- This module requires Node.js v10+ to run.
From NPM
npm install @tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl
yarn add @tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl
From Github
npm install github:TobyG74/tiktok-api-dl
Tiktok Downloader
- V1 uses the API from TiktokAPI
- V2 uses the API from SSSTik
- V3 uses the API from MusicalDown
const { TiktokDownloader } = require("@tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl")
const tiktok_url = ""
TiktokDownloader(tiktok_url, {
version: "v1"
}).then((result) => {
Tiktok Stalker
const { TiktokStalk } = require("@tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl")
const username = "tobz2k19"
TiktokStalk(username).then((result) => {
const { TiktokStalk } = require("@tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl")
const username = "tobz2k19"
TiktokStalk(username, {
cookie: process.env.COOKIE || "Your Cookie"
}).then((result) => {
Tiktok Downloader V1
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
id: string
createTime: number
description: string
duration?: string
hashtag: string[]
author: {
uid: string
username: string
nickname: string
signature: string
region: string
avatarLarger: string
avatarThumb: string
avatarMedium: string
url: string
statistics: {
playCount: number
downloadCount: number
shareCount: number
commentCount: number
likeCount: number
favoriteCount: number
forwardCount: number
whatsappShareCount: number
loseCount: number
loseCommentCount: number
video?: string[]
cover?: string[]
dynamicCover?: string[]
originCover: string[]
images?: string[]
music: {
id: number
title: string
author: string
album: string
playUrl: string[]
coverLarge: string[]
coverMedium: string[]
coverThumb: string[]
duration: number
Tiktok Downloader V2
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
description: string
author: {
nickname: string
avatr: string
statistics: {
likeCount: string
commentCount: string
shareCount: string
video?: string
images?: string[]
music: string
Tiktok Downloader V3
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
desc?: string
author: {
avatar?: string
nickname: string
music?: string
images?: string[]
video1?: string
video2?: string
video_hd?: string
video_watermark?: string
Tiktok Stalker
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
users: {
username: string
nickname: string
avatar: string
signature: string
verified: boolean
region: string
stats: {
followerCount: number
followingCount: number
heartCount: number
videoCount: number
likeCount: number