BitGo-utxo with Komodo Antara (Cryptoconditions) Support
A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. Written in javascript with the cryptoconditions (cc) library written in rust and built as a wasm module.
This javascript library allows to develop nSPV clients using Antara (CC) technology.
More info: Antara Development Docs
Released under the terms of the MIT LICENSE.
- You need installed:
- If you are going to use this lib in browser you also need:
- browserify package
- a webserver app (for example, webpack dev server)
- a wsproxy app (for example, webcoin-bridge)
- You'll need a komodo asset chain to run bitgo lib against.
Using npm
npm i @tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib
Manual installation
Clone this git repository go to the new dir and checkout development
Install the bitgo-komodo-cc-lib dependency packages, inside the repo dir run:
npm install
Basic API (WIP)
First you need to connect to peers to start making requests.
const {
} = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const params = {
network: networks.tkltest,
defaultPort: 22024,
staticPeers: ['', ''],
protocolVersion: 170009,
messages: kmdMessages ? kmdMessages.kmdMessages : [],
const opts = {
numPeers: 8,
wsOpts: { rejectUnauthorized: false }, // enable self-signed certificates
const peers = new NspvPeerGroup(params, opts);
peers.on('error', e => {
this.peers.connect(err => {
if (err) {
console.log('err', err);
- Receives any string(WIF/seed phrase) and returns WIF.
- Generates a bip39 mnemonic seed phrase, specify strength 128 or 256 as a parameter.
general.makeNormalTx(wif, destaddress, amount, network, peers)
- creates and signs transaction locally
CC Utils
getNormalUtxos(peers, address, skipCount, maxrecords)
- get normal (non-CC) utxos from an address
getCCUtxos(peers, address, skipCount, maxrecords)
- get CC utxos from an address
getTxids(peers, address, isCC, skipCount, maxrecords)
- returns txos (tx outputs bith spent and unspent) for an address
createTxAndAddNormalInputs(peers, mypk, amount)
- create a tx and adds normal inputs for equal or more than the amount param
- makes komodo normal address from a pubkey
getRawTransaction(peers, mypk, txid)
- Get transaction both in hex and decoded
getTransactionsMany(peers, mypk, args)
- Get many transactions (in hex), args - JSON array of txids
getTransactionsManyDecoded(peers, mypk, args)
- Get many transactions decoded with extra info on inputs and outputs, args - JSON array of txids
const { ccutils } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const uniqueIds = [
Response sample
"txid": "69449770e102a1e1fd907900034f47146cbbf3a682a24fa7b088b9e408e951b9",
"ins": [
"hash": Buffer,
"index": 0,
"script": Buffer,
"sequence": 4294967295,
"witness": [],
"txid": "e932fdacaa16906e1ad70c4bfe52779094c565cec52c69b3182cbe081cf9f94b",
"tx": {
"value": 600000000,
"script": Buffer,
"address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
"hash": Buffer,
"index": 0,
"script": Buffer,
"sequence": 4294967295,
"witness": [],
"txid": "19f0ec147502bdd012d89f471d8a175ea7e689611faaefe26a9eba3d4375b70f",
"tx": {
"value": 300000000,
"script": Buffer,
"address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
"hash": Buffer,
"index": 0,
"script": Buffer,
"sequence": 4294967295,
"witness": [],
"txid": "2a145529738c82be0516b3dd6c4229d1a98b946dd6b80f0152da7dcbed0d9f21",
"tx": {
"value": 150000000,
"script": Buffer,
"address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
"outs": [
"value": 1000000000,
"script": Buffer,
"address": "RAAF8xJ7Ya9hferR3ibtQDJHBFCXY4CSJE",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 09a7c48f0db7e8b54bf4494c01ed66b99f3216a6 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
"value": 49990000,
"script": Buffer,
"address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
CC Tokens
CC Tokens Tokel
Advanced API
In the samples folder are included a several examples of CC usage.
- faucet.js - example of how to create cc faucet and get transactions.
- normaltx.js - example of how to conduct chain transactions
- tokens.js - example of how to run tokensv2 cc functions
- tokenstokel.js - example of how to run tokensv2tokel cc functions
To test this you need a komodod chain with cc modules enabled (Note about the correct komodod repo with an nspv patch, see below)
Build test app to run in nodejs
Build the cryptoconditions wasm module:
Setup the rust nightly build to build cryptoconditions:
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
Change to cryptoconditions-js directory and build the cryptoconditions wasm module for nodejs target:
cd ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js
wasm-pack build -t nodejs
Run the testapp in nodejs:
node ./ccfaucetpoc.js
How to use the test app in the browser:
To run the test app in the browser you will need a webserver to host an html sample page and the test app ccfaucetpocbr.js.
Also you need a websocket proxy to convert websockets into nspv p2p protocol.
Setting up a web server
I use the webpack dev server running in nodejs.
To setup a webpack sample config make a dir like 'webpack' and create inside it two files with the following content:
"scripts": {
"serve": "webpack-dev-server"
"dependencies": {
"cryptoconditions-js": "git+"
"devDependencies": {
"webpack": "^4.44.2",
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.12",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.0"
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: "./ccfaucetpocbr.js",
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "ccfaucetpocbr-bundle.js",
library: 'myLibrary'
mode: "development",
//to serve from any external address (do not add this devServer config to serve only locally):
devServer: {
port: 8080,
host: ''
(Both those package.json and webpack.config.js files may be found in webpack-test subdir of bitgo-komodo-cc-lib dir)
Inside the webpack dir run:
npm install
(ignore printed errors)
Set again the nightly rust version for this repo:
rustup default nightly
Change to ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js subdir and run the following command to build cryptconditions lib wasm for browserify.
cd ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js
wasm-pack build
Now go to bitgo-komodo-cc-lib repo dir.
Rebuild sources and build the test app for browser:
npm run build
browserify ./samples/ccfaucetpoc.js --standalone faucet -o ccfaucetpocbr.js
Copy created ccfaucetpocbr.js into your webpack dir.
Copy the example of an index.html page from the webpack-test dir to your webpack dir.
Inside your webpack dir run the web server with a command:
npm run serve
The web server should be available at http://localhost:8080 url (if you installed the webpack on the same PC).
Use the correct komodod version
The last thing is to make sure you run a komodod version with an extension to nSPV getutxos call (it should additionally return script for each utxo).
Use this komodod branch for this:
I recommed to run komodod with -debug=net to easily discover wrong magic errors and observe communication dynamic. Basically komodod should print ver/verack and ping/pong exchanges in the debug.log, if connection is okay
What should happen in the test
When you run the chain, webpack and webcoin-bridge, you might go to the test page url in browser (http://localhost:8080).
It allows first to connect to a peer and then create cc faucet transactions.
Info about new and updated packages
Some dependent packages were modified to add support for komodo:
Links to these packages in package.json are updated to load them from forked github repositories (see package.json).
Also added a new package cryptoconditions-js link that currently is loaded from a github repo.
Original Bitgo-utxo-lib readme
Read the original readme here.