n.y,!0);var o=x(n,r);n=e.getNodeAt(o.x,o.y)}},h=function(e,t,r,n){var o=e.x/n,i=e.y/n,a=t/n,d=r/n;if(a<1)for(;1!==a;)a++,o++;else if(a>1)for(;1!==a;)a--,o--;if(d<1)for(;1!==d;)d++,i++;else if(d>1)for(;1!==d;)d--,i--;return{x:o,y:i}},m=function(e,t,r,n){var o=e.x*n,i=e.y*n,a=t,d=r;if(a<n)for(;a!==n;)a+=n,o-=n;else if(a>n)for(;a!==n;)a-=n,o+=n;if(d<n)for(;d!==n;)d+=n,i-=n;else if(d>n)for(;d!==n;)d-=n,i+=n;return{x:o,y:i}},b={allowDiagonal:!0,dontCrossCorners:!0,diagonalMovement:i.DiagonalMovement.Always},p={allowDiagonal:!1},E=t.memo((function(e){var t=e.sourceX,o=e.sourceY,a=e.sourcePosition,s=e.targetX,c=e.targetY,y=e.targetPosition,f=e.arrowHeadType,E=e.markerEndId,,w=e.storeNodes,S=e.label,N=e.labelStyle,P=e.labelShowBg,R=e.labelBgStyle,T=e.labelBgPadding,A=e.labelBgBorderRadius,_=g(),B=_.gridRatio,j=_.lineType,C=_.lessCorners,O=function(e,t,r){void 0===t&&(t=2),void 0===r&&(r=2);var n=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,o=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,i=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,a=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,{var d,s,c=null==e?void 0:e.__rf,y=Math.max((null==c?void 0:c.width)||0,1),f=Math.max((null==c?void 0:c.height)||0,1),g=(null==c||null==(d=c.position)?void 0:d.x)||0,x=(null==c||null==(s=c.position)?void 0:s.y)||0,v={x:g-t,y:x-t},h={x:g-t,y:x+f+t},m={x:g+y+t,y:x-t},b={x:g+y+t,y:x+f+t};return r>0&&(v.x=u(v.x,r),v.y=u(v.y,r),h.x=u(h.x,r),h.y=l(h.y,r),m.x=l(m.x,r),m.y=u(m.y,r),b.x=l(b.x,r),b.y=l(b.y,r)),v.y<a&&(a=v.y),v.x<i&&(i=v.x),b.y>o&&(o=b.y),b.x>n&&(n=b.x),{,width:y,height:f,topLeft:v,bottomLeft:h,topRight:m,bottomRight:b}})),s=2*t;n=l(n+s,r),o=l(o+s,r),i=u(i-s,r),a=u(a-s,r);var c={x:i,y:a},y={x:i,y:o},f={x:n,y:a};return{nodes:d,graph:{topLeft:c,bottomLeft:y,topRight:f,bottomRight:{x:n,y:o},width:Math.abs(c.x-f.x),height:Math.abs(c.y-y.y),xMax:n,yMax:o,xMin:i,yMin:a}}}(w,_.nodePadding,B),I=O.graph,F={x:t,y:o,position:a},L={x:s,y:c,position:y},k=function(e,t,r,n,o){void 0===o&&(o=2);var a=e.xMin,u=e.yMin,s=e.height,c=l(e.width,o)/o+1,y=l(s,o)/o+1,f=new i.Grid(c,y);t.forEach((function(e){for(var t=h(e.topLeft,a,u,o),r=h(e.bottomRight,a,u,o),n=t.x;n<r.x;n++)for(var i=t.y;i<r.y;i++)f.setWalkableAt(n,i,!1)}));var g=h({x:d(r.x,o),y:d(r.y,o)},a,u,o),m=h({x:d(n.x,o),y:d(n.y,o)},a,u,o),b=f.getNodeAt(g.x,g.y);v(f,b,r.position);var p=f.getNodeAt(m.x,m.y);v(f,p,n.position);var E=x(b,r.position),M=x(p,n.position);return{grid:f,start:E,end:M}}(I,O.nodes,F,L,B),q=function(e,t,r,n){var o=new i.AStarFinder(n?p:b),a=[],d=[];try{a=o.findPath(t.x,t.y,r.x,r.y,e),d=i.Util.smoothenPath(e,a)}catch(e){}return{fullPath:a,smoothedPath:d}}(k.grid,k.start,k.end,C),G=q.fullPath,D=q.smoothedPath;if(D.length<=2)return r.createElement("curve"===j?n.BezierEdge:n.StraightEdge,Object.assign({},e));var{var t=m({x:e[0],y:e[1]},I.xMin,I.yMin,B);return[t.x,t.y]})),W="curve"===j?function(e,t,r){return function(e){for(var t=e[0],r=e[0],n="M"+r[0]+","+r[1]+"M",o=0;o<e.length;o++){var i=e[o],a=[(t[0]-(d=i[0]))/2+d,(t[1]-(u=i[1]))/2+u];n+=" "+a[0]+","+a[1],n+="Q"+i[0]+","+i[1],t=i}var d,u,l=e[e.length-1];return n+" "+l[0]+","+l[1]}([[e.x,e.y]].concat(r,[[t.x,t.y]]))}(F,L,X):function(e,t,r){var n="M "+e.x+", "+e.y+" ";return r.forEach((function(e){n+="L "+e[0]+", "+e[1]+" "})),n+="L "+t.x+", "+t.y+" "}(F,L,X),Y=G[Math.floor(G.length/2)],z=m({x:Y[0],y:Y[1]},I.xMin,I.yMin,B),H=S?r.createElement(n.EdgeText,{x:z.x,y:z.y,label:S,labelStyle:N,labelShowBg:P,labelBgStyle:R,labelBgPadding:T,labelBgBorderRadius:A}):null,Q=n.getMarkerEnd(f,E);return r.createElement(r.Fragment,null,r.createElement("path",{style:M,className:"react-flow__edge-path",d:W,markerEnd:Q}),H)})),M=t.memo((function(e){var i=n.useStoreState((function(e){return e.nodes})),d=g().debounceTime,u=t.useState(a({storeNodes:i},e)),l=u[0],s=u[1];return o((function(){s(a({storeNodes:i},e))}),d,[e,i]),r.createElement(E,Object.assign({},l))})),w=t.memo((function(e){var t=n.useStoreState((function(e){return e.nodes}));return r.createElement(E,Object.assign({storeNodes:t},e))}));w.displayName="RegularPathFindingEdge";var S=t.memo((function(e){var n=t.useContext(y);return n?r.createElement(0===n.debounceTime?w:M,Object.assign({},e)):r.createElement(f,null,r.createElement(M,Object.assign({},e)),";")}));S.displayName="SmartEdge",exports.SmartEdge=S,exports.SmartEdgeProvider=f,exports.default=S;
import React, { createContext, useContext, memo, useState } from 'react';
import { useStoreState, BezierEdge, StraightEdge, EdgeText, getMarkerEnd } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import useDebounce from 'react-use/lib/useDebounce';
import { useStoreState, BezierEdge, StraightEdge, EdgeText, getMarkerEnd } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import warning from 'tiny-warning';
import { Grid, AStarFinder, Util, DiagonalMovement } from 'pathfinding';
import warning from 'tiny-warning';

@@ -25,2 +25,91 @@ function _extends() {

var round = function round(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundDown = function roundDown(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundUp = function roundUp(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple;
var toInteger = function toInteger(value, min) {
if (min === void 0) {
min = 0;
var result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min);
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min;
result = result >= min ? result : min;
return result;
var defaultOptions = {
debounceTime: 200,
nodePadding: 10,
gridRatio: 10,
lineType: 'curve',
lessCorners: false
var SmartEdgeContext = /*#__PURE__*/createContext(defaultOptions);
var SmartEdgeProvider = function SmartEdgeProvider(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
_ref$options = _ref.options,
options = _ref$options === void 0 ? defaultOptions : _ref$options;
var _options$debounceTime = options.debounceTime,
debounceTime = _options$debounceTime === void 0 ? 200 : _options$debounceTime,
_options$nodePadding = options.nodePadding,
nodePadding = _options$nodePadding === void 0 ? 10 : _options$nodePadding,
_options$gridRatio = options.gridRatio,
gridRatio = _options$gridRatio === void 0 ? 10 : _options$gridRatio,
_options$lineType = options.lineType,
lineType = _options$lineType === void 0 ? 'curve' : _options$lineType;
var _options$lessCorners = options.lessCorners,
lessCorners = _options$lessCorners === void 0 ? false : _options$lessCorners; // Guarantee that all values are positive integers
gridRatio = toInteger(gridRatio, 2);
nodePadding = toInteger(nodePadding, 2);
debounceTime = toInteger(debounceTime); // Guarantee correct line type
if (lineType !== 'curve' && lineType !== 'straight') {
lineType = 'curve';
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? warning(debounceTime >= 30, 'A small debounce time on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') : void 0;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? warning(gridRatio >= 10, 'A small grid ratio on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') : void 0;
return React.createElement(SmartEdgeContext.Provider, {
value: {
debounceTime: debounceTime,
nodePadding: nodePadding,
gridRatio: gridRatio,
lineType: lineType,
lessCorners: lessCorners
}, children);
var useSmartEdge = function useSmartEdge() {
var context = useContext(SmartEdgeContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider');
if (context.debounceTime === undefined || context.gridRatio === undefined || context.nodePadding === undefined || context.lineType === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider');
return context;
var getNextPointFromPosition = function getNextPointFromPosition(point, position) {

@@ -165,34 +254,2 @@ switch (position) {

var round = function round(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundDown = function roundDown(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple;
var roundUp = function roundUp(x, multiple) {
if (multiple === void 0) {
multiple = 10;
return Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple;
var toInteger = function toInteger(value, min) {
if (min === void 0) {
min = 0;
var result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min);
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min;
result = result >= min ? result : min;
return result;
var createGrid = function createGrid(graph, nodes, source, target, gridRatio) {

@@ -352,2 +409,6 @@ if (gridRatio === void 0) {

/* eslint-disable
var rf = node == null ? void 0 : node.__rf;

@@ -360,2 +421,7 @@ var width = Math.max((rf == null ? void 0 : rf.width) || 0, 1);

/* eslint-enable
var topLeft = {

@@ -444,59 +510,2 @@ x: position.x - nodePadding,

var defaultOptions = {
debounceTime: 200,
nodePadding: 10,
gridRatio: 10,
lineType: 'curve',
lessCorners: false
var SmartEdgeContext = /*#__PURE__*/createContext(defaultOptions);
var SmartEdgeProvider = function SmartEdgeProvider(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
_ref$options = _ref.options,
options = _ref$options === void 0 ? defaultOptions : _ref$options;
var _options$debounceTime = options.debounceTime,
debounceTime = _options$debounceTime === void 0 ? 200 : _options$debounceTime,
_options$nodePadding = options.nodePadding,
nodePadding = _options$nodePadding === void 0 ? 10 : _options$nodePadding,
_options$gridRatio = options.gridRatio,
gridRatio = _options$gridRatio === void 0 ? 10 : _options$gridRatio,
_options$lineType = options.lineType,
lineType = _options$lineType === void 0 ? 'curve' : _options$lineType,
_options$lessCorners = options.lessCorners,
lessCorners = _options$lessCorners === void 0 ? false : _options$lessCorners; // Guarantee that all values are positive integers
gridRatio = toInteger(gridRatio, 2);
nodePadding = toInteger(nodePadding, 2);
debounceTime = toInteger(debounceTime); // Guarantee correct line type
if (lineType !== 'curve' && lineType !== 'straight') {
lineType = 'curve';
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? warning(debounceTime >= 30, 'A small debounce time on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') : void 0;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? warning(gridRatio >= 10, 'A small grid ratio on SmartEdge can cause performance issues on large graphs.') : void 0;
return React.createElement(SmartEdgeContext.Provider, {
value: {
debounceTime: debounceTime,
nodePadding: nodePadding,
gridRatio: gridRatio,
lineType: lineType,
lessCorners: lessCorners
}, children);
var useSmartEdge = function useSmartEdge() {
var context = useContext(SmartEdgeContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSmartEdge must be used within a SmartEdgeProvider');
if (context.debounceTime === undefined || context.gridRatio === undefined || context.nodePadding === undefined || context.lineType === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing options on SmartEdgeProvider');
return context;
var PathFindingEdge = /*#__PURE__*/memo(function (props) {

@@ -555,6 +564,6 @@ var sourceX = props.sourceX,

Fallback to BezierEdge if no path was found.
length = 0: no path was found
length = 1: starting and ending points are the same
length = 2: a single straight line from point A to point B
Fallback to BezierEdge if no path was found.
length = 0: no path was found
length = 1: starting and ending points are the same
length = 2: a single straight line from point A to point B

@@ -608,3 +617,3 @@

style: style,
className: "react-flow__edge-path",
className: 'react-flow__edge-path',
d: svgPathString,

@@ -643,2 +652,3 @@ markerEnd: markerEnd

RegularPathFindingEdge.displayName = 'RegularPathFindingEdge';
var SmartEdge = /*#__PURE__*/memo(function (props) {

@@ -657,2 +667,3 @@ var context = useContext(SmartEdgeContext);

SmartEdge.displayName = 'SmartEdge';

@@ -659,0 +670,0 @@ export default SmartEdge;

@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ import React from 'react';

export declare const SmartEdgeProvider: ({ children, options, }: ProviderProps) => JSX.Element;
export declare const SmartEdgeProvider: ({ children, options }: ProviderProps) => JSX.Element;
export declare const useSmartEdge: () => Required<SmartEdgeOptions>;
export {};
"name": "@tisoap/react-flow-smart-edge",
"version": "0.4.0",
"keywords": [
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Tiso Alvarez Puccinelli",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/react-flow-smart-edge.esm.js",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build": "tsdx build",
"build-storybook": "build-storybook",
"lint": "tsdx lint src test stories --fix",
"prepare": "tsdx build",
"release": "np",
"start": "tsdx watch",
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
"test": "tsdx test --passWithNoTests"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "tsdx lint"
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"trailingComma": "es5"
"dependencies": {
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"react-use": "17.3.1",
"tiny-warning": "1.0.3"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.16.0",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "6.4.9",
"@storybook/addon-info": "5.3.21",
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"@storybook/manager-webpack5": "6.4.9",
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"@storybook/theming": "6.4.9",
"@types/pathfinding": "0.0.5",
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"name": "@tisoap/react-flow-smart-edge",
"version": "0.4.1",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Tiso Alvarez Puccinelli",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/react-flow-smart-edge.esm.js",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build-storybook": "build-storybook",
"build": "tsdx build",
"deploy-storybook": "gh-pages -d storybook-static",
"lint": "tsdx lint src test stories --fix",
"predeploy": "npm run build-storybook",
"prepare": "tsdx build",
"start": "tsdx watch",
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
"test": "tsdx test --passWithNoTests"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "tsdx lint"
"dependencies": {
"pathfinding": "0.4.18",
"react-use": "17.3.1",
"tiny-warning": "1.0.3"
"devDependencies": {
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"react-flow-renderer": "^9"
"engines": {
"node": ">=12"

@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ # React Flow Smart Edge

## Example
## Examples
There is a minimum example in this repository [`example` folder]( Clone this repository and run `yarn; cd example; yarn; yarn start`.
You can see Storybook examples by visiting this page:
you can also see the Storybook examples or interact with the stories yourself by cloning this repository and running `yarn; yarn storybook`.
There's also is a minimum example in this repository [`example` folder]( Clone this repository and run `yarn; cd example; yarn; yarn start`.

@@ -123,0 +123,0 @@ ## License

@@ -1,79 +0,79 @@

import { Grid } from 'pathfinding';
import { Grid } from 'pathfinding'
import {
} from './guaranteeWalkablePath';
import { graphToGridPoint } from './pointConversion';
import { round, roundUp } from './utils';
import type { NodeBoundingBox, GraphBoundingBox } from './getBoundingBoxes';
import type { Position } from 'react-flow-renderer';
} from './guaranteeWalkablePath'
import { graphToGridPoint } from './pointConversion'
import { round, roundUp } from './utils'
import type { NodeBoundingBox, GraphBoundingBox } from './getBoundingBoxes'
import type { Position } from 'react-flow-renderer'
export type PointInfo = {
x: number;
y: number;
position: Position;
x: number
y: number
position: Position
export const createGrid = (
graph: GraphBoundingBox,
nodes: NodeBoundingBox[],
source: PointInfo,
target: PointInfo,
gridRatio = 2
graph: GraphBoundingBox,
nodes: NodeBoundingBox[],
source: PointInfo,
target: PointInfo,
gridRatio = 2
) => {
const { xMin, yMin, width, height } = graph;
const { xMin, yMin, width, height } = graph
// Create a grid representation of the graph box, where each cell is
// equivalent to 10x10 pixels (or the grid ratio) on the graph. We'll use
// this simplified grid to do pathfinding.
const mapColumns = roundUp(width, gridRatio) / gridRatio + 1;
const mapRows = roundUp(height, gridRatio) / gridRatio + 1;
const grid = new Grid(mapColumns, mapRows);
// Create a grid representation of the graph box, where each cell is
// equivalent to 10x10 pixels (or the grid ratio) on the graph. We'll use
// this simplified grid to do pathfinding.
const mapColumns = roundUp(width, gridRatio) / gridRatio + 1
const mapRows = roundUp(height, gridRatio) / gridRatio + 1
const grid = new Grid(mapColumns, mapRows)
// Update the grid representation with the space the nodes take up
nodes.forEach((node) => {
const nodeStart = graphToGridPoint(node.topLeft, xMin, yMin, gridRatio);
const nodeEnd = graphToGridPoint(node.bottomRight, xMin, yMin, gridRatio);
// Update the grid representation with the space the nodes take up
nodes.forEach((node) => {
const nodeStart = graphToGridPoint(node.topLeft, xMin, yMin, gridRatio)
const nodeEnd = graphToGridPoint(node.bottomRight, xMin, yMin, gridRatio)
for (let x = nodeStart.x; x < nodeEnd.x; x++) {
for (let y = nodeStart.y; y < nodeEnd.y; y++) {
grid.setWalkableAt(x, y, false);
for (let x = nodeStart.x; x < nodeEnd.x; x++) {
for (let y = nodeStart.y; y < nodeEnd.y; y++) {
grid.setWalkableAt(x, y, false)
// Convert the starting and ending graph points to grid points
const startGrid = graphToGridPoint(
x: round(source.x, gridRatio),
y: round(source.y, gridRatio),
// Convert the starting and ending graph points to grid points
const startGrid = graphToGridPoint(
x: round(source.x, gridRatio),
y: round(source.y, gridRatio)
const endGrid = graphToGridPoint(
x: round(target.x, gridRatio),
y: round(target.y, gridRatio),
const endGrid = graphToGridPoint(
x: round(target.x, gridRatio),
y: round(target.y, gridRatio)
// Guarantee a walkable path between the start and end points, even if the
// source or target where covered by another node or by padding
const startingNode = grid.getNodeAt(startGrid.x, startGrid.y);
guaranteeWalkablePath(grid, startingNode, source.position);
const endingNode = grid.getNodeAt(endGrid.x, endGrid.y);
guaranteeWalkablePath(grid, endingNode, target.position);
// Guarantee a walkable path between the start and end points, even if the
// source or target where covered by another node or by padding
const startingNode = grid.getNodeAt(startGrid.x, startGrid.y)
guaranteeWalkablePath(grid, startingNode, source.position)
const endingNode = grid.getNodeAt(endGrid.x, endGrid.y)
guaranteeWalkablePath(grid, endingNode, target.position)
// Use the next closest points as the start and end points, so
// pathfinding does not start too close to the nodes
const start = getNextPointFromPosition(startingNode, source.position);
const end = getNextPointFromPosition(endingNode, target.position);
// Use the next closest points as the start and end points, so
// pathfinding does not start too close to the nodes
const start = getNextPointFromPosition(startingNode, source.position)
const end = getNextPointFromPosition(endingNode, target.position)
return { grid, start, end };
return { grid, start, end }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer'

@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ /**

export const drawStraightLinePath = (
source: XYPosition,
target: XYPosition,
path: number[][]
source: XYPosition,
target: XYPosition,
path: number[][]
) => {
let svgPathString = `M ${source.x}, ${source.y} `;
let svgPathString = `M ${source.x}, ${source.y} `
path.forEach((point) => {
const [x, y] = point;
svgPathString += `L ${x}, ${y} `;
path.forEach((point) => {
const [x, y] = point
svgPathString += `L ${x}, ${y} `
svgPathString += `L ${target.x}, ${target.y} `;
svgPathString += `L ${target.x}, ${target.y} `
return svgPathString;
return svgPathString

@@ -28,37 +28,37 @@ /**

export const drawSmoothLinePath = (
source: XYPosition,
target: XYPosition,
path: number[][]
source: XYPosition,
target: XYPosition,
path: number[][]
) => {
const points = [[source.x, source.y], ...path, [target.x, target.y]];
return quadraticBezierCurve(points);
const points = [[source.x, source.y], ...path, [target.x, target.y]]
return quadraticBezierCurve(points)
const quadraticBezierCurve = (points: number[][]) => {
const X = 0;
const Y = 1;
let point = points[0];
const X = 0
const Y = 1
let point = points[0]
const first = points[0];
let svgPath = `M${first[X]},${first[Y]}M`;
const first = points[0]
let svgPath = `M${first[X]},${first[Y]}M`
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
const next = points[i];
const midPoint = getMidPoint(point[X], point[Y], next[X], next[Y]);
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
const next = points[i]
const midPoint = getMidPoint(point[X], point[Y], next[X], next[Y])
svgPath += ` ${midPoint[X]},${midPoint[Y]}`;
svgPath += `Q${next[X]},${next[Y]}`;
point = next;
svgPath += ` ${midPoint[X]},${midPoint[Y]}`
svgPath += `Q${next[X]},${next[Y]}`
point = next
const last = points[points.length - 1];
svgPath += ` ${last[0]},${last[1]}`;
const last = points[points.length - 1]
svgPath += ` ${last[0]},${last[1]}`
return svgPath;
return svgPath
const getMidPoint = (Ax: number, Ay: number, Bx: number, By: number) => {
const Zx = (Ax - Bx) / 2 + Bx;
const Zy = (Ay - By) / 2 + By;
return [Zx, Zy];
const Zx = (Ax - Bx) / 2 + Bx
const Zy = (Ay - By) / 2 + By
return [Zx, Zy]

@@ -1,50 +0,50 @@

import { AStarFinder, Util, DiagonalMovement } from 'pathfinding';
import type { Grid } from 'pathfinding';
import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import { AStarFinder, Util, DiagonalMovement } from 'pathfinding'
import type { Grid } from 'pathfinding'
import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer'
declare module 'pathfinding' {
interface FinderOptions extends Heuristic {
diagonalMovement?: DiagonalMovement;
weight?: number;
allowDiagonal?: boolean;
dontCrossCorners?: boolean;
interface FinderOptions extends Heuristic {
diagonalMovement?: DiagonalMovement
weight?: number
allowDiagonal?: boolean
dontCrossCorners?: boolean
const withDiagonalMovement = {
allowDiagonal: true,
dontCrossCorners: true,
diagonalMovement: DiagonalMovement.Always,
allowDiagonal: true,
dontCrossCorners: true,
diagonalMovement: DiagonalMovement.Always
const withStraightMovement = {
allowDiagonal: false,
allowDiagonal: false
export const generatePath = (
grid: Grid,
start: XYPosition,
end: XYPosition,
lessCorners: boolean
grid: Grid,
start: XYPosition,
end: XYPosition,
lessCorners: boolean
) => {
const finderOptions = lessCorners
? withStraightMovement
: withDiagonalMovement;
const finderOptions = lessCorners
? withStraightMovement
: withDiagonalMovement
const finder = new AStarFinder(finderOptions);
const finder = new AStarFinder(finderOptions)
let fullPath: number[][] = [];
let smoothedPath: number[][] = [];
let fullPath: number[][] = []
let smoothedPath: number[][] = []
try {
fullPath = finder.findPath(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, grid);
smoothedPath = Util.smoothenPath(grid, fullPath);
} catch {
// No path was found. This can happen if the end point is "surrounded"
// by other nodes, or if the starting and ending nodes are on top of
// each other.
try {
fullPath = finder.findPath(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, grid)
smoothedPath = Util.smoothenPath(grid, fullPath)
} catch {
// No path was found. This can happen if the end point is "surrounded"
// by other nodes, or if the starting and ending nodes are on top of
// each other.
return { fullPath, smoothedPath };
return { fullPath, smoothedPath }

@@ -1,26 +0,26 @@

import { roundUp, roundDown } from './utils';
import type { Node, XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import { roundUp, roundDown } from './utils'
import type { Node, XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer'
export type NodeBoundingBox = {
id: string;
width: number;
height: number;
topLeft: XYPosition;
bottomLeft: XYPosition;
topRight: XYPosition;
bottomRight: XYPosition;
id: string
width: number
height: number
topLeft: XYPosition
bottomLeft: XYPosition
topRight: XYPosition
bottomRight: XYPosition
export type GraphBoundingBox = {
width: number;
height: number;
topLeft: XYPosition;
bottomLeft: XYPosition;
topRight: XYPosition;
bottomRight: XYPosition;
xMax: number;
yMax: number;
xMin: number;
yMin: number;
width: number
height: number
topLeft: XYPosition
bottomLeft: XYPosition
topRight: XYPosition
bottomRight: XYPosition
xMax: number
yMax: number
xMin: number
yMin: number

@@ -37,108 +37,117 @@ /**

export const getBoundingBoxes = (
storeNodes: Node[],
nodePadding = 2,
roundTo = 2
storeNodes: Node[],
nodePadding = 2,
roundTo = 2
) => {
let xMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
let yMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
let xMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let yMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let xMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
let yMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
let xMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
let yMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const nodes: NodeBoundingBox[] = => {
const rf = node?.__rf;
const width = Math.max(rf?.width || 0, 1);
const height = Math.max(rf?.height || 0, 1);
const nodes: NodeBoundingBox[] = => {
/* eslint-disable
const rf = node?.__rf
const width = Math.max(rf?.width || 0, 1)
const height = Math.max(rf?.height || 0, 1)
const position: XYPosition = {
x: rf?.position?.x || 0,
y: rf?.position?.y || 0,
const topLeft: XYPosition = {
x: position.x - nodePadding,
y: position.y - nodePadding,
const bottomLeft: XYPosition = {
x: position.x - nodePadding,
y: position.y + height + nodePadding,
const topRight: XYPosition = {
x: position.x + width + nodePadding,
y: position.y - nodePadding,
const bottomRight: XYPosition = {
x: position.x + width + nodePadding,
y: position.y + height + nodePadding,
const position: XYPosition = {
x: rf?.position?.x || 0,
y: rf?.position?.y || 0
/* eslint-enable
if (roundTo > 0) {
topLeft.x = roundDown(topLeft.x, roundTo);
topLeft.y = roundDown(topLeft.y, roundTo);
bottomLeft.x = roundDown(bottomLeft.x, roundTo);
bottomLeft.y = roundUp(bottomLeft.y, roundTo);
topRight.x = roundUp(topRight.x, roundTo);
topRight.y = roundDown(topRight.y, roundTo);
bottomRight.x = roundUp(bottomRight.x, roundTo);
bottomRight.y = roundUp(bottomRight.y, roundTo);
const topLeft: XYPosition = {
x: position.x - nodePadding,
y: position.y - nodePadding
const bottomLeft: XYPosition = {
x: position.x - nodePadding,
y: position.y + height + nodePadding
const topRight: XYPosition = {
x: position.x + width + nodePadding,
y: position.y - nodePadding
const bottomRight: XYPosition = {
x: position.x + width + nodePadding,
y: position.y + height + nodePadding
if (topLeft.y < yMin) yMin = topLeft.y;
if (topLeft.x < xMin) xMin = topLeft.x;
if (bottomRight.y > yMax) yMax = bottomRight.y;
if (bottomRight.x > xMax) xMax = bottomRight.x;
if (roundTo > 0) {
topLeft.x = roundDown(topLeft.x, roundTo)
topLeft.y = roundDown(topLeft.y, roundTo)
bottomLeft.x = roundDown(bottomLeft.x, roundTo)
bottomLeft.y = roundUp(bottomLeft.y, roundTo)
topRight.x = roundUp(topRight.x, roundTo)
topRight.y = roundDown(topRight.y, roundTo)
bottomRight.x = roundUp(bottomRight.x, roundTo)
bottomRight.y = roundUp(bottomRight.y, roundTo)
return {
if (topLeft.y < yMin) yMin = topLeft.y
if (topLeft.x < xMin) xMin = topLeft.x
if (bottomRight.y > yMax) yMax = bottomRight.y
if (bottomRight.x > xMax) xMax = bottomRight.x
const graphPadding = nodePadding * 2;
return {
xMax = roundUp(xMax + graphPadding, roundTo);
yMax = roundUp(yMax + graphPadding, roundTo);
xMin = roundDown(xMin - graphPadding, roundTo);
yMin = roundDown(yMin - graphPadding, roundTo);
const graphPadding = nodePadding * 2
const topLeft: XYPosition = {
x: xMin,
y: yMin,
xMax = roundUp(xMax + graphPadding, roundTo)
yMax = roundUp(yMax + graphPadding, roundTo)
xMin = roundDown(xMin - graphPadding, roundTo)
yMin = roundDown(yMin - graphPadding, roundTo)
const bottomLeft: XYPosition = {
x: xMin,
y: yMax,
const topLeft: XYPosition = {
x: xMin,
y: yMin
const topRight: XYPosition = {
x: xMax,
y: yMin,
const bottomLeft: XYPosition = {
x: xMin,
y: yMax
const bottomRight: XYPosition = {
x: xMax,
y: yMax,
const topRight: XYPosition = {
x: xMax,
y: yMin
const width = Math.abs(topLeft.x - topRight.x);
const height = Math.abs(topLeft.y - bottomLeft.y);
const bottomRight: XYPosition = {
x: xMax,
y: yMax
const graph: GraphBoundingBox = {
const width = Math.abs(topLeft.x - topRight.x)
const height = Math.abs(topLeft.y - bottomLeft.y)
return { nodes, graph };
const graph: GraphBoundingBox = {
return { nodes, graph }

@@ -1,21 +0,21 @@

import type { Grid } from 'pathfinding';
import type { Position, XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import type { Grid } from 'pathfinding'
import type { Position, XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer'
type Direction = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
type Direction = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
export const getNextPointFromPosition = (
point: XYPosition,
position: Direction
point: XYPosition,
position: Direction
): XYPosition => {
switch (position) {
case 'top':
return { x: point.x, y: point.y - 1 };
case 'bottom':
return { x: point.x, y: point.y + 1 };
case 'left':
return { x: point.x - 1, y: point.y };
case 'right':
return { x: point.x + 1, y: point.y };
switch (position) {
case 'top':
return { x: point.x, y: point.y - 1 }
case 'bottom':
return { x: point.x, y: point.y + 1 }
case 'left':
return { x: point.x - 1, y: point.y }
case 'right':
return { x: point.x + 1, y: point.y }

@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ /**

export const guaranteeWalkablePath = (
grid: Grid,
point: XYPosition,
position: Position
grid: Grid,
point: XYPosition,
position: Position
) => {
let node = grid.getNodeAt(point.x, point.y);
while (!node.walkable) {
grid.setWalkableAt(node.x, node.y, true);
const next = getNextPointFromPosition(node, position);
node = grid.getNodeAt(next.x, next.y);
let node = grid.getNodeAt(point.x, point.y)
while (!node.walkable) {
grid.setWalkableAt(node.x, node.y, true)
const next = getNextPointFromPosition(node, position)
node = grid.getNodeAt(next.x, next.y)

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import type { XYPosition } from 'react-flow-renderer'

@@ -24,39 +24,39 @@ /**

export const graphToGridPoint = (
graphPoint: XYPosition,
smallestX: number,
smallestY: number,
gridRatio: number
graphPoint: XYPosition,
smallestX: number,
smallestY: number,
gridRatio: number
): XYPosition => {
let x = graphPoint.x / gridRatio;
let y = graphPoint.y / gridRatio;
let x = graphPoint.x / gridRatio
let y = graphPoint.y / gridRatio
let referenceX = smallestX / gridRatio;
let referenceY = smallestY / gridRatio;
let referenceX = smallestX / gridRatio
let referenceY = smallestY / gridRatio
if (referenceX < 1) {
while (referenceX !== 1) {
} else if (referenceX > 1) {
while (referenceX !== 1) {
if (referenceX < 1) {
while (referenceX !== 1) {
} else if (referenceX > 1) {
while (referenceX !== 1) {
if (referenceY < 1) {
while (referenceY !== 1) {
} else if (referenceY > 1) {
while (referenceY !== 1) {
if (referenceY < 1) {
while (referenceY !== 1) {
} else if (referenceY > 1) {
while (referenceY !== 1) {
return { x, y };
return { x, y }

@@ -68,38 +68,38 @@ /**

export const gridToGraphPoint = (
gridPoint: XYPosition,
smallestX: number,
smallestY: number,
gridRatio: number
gridPoint: XYPosition,
smallestX: number,
smallestY: number,
gridRatio: number
): XYPosition => {
let x = gridPoint.x * gridRatio;
let y = gridPoint.y * gridRatio;
let x = gridPoint.x * gridRatio
let y = gridPoint.y * gridRatio
let referenceX = smallestX;
let referenceY = smallestY;
let referenceX = smallestX
let referenceY = smallestY
if (referenceX < gridRatio) {
while (referenceX !== gridRatio) {
referenceX = referenceX + gridRatio;
x = x - gridRatio;
} else if (referenceX > gridRatio) {
while (referenceX !== gridRatio) {
referenceX = referenceX - gridRatio;
x = x + gridRatio;
if (referenceX < gridRatio) {
while (referenceX !== gridRatio) {
referenceX = referenceX + gridRatio
x = x - gridRatio
} else if (referenceX > gridRatio) {
while (referenceX !== gridRatio) {
referenceX = referenceX - gridRatio
x = x + gridRatio
if (referenceY < gridRatio) {
while (referenceY !== gridRatio) {
referenceY = referenceY + gridRatio;
y = y - gridRatio;
} else if (referenceY > gridRatio) {
while (referenceY !== gridRatio) {
referenceY = referenceY - gridRatio;
y = y + gridRatio;
if (referenceY < gridRatio) {
while (referenceY !== gridRatio) {
referenceY = referenceY + gridRatio
y = y - gridRatio
} else if (referenceY > gridRatio) {
while (referenceY !== gridRatio) {
referenceY = referenceY - gridRatio
y = y + gridRatio
return { x, y };
return { x, y }
export const round = (x: number, multiple = 10) =>
Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple;
Math.round(x / multiple) * multiple
export const roundDown = (x: number, multiple = 10) =>
Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple;
Math.floor(x / multiple) * multiple
export const roundUp = (x: number, multiple = 10) =>
Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple;
Math.ceil(x / multiple) * multiple
export const toInteger = (value: number, min = 0) => {
let result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min);
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min;
result = result >= min ? result : min;
return result;
let result = Math.max(Math.round(value), min)
result = Number.isInteger(result) ? result : min
result = result >= min ? result : min
return result

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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