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@toeverything/y-indexeddb - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.8.0-canary.16 to 0.8.0-canary.17


import { openDB as b } from "idb";
import { applyUpdate as m, encodeStateVector as j, encodeStateVectorFromUpdate as $, encodeStateAsUpdate as P, mergeUpdates as v, diffUpdate as q, Doc as I, UndoManager as z } from "yjs";
const S = 1, y = "affine-local";
import { applyUpdate as m, encodeStateVector as x, encodeStateVectorFromUpdate as N, encodeStateAsUpdate as P, mergeUpdates as v, diffUpdate as _, Doc as W, UndoManager as G } from "yjs";
const E = 1, S = "affine-local";
function k(e) {
e.createObjectStore("workspace", { keyPath: "id" }), e.createObjectStore("milestone", { keyPath: "id" });
function L(e, o) {
if (e.guid === o)
function T(e, a) {
if (e.guid === a)
return e;
for (const a of e.subdocs) {
const t = L(a, o);
if (t)
return t;
for (const o of e.subdocs) {
const n = T(o, a);
if (n)
return n;
const F = (e, o, a = {}) => {
let t = !1;
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let u;
const { origin: i = "lazy-provider" } = a;
async function p(n) {
const d = n.guid, w = await o.queryDocState(d, {
stateVector: j(n)
const J = (e, a, o = {}) => {
let n = !1;
const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let l;
const { origin: d = "lazy-provider" } = o;
let u = {
type: "idle"
}, p = 0;
const y = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), f = (t) => {
t.type === "idle" && (p !== 0 && console.error("syncingStatus !== 0, this should not happen"), p = 0), t.type === "syncing" && p++, (t.type === "synced" || t.type === "error") && p--, p < 0 && console.error("syncingStatus < 0, this should not happen"), p === 0 && (u = t), t.type !== "synced" && (u = t), y.forEach((i) => i());
async function $(t) {
const i = t.guid;
type: "syncing"
r.set(d, []), w && m(n, w, i);
const g = w ? $(w) : void 0;
await o.sendDocUpdate(d, P(n, g));
const w = await a.queryDocState(i, {
stateVector: x(t)
}).catch((g) => {
throw f({
type: "error",
error: g
}), g;
type: "synced"
}), s.set(i, []), w && m(t, w, d);
const h = w ? N(w) : void 0;
n && await a.sendDocUpdate(i, P(t, h));
function l(n) {
const d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
s.set(n.guid, d);
const w = async (E, D) => {
i !== D && o.sendDocUpdate(n.guid, E).catch(console.error);
}, g = (E) => {
E.loaded.forEach((D) => {
}), E.removed.forEach((D) => {
function q(t) {
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
r.set(t.guid, i);
const w = async (g, D) => {
d !== D && (f({
type: "syncing"
}), a.sendDocUpdate(t.guid, g).then(() => {
type: "synced"
}).catch((V) => {
type: "error",
error: V
}), console.error(V);
}, h = (g) => {
g.loaded.forEach((D) => {
}), g.removed.forEach((D) => {
n.on("update", w), n.on("subdocs", g), d.add(() => {"update", w),"subdocs", g);
t.on("update", w), t.on("subdocs", h), i.add(() => {"update", w),"subdocs", h);
function h() {
u = o.onDocUpdate?.((n, d) => {
const w = L(e, n);
w ? (m(w, d, i), r.has(n) && (r.get(n)?.forEach((g) => m(w, g, i)), r.delete(n))) : (console.warn("idb: doc not found", n), r.set(n, (r.get(n) ?? []).concat(d)));
function I() {
l = a.onDocUpdate?.((t, i) => {
type: "syncing"
const w = T(e, t);
w ? (m(w, i, d), s.has(t) && (s.get(t)?.forEach((h) => m(w, h, d)), s.delete(t))) : (console.warn("idb: doc not found", t), s.set(t, (s.get(t) ?? []).concat(i))), f({
type: "synced"
async function f(n) {
c.has(n.guid) || (c.add(n.guid), l(n), await p(n), await Promise.all(
[...n.subdocs].filter((d) => d.shouldLoad).map((d) => f(d))
async function j(t) {
c.has(t.guid) || (c.add(t.guid), q(t), await $(t), await Promise.all(
[...t.subdocs].filter((i) => i.shouldLoad).map((i) => j(i))
function M(n) {
const d = s.get(n.guid);
d && (d.forEach((w) => w()), s.delete(n.guid)), n.subdocs.forEach(M);
function M(t) {
const i = r.get(t.guid);
i && (i.forEach((w) => w()), r.delete(t.guid)), t.subdocs.forEach(M);
function T() {
s.forEach((n) => {
n.forEach((d) => d());
}), s.clear(), c.clear();
function z() {
r.forEach((t) => {
t.forEach((i) => i());
}), r.clear(), c.clear();
function C() {
t = !0, f(e).catch(console.error), h();
function F() {
n = !0, f({
type: "syncing"
}), j(e).catch((t) => {
type: "error",
error: t
}), console.error(t);
}), f({
type: "synced"
}), I();
async function O() {
t = !1, T(), u?.(), u = void 0;
async function H() {
n = !1, f({
type: "idle"
}), z(), l?.(), l = void 0;
return {
get status() {
return u;
subscribeStatusChange(t) {
return y.add(t), () => {
get connected() {
return t;
return n;
passive: !0,
connect: C,
disconnect: O
connect: F,
disconnect: H
}, x = (e) => (e.preventDefault(), e.returnValue = "Data is not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?"), H = async (e) => {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", x, {
}, C = (e) => (e.preventDefault(), e.returnValue = "Data is not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?"), K = async (e) => {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", C, {
capture: !0
}), await e, window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", x, {
}), await e, window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", C, {
capture: !0
let B = 500;
function J(e) {
B = e;
function L(e, a = "val does not exist") {
if (e == null)
throw a instanceof Error ? a : new Error(a);
const N = ({
let O = 500;
function Z(e) {
O = e;
const Q = ({
dbName: e,
mergeCount: o
mergeCount: a
}) => {
const a = b(e, S, {
const o = b(e, E, {
upgrade: k

@@ -100,9 +156,9 @@ });

queryDocState: async (r, s) => {
queryDocState: async (s, r) => {
try {
const i = await (await a).transaction("workspace", "readonly").objectStore("workspace").get(r);
if (!i)
const d = await (await o).transaction("workspace", "readonly").objectStore("workspace").get(s);
if (!d)
return !1;
const { updates: p } = i, l = v({ update: f }) => f));
return s?.stateVector ? q(l, s?.stateVector) : l;
const { updates: u } = d, p = v({ update: f }) => f));
return r?.stateVector ? _(p, r?.stateVector) : p;
} catch (c) {

@@ -114,17 +170,17 @@ if (!c.message?.includes("The database connection is closing."))

sendDocUpdate: async (r, s) => {
sendDocUpdate: async (s, r) => {
try {
const u = (await a).transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace"), { updates: i } = await u.get(r) ?? { updates: [] };
let p = [
{ timestamp:, update: s }
const l = (await o).transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace"), { updates: d } = await l.get(s) ?? { updates: [] };
let u = [
{ timestamp:, update: r }
if (o && p.length >= o) {
const l = v({ update: h }) => h));
p = [{ timestamp:, update: l }];
if (a && u.length >= a) {
const p = v({ update: y }) => y));
u = [{ timestamp:, update: p }];
await H(
id: r,
updates: p
await K(
id: s,
updates: u

@@ -139,54 +195,60 @@ );

disconnect: () => {
a.then((r) => r.close()).catch(console.error);
o.then((s) => s.close()).catch(console.error);
cleanup: async () => {
await (await a).clear("workspace");
await (await o).clear("workspace");
}, K = (e, o = y) => {
let a = null, t = null;
const r = {
}, ee = (e, a = S) => {
let o = null, n = null;
const s = {
get status() {
return L(n), n.status;
subscribeStatusChange(r) {
return L(n), n.subscribeStatusChange(r);
connect: () => {
r.connected && r.disconnect(), a = N({ dbName: o, mergeCount: B }), t = F(e, a, { origin: "idb" }), t.connect();
s.connected && s.disconnect(), o = Q({ dbName: a, mergeCount: O }), n = J(e, o, { origin: "idb" }), n.connect();
disconnect: () => {
a?.disconnect(), t?.disconnect(), a = null, t = null;
o?.disconnect(), n?.disconnect(), o = null, n = null;
cleanup: async () => {
await a?.cleanup();
await o?.cleanup();
get connected() {
return t?.connected || !1;
return n?.connected || !1;
return r;
return s;
let U;
async function _(e) {
return new Promise((o) => {
const a =;
let t = !0;
a.onsuccess = function() {
a.result.close(), t || indexedDB.deleteDatabase(e), o(t);
}, a.onupgradeneeded = function() {
t = !1;
async function R(e) {
return new Promise((a) => {
const o =;
let n = !0;
o.onsuccess = function() {
o.result.close(), n || indexedDB.deleteDatabase(e), a(n);
}, o.onupgradeneeded = function() {
n = !1;
async function Q(e, o, a = y) {
async function te(e, a, o = S) {
if (!U || localStorage.getItem(`${a}-migration`) !== "true") {
if (!U || localStorage.getItem(`${o}-migration`) !== "true") {
try {
U = await indexedDB.databases();
} catch {
if (await _(o)) {
await b(o, 1).then(async (t) => {
if (!t.objectStoreNames.contains("updates"))
if (await R(a)) {
await b(a, 1).then(async (n) => {
if (!n.objectStoreNames.contains("updates"))
const s = await t.transaction("updates", "readonly").objectStore("updates").getAll();
if (!Array.isArray(s) || !s.every((p) => p instanceof Uint8Array))
const r = await n.transaction("updates", "readonly").objectStore("updates").getAll();
if (!Array.isArray(r) || !r.every((u) => u instanceof Uint8Array))
const c = v(s), u = e.transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace");
await u.get(o) || (console.log("upgrading the database"), await u.put({
id: o,
const c = v(r), l = e.transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace");
await l.get(a) || (console.log("upgrading the database"), await l.put({
id: a,
updates: [

@@ -204,19 +266,19 @@ {

await Promise.all(
U && => {
if ( && t.version === 1) {
const r =, s = t.version;
return b(r, s).then(
U && => {
if ( && n.version === 1) {
const s =, r = n.version;
return b(s, r).then(
async (c) => {
if (!c.objectStoreNames.contains("updates"))
const i = await c.transaction("updates", "readonly").objectStore("updates").getAll();
if (!Array.isArray(i) || !i.every((f) => f instanceof Uint8Array))
const d = await c.transaction("updates", "readonly").objectStore("updates").getAll();
if (!Array.isArray(d) || !d.every((f) => f instanceof Uint8Array))
const p = v(i), l = e.transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace");
await l.get(r) || (console.log("upgrading the database"), await l.put({
id: r,
const u = v(d), p = e.transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace");
await p.get(s) || (console.log("upgrading the database"), await p.put({
id: s,
updates: [
update: p
update: u

@@ -229,3 +291,3 @@ ]

), localStorage.setItem(`${a}-migration`, "true");
), localStorage.setItem(`${o}-migration`, "true");

@@ -235,10 +297,10 @@ }

async function R(e, o = y) {
const s = await (await b(o, S, {
async function ne(e, a = S) {
const r = await (await b(a, E, {
upgrade: k
})).transaction("workspace", "readonly").objectStore("workspace").get(e);
return s ? v({ update: c }) => c)) : !1;
return r ? v({ update: c }) => c)) : !1;
async function X(e, o, a = y) {
await (await b(a, S, {
async function ae(e, a, o = S) {
await (await b(o, E, {
upgrade: k

@@ -250,3 +312,3 @@ })).transaction("workspace", "readwrite").objectStore("workspace").put({

update: o
update: a

@@ -256,24 +318,24 @@ ]

const A = "snapshot-origin", V = (e) => (e.preventDefault(), e.returnValue = "Data is not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?"), Y = async (e) => {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", V, {
const A = "snapshot-origin", B = (e) => (e.preventDefault(), e.returnValue = "Data is not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?"), oe = async (e) => {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", B, {
capture: !0
}), await e, window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", V, {
}), await e, window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", B, {
capture: !0
function Z(e, o, a) {
const t = new I();
m(t, o, A);
const r = j(e), s = j(t), c = P(
function se(e, a, o) {
const n = new W();
m(n, a, A);
const s = x(e), r = x(n), c = P(
), u = new z(
[...t.share.keys()].map((p) => {
const l = a(p);
if (l === "Text")
return t.getText(p);
if (l === "Map")
return t.getMap(p);
if (l === "Array")
return t.getArray(p);
), l = new G(
[...n.share.keys()].map((u) => {
const p = o(u);
if (p === "Text")
return n.getText(u);
if (p === "Map")
return n.getMap(u);
if (p === "Array")
return n.getArray(u);
throw new Error("Unknown type");

@@ -285,10 +347,10 @@ }),

m(t, c, A), u.undo();
const i = P(
m(n, c, A), l.undo();
const d = P(
m(e, i, A);
m(e, d, A);
class ee extends Error {
class re extends Error {
constructor() {

@@ -298,3 +360,3 @@ super("Early disconnect");

class te extends Error {
class ce extends Error {
constructor() {

@@ -304,34 +366,34 @@ super("Cleanup when connecting");

const ne = async (e, o, a, t = y) => {
const c = (await b(t, S, {
const ie = async (e, a, o, n = S) => {
const c = (await b(n, E, {
upgrade: k
})).transaction("milestone", "readwrite").objectStore("milestone"), u = await c.get("id"), i = P(o);
u ? (u.milestone[a] = i, await c.put(u)) : await c.put({
})).transaction("milestone", "readwrite").objectStore("milestone"), l = await c.get("id"), d = P(a);
l ? (l.milestone[o] = d, await c.put(l)) : await c.put({
id: e,
milestone: {
[a]: i
[o]: d
}, ae = async (e, o = y) => {
const s = await (await b(o, S, {
}, de = async (e, a = S) => {
const r = await (await b(a, E, {
upgrade: k
})).transaction("milestone", "readonly").objectStore("milestone").get(e);
return s ? s.milestone : null;
return r ? r.milestone : null;
export {
te as CleanupWhenConnectingError,
ee as EarlyDisconnectError,
K as createIndexedDBProvider,
S as dbVersion,
R as downloadBinary,
ae as getMilestones,
ne as markMilestone,
X as overwriteBinary,
Z as revertUpdate,
J as setMergeCount,
Q as tryMigrate,
ce as CleanupWhenConnectingError,
re as EarlyDisconnectError,
ee as createIndexedDBProvider,
E as dbVersion,
ne as downloadBinary,
de as getMilestones,
ie as markMilestone,
ae as overwriteBinary,
se as revertUpdate,
Z as setMergeCount,
te as tryMigrate,
k as upgradeDB,
Y as writeOperation
oe as writeOperation
"name": "@toeverything/y-indexeddb",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.8.0-canary.16",
"version": "0.8.0-canary.17",
"description": "IndexedDB database adapter for Yjs",

@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ "repository": "toeverything/AFFiNE",

"@affine/y-provider": "workspace:*",
"@blocksuite/blocks": "0.0.0-20230810005427-25adb757-nightly",
"@blocksuite/store": "0.0.0-20230810005427-25adb757-nightly",
"@blocksuite/blocks": "0.0.0-20230810154852-8a8eccea-nightly",
"@blocksuite/store": "0.0.0-20230810154852-8a8eccea-nightly",
"vite": "^4.4.9",

@@ -44,0 +44,0 @@ "vite-plugin-dts": "3.5.1",

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { StatusAdapter } from '@affine/y-provider';
import type { DBSchema, IDBPDatabase } from 'idb';

@@ -5,3 +6,3 @@ export declare const dbVersion = 1;

export declare function upgradeDB(db: IDBPDatabase<BlockSuiteBinaryDB>): void;
export interface IndexedDBProvider {
export interface IndexedDBProvider extends StatusAdapter {
connect: () => void;

@@ -8,0 +9,0 @@ disconnect: () => void;

"name": "@toeverything/y-indexeddb",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.8.0-canary.16",
"version": "0.8.0-canary.17",
"description": "IndexedDB database adapter for Yjs",

@@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ "repository": "toeverything/AFFiNE",

"devDependencies": {
"@affine/y-provider": "0.8.0-canary.16",
"@blocksuite/blocks": "0.0.0-20230810005427-25adb757-nightly",
"@blocksuite/store": "0.0.0-20230810005427-25adb757-nightly",
"@affine/y-provider": "0.8.0-canary.17",
"@blocksuite/blocks": "0.0.0-20230810154852-8a8eccea-nightly",
"@blocksuite/store": "0.0.0-20230810154852-8a8eccea-nightly",
"vite": "^4.4.9",

@@ -48,0 +48,0 @@ "vite-plugin-dts": "3.5.1",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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