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CLI infrastructure for Travetto framework

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Command Line Interface

CLI infrastructure for Travetto framework

Install: @travetto/cli

npm install @travetto/cli

# or

yarn add @travetto/cli

The cli module represents the primary entry point for execution within the framework. One of the main goals for this module is extensibility, as adding new entry points is meant to be trivial. The framework leverages this module for exposing all executable tools and entry points. To see a high level listing of all supported commands, invoke trv --help

Terminal: General Usage

$ trv --help

Usage:  [options] [command]

  doc               Command line support for generating module docs.
  doc:angular       Generate documentation into the angular webapp under related/
  doc:mapping       Generate module mapping for
  email:compile     CLI Entry point for running the email server
  email:editor      The email editor compilation service and output serving
  email:test        CLI Entry point for running the email server
  lint              Command line support for linting
  lint:register     Writes the lint configuration file
  model:export      Exports model schemas
  model:install     Installing models
  openapi:client    CLI for generating the cli client
  openapi:spec      CLI for outputting the open api spec to a local file
  pack              Standard pack support
  pack:docker       Standard docker support for pack
  pack:lambda       Standard lambda support for pack
  pack:zip          Standard zip support for pack
  repo:exec         Repo execution
  repo:list         Allows for listing of modules
  repo:publish      Publish all pending modules
  repo:version      Version all changed dependencies
  repo:version-sync Enforces all packages to write out their versions and dependencies
  rest:client       Run client rest operation
  rest:rpc          Run client rest operation
  run:double        Doubles a number
  run:rest          Run a rest server as an application
  scaffold          Command to run scaffolding
  service           Allows for running services
  test              Launch test framework and execute tests
  test:watch        Invoke the test watcher

This listing is from the Travetto monorepo, and represents the majority of tools that can be invoked from the command line.

This module also has a tight integration with the VSCode plugin, allowing the editing experience to benefit from the commands defined. The most commonly used commands will be the ones packaged with the framework, but its also very easy to create new commands. With the correct configuration, these commands will also be exposed within VSCode.

At it's heart, a cli command is the contract defined by what flags, and what arguments the command supports. Within the framework this requires three criteria to be met:

  • The file must be located in the support/ folder, and have a name that matches cli.*.ts
  • The file must be a class that has a main method
  • The class must use the @CliCommand decorator

Code: Basic Command

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';

export class BasicCommand {
  main() {

Terminal: Basic Command Help

$ trv basic -h

Usage: basic [options]

  -h, --help  display help for command

Command Naming

The file name support/cli.<name>.ts has a direct mapping to the cli command name. This hard mapping allows for the framework to be able to know which file to invoke without needing to load all command-related files.

Examples of mappings:

  • cli.test.ts maps to test
  • cli.pack_docker.ts maps to pack:docker
  • cli.email_template.ts maps to email:template The pattern is that underscores(_) translate to colons (:), and the cli. prefix, and .ts suffix are dropped.

Binding Flags

@CliCommand is a wrapper for @Schema, and so every class that uses the @CliCommand decorator is now a full @Schema class. The fields of the class represent the flags that are available to the command.

Code: Basic Command with Flag

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';

export class BasicCommand {

  loud?: boolean;

  main() {
    console.log(this.loud ? 'HELLO' : 'Hello');

Terminal: Basic Command with Flag Help

$ trv basic:flag -h

Usage: basic:flag [options]

  -l, --loud
  -h, --help  display help for command

As you can see the command now has the support of a basic boolean flag to determine if the response should be loud or not. The default value here is undefined/false, and so is an opt-in experience.

Terminal: Basic Command with Loud Flag

$ trv basic:flag --loud


The @CliCommand supports the following data types for flags:

  • Boolean values
  • Number values. The @Integer, @Float, @Precision, @Min and @Max decorators help provide additional validation.
  • String values. @MinLength, @MaxLength, @Match and @Enum provide additional constraints
  • Date values. The @Min and @Max decorators help provide additional validation.
  • String lists. Same as String, but allowing multiple values.
  • Numeric lists. Same as Number, but allowing multiple values.

Binding Arguments

The main() method is the entrypoint for the command, represents a series of parameters. Some will be required, some may be optional. The arguments support all types supported by the flags, and decorators can be provided using the decorators inline on parameters. Optional arguments in the method, will be optional at run time, and filled with the provided default values.

Code: Basic Command with Arg

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';
import { Max, Min } from '@travetto/schema';

export class BasicCommand {

  main(@Min(1) @Max(10) volume: number = 1) {
    console.log(volume > 7 ? 'HELLO' : 'Hello');

Terminal: Basic Command

$ trv basic:arg -h

Usage: basic:arg [options] [volume:number]

  -h, --help  display help for command

Terminal: Basic Command with Invalid Loud Arg

$ trv basic:arg 20

Execution failed:
 * Argument volume is greater than (10)

Usage: basic:arg [options] [volume:number]

  -h, --help  display help for command

Terminal: Basic Command with Loud Arg > 7

$ trv basic:arg 8


Terminal: Basic Command without Arg

$ trv basic:arg


Additionally, if you provide a field as an array, it will collect all valid values (excludes flags, and any arguments past a --).

Code: Basic Command with Arg List

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';
import { Max, Min } from '@travetto/schema';

export class BasicCommand {

  reverse?: boolean;

  main(@Min(1) @Max(10) volumes: number[]) {
    console.log(volumes.sort((a, b) => (a - b) * (this.reverse ? -1 : 1)).join(' '));

Terminal: Basic Command

$ trv basic:arglist -h

Usage: basic:arglist [options] <volumes...:number>

  -r, --reverse
  -h, --help     display help for command

Terminal: Basic Arg List

$ trv basic:arglist 10 5 3 9 8 1

1 3 5 8 9 10

Terminal: Basic Arg List with Invalid Number

$ trv basic:arglist 10 5 3 9 20 1

Execution failed:
 * Argument volumes[4] is greater than (10)

Usage: basic:arglist [options] <volumes...:number>

  -r, --reverse
  -h, --help     display help for command

Terminal: Basic Arg List with Reverse

$ trv basic:arglist -r 10 5 3 9 8 1

10 9 8 5 3 1


By default, all fields are treated as flags and all parameters of main() are treated as arguments within the validation process. Like the standard @Schema behavior, we can leverage the metadata of the fields/parameters to help provide additional customization/context for the users of the commands.

Code: Custom Command with Metadata

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';
import { Max, Min } from '@travetto/schema';

 * Custom Argument Command
export class CustomCommand {

   * The message to send back to the user
   * @alias -m
   * @alias --message
  text: string = 'hello';

  main(@Min(1) @Max(10) volume: number = 1) {
    console.log(volume > 7 ? this.text.toUpperCase() : this.text);

Terminal: Custom Command Help

$ trv custom:arg -h

Usage: custom:arg [options] [volume:number]

  -m, --message <string>  The message to send back to the user (default: "hello")
  -h, --help              display help for command

Terminal: Custom Command Help with overridden Text

$ trv custom:arg 10 -m cUsToM


Terminal: Custom Command Help with default Text

$ trv custom:arg 6


Environment Variable Support

In addition to standard flag overriding (e.g. /** @alias -m */), the command execution also supports allowing environment variables to provide values (secondary to whatever is passed in on the command line).

Code: Custom Command with Env Var

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';
import { Max, Min } from '@travetto/schema';

 * Custom Argument Command
export class CustomCommand {

   * The message to send back to the user
   * @alias env.MESSAGE
  text: string = 'hello';

  main(@Min(1) @Max(10) volume: number = 1) {
    console.log(volume > 7 ? this.text.toUpperCase() : this.text);

Terminal: Custom Command Help

$ trv custom:env-arg -h

Usage: custom:env-arg [options] [volume:number]

  -t, --text <string>  The message to send back to the user (default: "hello")
  -h, --help           display help for command

Terminal: Custom Command Help with default Text

$ trv custom:env-arg 6


Terminal: Custom Command Help with overridden Text

$ MESSAGE=CuStOm trv custom:env-arg 10


Terminal: Custom Command Help with overridden Text

$ MESSAGE=CuStOm trv custom:env-arg 7


Flag File Support

Sometimes its also convenient, especially with commands that support a variety of flags, to provide easy access to pre-defined sets of flags. Flag files represent a snapshot of command line arguments and flags, as defined in a file. When referenced, these inputs are essentially injected into the command line as if the user had typed them manually.

Code: Example Flag File

--host localhost
--port 3306
--username app

As you can see in this file, it provides easy access to predefine the host, port, and user flags.

Code: Using a Flag File

npx trv call:db +=base --password <custom>

The flag files can be included in one of a few ways:

  • +=<name> - This translates into <mod>/support/<name>.flags, which is a convenient shorthand.
  • +=<mod>/path/file.flags - This is a path-related file that will be resolved from the module's location.
  • +=/path/file.flags - This is an absolute path that will be read from the root of the file system. Ultimately, after resolution, the content of these files will be injected inline within the location.

Code: Final arguments after Flag File resolution

npx trv call:db --host localhost --port 3306 --username app --password <custom>

VSCode Integration

By default, cli commands do not expose themselves to the VSCode extension, as the majority of them are not intended for that sort of operation. RESTful API does expose a cli target run:rest that will show up, to help run/debug a rest application. Any command can mark itself as being a run target, and will be eligible for running from within the VSCode plugin. This is achieved by setting the runTarget field on the @CliCommand decorator. This means the target will be visible within the editor tooling.

Code: Simple Run Target

import { CliCommand } from '@travetto/cli';

 * Simple Run Target
@CliCommand({ runTarget: true })
export class RunCommand {

  main(name: string) {

Advanced Usage

Code: Anatomy of a Command

export interface CliCommandShape<T extends unknown[] = unknown[]> {

   * Parsed state
  _parsed?: ParsedState;
   * Config
  _cfg?: CliCommandConfig;
   * Action target of the command
  main(...args: T): OrProm<RunResponse>;
   * Run before main runs
  preMain?(): OrProm<void>;
   * Extra help
  help?(): OrProm<string[]>;
   * Run before help is displayed
  preHelp?(): OrProm<void>;
   * Is the command active/eligible for usage
  isActive?(): boolean;
   * Run before binding occurs
  preBind?(): OrProm<void>;
   * Run before validation occurs
  preValidate?(): OrProm<void>;
   * Validation method
  validate?(...args: T): OrProm<CliValidationError | CliValidationError[] | undefined>;

Dependency Injection

If the goal is to run a more complex application, which may include depending on Dependency Injection, we can take a look at RESTful API's target:

Code: Simple Run Target

import { Runtime } from '@travetto/runtime';
import { DependencyRegistry } from '@travetto/di';
import { CliCommand, CliCommandShape } from '@travetto/cli';

import { ServerHandle } from '../src/types';
import { RestNetUtil } from '../src/util/net';

 * Run a rest server as an application
@CliCommand({ runTarget: true, with: { debugIpc: true, canRestart: true, module: true, env: true } })
export class RunRestCommand implements CliCommandShape {

  /** Port to run on */
  port?: number;

  /** Kill conflicting port owner */
  killConflict?: boolean;

  preMain(): void {
    if (this.port) {
      process.env.REST_PORT = `${this.port}`;

  async main(): Promise<ServerHandle | void> {
    const { RestApplication } = await import('../src/application/rest');
    try {
      return await DependencyRegistry.runInstance(RestApplication);
    } catch (err) {
      if (RestNetUtil.isInuseError(err) && !Runtime.production && this.killConflict) {
        await RestNetUtil.freePort(err.port);
        return await DependencyRegistry.runInstance(RestApplication);
      throw err;

As noted in the example above, fields is specified in this execution, with support for module, and env. These env flag is directly tied to the Runtime name defined in the Runtime module.

The module field is slightly more complex, but is geared towards supporting commands within a monorepo context. This flag ensures that a module is specified if running from the root of the monorepo, and that the module provided is real, and can run the desired command. When running from an explicit module folder in the monorepo, the module flag is ignored.

Custom Validation

In addition to dependency injection, the command contract also allows for a custom validation function, which will have access to bound command (flags, and args) as well as the unknown arguments. When a command implements this method, any CliValidationError errors that are returned will be shared with the user, and fail to invoke the main method.

Code: CliValidationError

export type CliValidationError = {
   * The error message
  message: string;
   * Source of validation
  source?: 'flag' | 'arg' | 'custom';

A simple example of the validation can be found in the doc command:

Code: Simple Validation Example

async validate(): Promise<CliValidationError | undefined> {
    const docFile = path.resolve(this.input);
    if (!(await fs.stat(docFile).catch(() => false))) {
      return { message: `input: ${this.input} does not exist`, source: 'flag' };

CLI - service

The module provides the ability to start/stop/restart services as docker containers. This is meant to be used for development purposes, to minimize the effort of getting an application up and running. Services can be targeted individually or handled as a group.

Terminal: Command Service

$ trv service --help

Usage: service [options] <action:restart|start|status|stop> [services...:string]

  -h, --help  display help for command

Available Services
 * dynamodb@2.5.3
 * elasticsearch@8.17.0
 * firestore@latest
 * mongodb@8.0
 * mysql@9.1
 * postgresql@17.2
 * redis@7.4
 * s3@3.12.0

A sample of all services available to the entire framework:

Terminal: All Services

$ trv service status

Service          Version    Status
dynamodb           2.5.3    Running 93af422e793a
elasticsearch     8.17.0    Running ed76ee063d13
firestore         latest    Running feec2e5e95b4
mongodb              8.0    Running 5513eba6734e
mysql                9.1    Running 307bc66d442a
postgresql          17.2    Running e78291e71040
redis                7.4    Running 77ba279b4e30
s3                3.12.0    Running fdacfc55b9e3

Defining new Services

The services are defined as plain typescript files within the framework and can easily be extended:

Code: Sample Service Definition

import type { ServiceDescriptor } from '@travetto/cli';

const version = process.env.MONGO_VERSION || '8.0';

export const service: ServiceDescriptor = {
  name: 'mongodb',
  port: 27017,
  image: `mongo:${version}`



Package last updated on 26 Jan 2025

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