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@trackunit/ui-design-tokens - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.44 to 0.0.45



export * from "./tokens/chartColorsDefault";
export * from "./tokens/colors";
export * from "./tokens/colors/index";
export * from "./tokens/elevation";
export * from "./tokens/getHEX";
export * from "./tokens/getValues";
export * from "./tokens/mediaQuery";
export * from "./tokens/size";
export * from "./tokens/tokens";
export * from "./tokens/typography";
export * from "./tokens/zIndex";

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

import { generateMedia } from 'styled-media-query';
const DEFAULT_CHART_COLORS = ["#2580C7", "#36A2DA", "#3FBCEA", "#06708D", "#01B7A9", "#A2DEDA", "#F9E9A0", "#FDD008", "#FBB385", "#FF7373", "#E6BCF3", "#9D96F5", "#8378EA", "#96BFFF", "#979A9A", "#0065E5", "#FF5A5A", "#00A658", "#5AC8fA", "#5E5CE6", "#2066FF", "#FF9500"];

@@ -8,112 +6,16 @@ const getReorderedChartColors = () => [// re-ordered to make the first ones more visually different

* The values assigned are loosely based on the hue/neutral's
* respective relative luminance, where 0% is black and 100% is white.
* However, it is slightly adjusted to be in reverse, where X0 will
* always represent the lightest version, while X100 will present the
* darkest version of a hue/neutral.
* Convert a css custom property from our design tokens to a useable css string.
* Our custom properties are saved as "rrr ggg bbb" rather than a full css color.
* This allows us to modify them with opacity values and more.
* @param variable CSS custom property for color
* @returns Full css for using the color
* @example "--color-primart-400" --> "rgb(var(--color-primary-400) / var(--tw-bg-opacity)))"
function getColorValue(variable) {
function colorVariableToCss(variable) {
return `rgb(var(${variable}) / var(--tw-bg-opacity))`;
const black = "#1a1b1c";
const white = "#fff";
const neutral = {
N5: getColorValue("--color-neutral-50"),
N10: getColorValue("--color-neutral-100"),
N20: getColorValue("--color-neutral-200"),
N30: getColorValue("--color-neutral-300"),
N40: getColorValue("--color-neutral-400"),
N50: getColorValue("--color-neutral-500"),
N60: getColorValue("--color-neutral-600"),
N70: getColorValue("--color-neutral-700"),
N80: getColorValue("--color-neutral-800"),
N90: getColorValue("--color-neutral-900")
const blue = {
B5: getColorValue("--color-blue-50"),
B10: getColorValue("--color-blue-100"),
B20: getColorValue("--color-blue-200"),
B30: getColorValue("--color-blue-300"),
B40: getColorValue("--color-blue-400"),
B50: getColorValue("--color-blue-500"),
B60: getColorValue("--color-blue-600"),
B70: getColorValue("--color-blue-700"),
B80: getColorValue("--color-blue-800"),
B90: getColorValue("--color-blue-900")
const green = {
G5: getColorValue("--color-green-50"),
G10: getColorValue("--color-green-100"),
G20: getColorValue("--color-green-200"),
G30: getColorValue("--color-green-300"),
G40: getColorValue("--color-green-400"),
G50: getColorValue("--color-green-500"),
G60: getColorValue("--color-green-600"),
G70: getColorValue("--color-green-700"),
G80: getColorValue("--color-green-800"),
G90: getColorValue("--color-green-900")
const red = {
R5: getColorValue("--color-red-50"),
R10: getColorValue("--color-red-100"),
R20: getColorValue("--color-red-200"),
R30: getColorValue("--color-red-300"),
R40: getColorValue("--color-red-400"),
R50: getColorValue("--color-red-500"),
R60: getColorValue("--color-red-600"),
R70: getColorValue("--color-red-700"),
R80: getColorValue("--color-red-800"),
R90: getColorValue("--color-red-900")
const orange = {
O5: getColorValue("--color-amber-50"),
O10: getColorValue("--color-amber-100"),
O20: getColorValue("--color-amber-200"),
O30: getColorValue("--color-amber-300"),
O40: getColorValue("--color-amber-400"),
O50: getColorValue("--color-amber-500"),
O60: getColorValue("--color-amber-600"),
O70: getColorValue("--color-amber-700"),
O80: getColorValue("--color-amber-800"),
O90: getColorValue("--color-amber-900")
const purple = {
P5: getColorValue("--color-violet-50"),
P10: getColorValue("--color-violet-100"),
P20: getColorValue("--color-violet-200"),
P30: getColorValue("--color-violet-300"),
P40: getColorValue("--color-violet-400"),
P50: getColorValue("--color-violet-500"),
P60: getColorValue("--color-violet-600"),
P70: getColorValue("--color-violet-700"),
P80: getColorValue("--color-violet-800"),
P90: getColorValue("--color-violet-900")
const utilization = {
working: "#2EC5E9",
moving: "#E690B1",
idling: "#FDDD0E",
stopped: "#6577DB",
active: "#3FDB93",
operating: "#65ACDB"
const colors = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, neutral), blue), green), red), orange), purple), {
* Elevation is based on N100 with an alpha channel. E(X)A variants
* are for active versions(e.g. hover).
const elevation = {
E05: "var(--box-shadow-sm)",
E10: "var(--box-shadow-DEFAULT)",
E10A: "var(--box-shadow-md)",
E20: "var(--box-shadow-lg)",
E30: "var(--box-shadow-xl)",
E40: "var(--box-shadow-2xl)"
function componentToHex(c) {

@@ -139,3 +41,3 @@ if (c === null || c === undefined) {

* Example: getHEX(theme.colors.B50) -> #3b82f6
* Example: color("PRIMARY", 500, "HEX") -> #3b82f6

@@ -159,90 +61,554 @@ * @param variable A color from the `colors` object of the Theme

* Reads the value of the CSS custom Property connected to the design torken.
* ATTENTION: For colors use getHEX
* The Tailwind color palette.
* Contains the full tailwind default color theme.
function getValuesFromDesignToken(designToken) {
var _a;
const tailwindPalette = {
slate: {
50: "248 250 252",
100: "241 245 249",
200: "226 232 240",
300: "203 213 225",
400: "148 163 184",
500: "100 116 139",
600: "71 85 105",
700: "51 65 85",
800: "30 41 59",
900: "15 23 42"
gray: {
50: "249 250 251",
100: "243 244 246",
200: "229 231 235",
300: "209 213 219",
400: "156 163 175",
500: "107 114 128",
600: "75 85 99",
700: "55 65 81",
800: "31 41 55",
900: "17 24 39"
zinc: {
50: "250 250 250",
100: "244 244 245",
200: "228 228 231",
300: "212 212 216",
400: "161 161 170",
500: "113 113 122",
600: "82 82 91",
700: "63 63 70",
800: "39 39 42",
900: "24 24 27"
neutral: {
50: "250 250 250",
100: "245 245 245",
200: "229 229 229",
300: "212 212 212",
400: "163 163 163",
500: "115 115 115",
600: "82 82 82",
700: "64 64 64",
800: "38 38 38",
900: "23 23 23"
stone: {
50: "250 250 249",
100: "245 245 244",
200: "231 229 228",
300: "214 211 209",
400: "168 162 158",
500: "120 113 108",
600: "87 83 78",
700: "68 64 60",
800: "41 37 36",
900: "28 25 23"
red: {
50: "254 242 242",
100: "254 226 226",
200: "254 202 202",
300: "252 165 165",
400: "248 113 113",
500: "239 68 68",
600: "220 38 38",
700: "185 28 28",
800: "153 27 27",
900: "127 29 29"
orange: {
50: "255 247 237",
100: "255 237 213",
200: "254 215 170",
300: "253 186 116",
400: "251 146 60",
500: "249 115 22",
600: "234 88 12",
700: "194 65 12",
800: "154 52 18",
900: "124 45 18"
amber: {
50: "255 251 235",
100: "254 243 199",
200: "253 230 138",
300: "252 211 77",
400: "251 191 36",
500: "245 158 11",
600: "217 119 6",
700: "180 83 9",
800: "146 64 14",
900: "120 53 15"
yellow: {
50: "254 252 232",
100: "254 249 195",
200: "254 240 138",
300: "253 224 71",
400: "250 204 21",
500: "234 179 8",
600: "202 138 4",
700: "161 98 7",
800: "133 77 14",
900: "113 63 18"
lime: {
50: "247 254 231",
100: "236 252 203",
200: "217 249 157",
300: "190 242 100",
400: "163 230 53",
500: "132 204 22",
600: "101 163 13",
700: "77 124 15",
800: "63 98 18",
900: "54 83 20"
green: {
50: "240 253 244",
100: "220 252 231",
200: "187 247 208",
300: "134 239 172",
400: "74 222 128",
500: "34 197 94",
600: "22 163 74",
700: "21 128 61",
800: "22 101 52",
900: "20 83 45"
emerald: {
50: "236 253 245",
100: "209 250 229",
200: "167 243 208",
300: "110 231 183",
400: "52 211 153",
500: "16 185 129",
600: "5 150 105",
700: "4 120 87",
800: "6 95 70",
900: "6 78 59"
teal: {
50: "240 253 250",
100: "204 251 241",
200: "153 246 228",
300: "94 234 212",
400: "45 212 191",
500: "20 184 166",
600: "13 148 136",
700: "15 118 110",
800: "17 94 89",
900: "19 78 74"
cyan: {
50: "236 254 255",
100: "207 250 254",
200: "165 243 252",
300: "103 232 249",
400: "34 211 238",
500: "6 182 212",
600: "8 145 178",
700: "14 116 144",
800: "21 94 117",
900: "22 78 99"
sky: {
50: "240 249 255",
100: "224 242 254",
200: "186 230 253",
300: "125 211 252",
400: "56 189 248",
500: "14 165 233",
600: "2 132 199",
700: "3 105 161",
800: "7 89 133",
900: "12 74 110"
blue: {
50: "239 246 255",
100: "219 234 254",
200: "191 219 254",
300: "147 197 253",
400: "96 165 250",
500: "59 130 246",
600: "37 99 235",
700: "29 78 216",
800: "30 64 175",
900: "30 58 138"
indigo: {
50: "238 242 255",
100: "224 231 255",
200: "199 210 254",
300: "165 180 252",
400: "129 140 248",
500: "99 102 241",
600: "79 70 229",
700: "67 56 202",
800: "55 48 163",
900: "49 46 129"
violet: {
50: "245 243 255",
100: "237 233 254",
200: "221 214 254",
300: "196 181 253",
400: "167 139 250",
500: "139 92 246",
600: "124 58 237",
700: "109 40 217",
800: "91 33 182",
900: "76 29 149"
purple: {
50: "250 245 255",
100: "243 232 255",
200: "233 213 255",
300: "216 180 254",
400: "192 132 252",
500: "168 85 247",
600: "147 51 234",
700: "126 34 206",
800: "107 33 168",
900: "88 28 135"
fuchsia: {
50: "253 244 255",
100: "250 232 255",
200: "245 208 254",
300: "240 171 252",
400: "232 121 249",
500: "217 70 239",
600: "192 38 211",
700: "162 28 175",
800: "134 25 143",
900: "112 26 117"
pink: {
50: "253 242 248",
100: "252 231 243",
200: "251 207 232",
300: "249 168 212",
400: "244 114 182",
500: "236 72 153",
600: "219 39 119",
700: "190 24 93",
800: "157 23 77",
900: "131 24 67"
rose: {
50: "255 241 242",
100: "255 228 230",
200: "254 205 211",
300: "253 164 175",
400: "251 113 133",
500: "244 63 94",
600: "225 29 72",
700: "190 18 60",
800: "159 18 57",
900: "136 19 55"
if (typeof designToken === "string" && designToken.includes("var(")) {
const regex = /var\((.*?)\)/g;
const root = document.documentElement;
const match = regex.exec(designToken);
const tokenValue = getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue((_a = match === null || match === void 0 ? void 0 : match[1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : designToken);
return tokenValue;
* The general color palette
* Should be available in most if not all colored components
const generalPalette = {
SECONDARY: tailwindPalette.slate,
ACCENT: tailwindPalette.cyan,
NEUTRAL: tailwindPalette.neutral,
DEFAULT: "26 27 28"
DEFAULT: "255 255 255"
* The intent color palette
* Should be available for most colored components such as "Button", "Alert", "Indicator", "Badge"
return designToken;
const intentPalette = {
WARNING: tailwindPalette.amber,
* The Criticality color palette
* Should be available in any component that could be used to display the criticality of an asset or event
const breakpoints = {
xs: 0,
sm: 480,
md: 768,
lg: 1024,
xl: 1200,
xxl: 1600,
xxxl: 1900 // full HD
const criticalityPalette = {
GOOD: tailwindPalette.emerald,
LOW: tailwindPalette.amber,
* The Activity color palette
* Should be available in any component that could be used to display the Activity state of an asset
const activityPalette = {
STOPPED: tailwindPalette.violet,
UNKNOWN: tailwindPalette.neutral,
DEFAULT: "230 144 177"
DEFAULT: "63 219 147"
* Track units media queries.
* The Rental status color palette
* Should be available in any component that could be used to display the rental status of an asset
const mediaQuery = generateMedia({
xs: breakpoints.xs + "px",
sm: + "px",
md: + "px",
lg: breakpoints.lg + "px",
xl: breakpoints.xl + "px",
xxl: breakpoints.xxl + "px",
xxxl: breakpoints.xxxl + "px" // full HD
const rentalStatusPalette = {
100: "223 244 254",
600: "90 200 250"
100: "230 202 255",
600: "176 90 255"
100: "206 255 232",
600: "0 166 88"
100: "255 236 209",
600: "255 149 0"
100: "255 248 217",
600: "253 208 8"
100: "255 233 233",
600: "255 90 90"
100: "238 239 239",
600: "151 154 154"
* Grouped Theme Colors
const windowWidth = {
lessThan: size => {
return window.innerWidth < breakpoints[size];
const groupedPalettes = {
// General
GENERAL: generalPalette,
// UI Intent
INTENT: intentPalette,
// Asset Criticality
CRITICALITY: criticalityPalette,
// Activity
ACTIVITY: activityPalette,
// Rental
RENTAL: rentalStatusPalette
* The full theme color palette (flattened)
const trackunitPalette = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, generalPalette), intentPalette), criticalityPalette), activityPalette), rentalStatusPalette);
* A collection of all the tokens related to the named colors in the default theme.
* An object of all the Trackunit Theme colors and their available variants.
* These colors does not include the default tailwind colors.
const themeColors = {
name: "primary",
variants: trackunitPalette.PRIMARY
greaterThan: size => {
return window.innerWidth > breakpoints[size];
name: "secondary",
variants: trackunitPalette.SECONDARY
between: (first, second) => {
return window.innerWidth < breakpoints[first] && window.innerWidth < breakpoints[second];
name: "accent",
variants: trackunitPalette.ACCENT
name: "neutral",
variants: trackunitPalette.NEUTRAL
name: "black",
variants: trackunitPalette.BLACK,
defaultVariant: "DEFAULT"
name: "white",
variants: trackunitPalette.WHITE,
defaultVariant: "DEFAULT"
name: "info",
variants: trackunitPalette.INFO
name: "success",
variants: trackunitPalette.SUCCESS
name: "warning",
variants: trackunitPalette.WARNING
name: "danger",
variants: trackunitPalette.DANGER
name: "good",
variants: trackunitPalette.GOOD
LOW: {
name: "low",
variants: trackunitPalette.LOW
name: "critical",
variants: trackunitPalette.CRITICAL
name: "working",
variants: trackunitPalette.WORKING
name: "idle",
variants: trackunitPalette.IDLE
name: "stopped",
variants: trackunitPalette.STOPPED
name: "active",
variants: trackunitPalette.ACTIVE,
defaultVariant: "DEFAULT"
name: "moving",
variants: trackunitPalette.MOVING,
defaultVariant: "DEFAULT"
name: "unknown",
variants: trackunitPalette.UNKNOWN
name: "available",
variants: trackunitPalette.AVAILABLE
name: "in_repair",
variants: trackunitPalette.IN_REPAIR
name: "on_rent",
variants: trackunitPalette.ON_RENT
name: "other_rental_status",
variants: trackunitPalette.OTHER_RENTAL_STATUS
name: "pickup_ready",
variants: trackunitPalette.PICKUP_READY
name: "returned",
variants: trackunitPalette.RETURNED
name: "transfer",
variants: trackunitPalette.TRANSFER
sm 640px @media (min-width: 640px) { ... }
md 768px @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }
lg 1024px @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }
xl 1280px @media (min-width: 1280px) { ... }
2xl 1536px @media (min-width: 1536px) { ... }
small 320px - 479px
medium 480px - 639px
large 640px - 1023px
extra large 1024px - 1365px
extra extra large 1366px - 1919px
extra extra extra large 1920px and up
const outputOptions = ["HEX", "CSS"];
function color(ColorKey, arg2, arg3) {
var _a, _b;
const colorName = themeColors[ColorKey].name;
const colorVariants = themeColors[ColorKey].variants; // defaultVariant or 600 or the "middel" value available.
const defaultVariant = (_b = (_a = themeColors[ColorKey].defaultVariant) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : colorVariants[600] && 600) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Object.keys(colorVariants)[Math.floor(Object.keys(colorVariants).length / 2)];
let variant = defaultVariant;
let output = "CSS";
if (isOutputOption(arg2)) {
output = arg2;
} else {
if (isOutputOption(arg3)) {
output = arg3;
if (isValidVariant(colorVariants, arg2)) {
variant = arg2;
if (output === "CSS") {
return colorVariableToCss(`--color-${colorName}-${String(variant)}`);
if (output === "HEX") {
return getHEX(`--color-${colorName}-${String(variant)}`);
return colorName;
const isOutputOption = something => typeof something === "string" && outputOptions.includes(something);
const isValidVariant = (availableVariants, something) => Boolean(availableVariants[something]);
grid-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 992px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1400px
* Elevation is based on N100 with an alpha channel. E(X)A variants
* are for active versions(e.g. hover).
const elevation = {
E05: "var(--box-shadow-sm)",
E10: "var(--box-shadow-DEFAULT)",
E10A: "var(--box-shadow-md)",
E20: "var(--box-shadow-lg)",
E30: "var(--box-shadow-xl)",
E40: "var(--box-shadow-2xl)"

@@ -306,3 +672,2 @@ const size = {

const tokens = {

@@ -316,2 +681,2 @@ fontSize,

export { DEFAULT_CHART_COLORS, black, blue, breakpoints, colors, elevation, fontSize, fontWeight, getColorValue, getHEX, getReorderedChartColors, getValuesFromDesignToken, green, mediaQuery, neutral, orange, purple, red, size, tokens, utilization, white, windowWidth, zIndex };
export { DEFAULT_CHART_COLORS, activityPalette, color, criticalityPalette, elevation, fontSize, fontWeight, generalPalette, getReorderedChartColors, groupedPalettes, intentPalette, rentalStatusPalette, tailwindPalette, themeColors, tokens, trackunitPalette };
"name": "@trackunit/ui-design-tokens",
"version": "0.0.44",
"version": "0.0.45",
"repository": "",

@@ -9,7 +9,3 @@ "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt",

"type": "module",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"dependencies": {
"styled-media-query": "^2.1.2"
"peerDependencies": {}
"types": "./index.d.ts"

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import { Colors } from "./colors";
import { Elevation } from "./elevation";

@@ -7,3 +6,2 @@ import { Size } from "./size";

export interface Tokens {
colors: Colors;
size: Size;

@@ -10,0 +8,0 @@ fontSize: FontSize;

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