Data Modeling Support
Datastore abstraction for core operations.
Install: @travetto/model
npm install @travetto/model
yarn add @travetto/model
This module provides a set of contracts/interfaces to data model persistence, modification and retrieval. This module builds heavily upon the Schema, which is used for data model validation.
The module is mainly composed of contracts. The contracts define the expected interface for various model patterns. The primary contracts are Basic, CRUD, Indexed, Expiry, Streaming and Bulk.
All Data Modeling Support implementations, must honor the BasicCrud contract to be able to participate in the model ecosystem. This contract represents the bare minimum for a model service.
Code: Basic Contract
export interface ModelBasicSupport<C = unknown> {
get client(): C;
get<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, id: string): Promise<T>;
create<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
delete<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, id: string): Promise<void>;
The crud contract, builds upon the basic contract, and is built around the idea of simple data retrieval and storage, to create a foundation for other services that need only basic support. The model extension in Authentication, is an example of a module that only needs create, read and delete, and so any implementation of Data Modeling Support that honors this contract, can be used with the Authentication model extension.
Code: Crud Contract
export interface ModelCrudSupport extends ModelBasicSupport {
uuid(): string;
update<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: T): Promise<T>;
upsert<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
updatePartial<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: Partial<T> & { id: string }, view?: string): Promise<T>;
list<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): AsyncIterable<T>;
Additionally, an implementation may support the ability for basic indexed queries. This is not the full featured query support of Data Model Querying, but
allowing for indexed lookups. This does not support listing by index, but may be added at a later date.
Code: Indexed Contract
export interface ModelIndexedSupport extends ModelBasicSupport {
getByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<T>;
deleteByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<void>;
listByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body?: DeepPartial<T>): AsyncIterable<T>;
upsertByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
Certain implementations will also provide support for automatic expiry of data at runtime. This is extremely useful for temporary data as, and is used in the Caching module for expiring data accordingly.
Code: Expiry Contract
export interface ModelExpirySupport extends ModelCrudSupport {
deleteExpired<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): Promise<number>;
Some implementations also allow for the ability to read/write binary data as a stream. Given that all implementations can store Base64 encoded data, the key differentiator here, is native support for streaming data, as well as being able to store binary data of significant sizes. This pattern is currently used by Asset for reading and writing asset data.
Code: Stream Contract
export interface ModelStreamSupport {
upsertStream(location: string, input: Readable, meta: StreamMeta): Promise<void>;
getStream(location: string): Promise<Readable>;
describeStream(location: string): Promise<StreamMeta>;
deleteStream(location: string): Promise<void>;
Finally, there is support for bulk operations. This is not to simply imply issuing many commands at in parallel, but implementation support for an atomic/bulk operation. This should allow for higher throughput on data ingest, and potentially for atomic support on transactions.
Code: Bulk Contract
export interface ModelBulkSupport extends ModelCrudSupport {
processBulk<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, operations: BulkOp<T>[]): Promise<BulkResponse>;
Models are declared via the @Model decorator, which allows the system to know that this is a class that is compatible with the module. The only requirement for a model is the ModelType
Code: ModelType
export interface ModelType {
id: string;
type?: string;
prePersist?(): void | Promise<void>;
postLoad?(): void | Promise<void>;
All fields are optional, but the id
and type
are important as those field types are unable to be changed. This may make using existing data models impossible if types other than strings are required. Additionally, the type field, is intended to record the base model type and cannot be remapped. This is important to support polymorphism, not only in Data Modeling Support, but also in Schema.
Custom Model Service
In addition to the provided contracts, the module also provides common utilities and shared test suites. The common utilities are useful for
repetitive functionality, that is unable to be shared due to not relying upon inheritance (this was an intentional design decision). This allows for all the Data Modeling Support implementations to completely own the functionality and also to be able to provide additional/unique functionality that goes beyond the interface.
Code: Memory Service
import { Readable } from 'stream';
import { StreamUtil, Class, TimeSpan } from '@travetto/base';
import { DeepPartial } from '@travetto/schema';
import { Injectable } from '@travetto/di';
import { Config } from '@travetto/config';
import { ModelCrudSupport } from '../service/crud';
import { ModelStreamSupport, StreamMeta } from '../service/stream';
import { ModelType, OptionalId } from '../types/model';
import { ModelExpirySupport } from '../service/expiry';
import { ModelRegistry } from '../registry/model';
import { ModelStorageSupport } from '../service/storage';
import { ModelCrudUtil } from '../internal/service/crud';
import { ModelExpiryUtil } from '../internal/service/expiry';
import { NotFoundError } from '../error/not-found';
import { ExistsError } from '../error/exists';
import { ModelIndexedSupport } from '../service/indexed';
import { ModelIndexedUtil } from '../internal/service/indexed';
import { ModelStorageUtil } from '../internal/service/storage';
import { StreamModel, STREAMS } from '../internal/service/stream';
import { IndexConfig } from '../registry/types';
import { ModelUtil } from '../internal/util';
const STREAM_META = `${STREAMS}_meta`;
type StoreType = Map<string, Buffer>;
export class MemoryModelConfig {
autoCreate?: boolean;
namespace?: string;
cullRate?: number | TimeSpan;
function indexName<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: IndexConfig<T> | string, suffix?: string): string {
return [cls.Ⲑid, typeof idx === 'string' ? idx :, suffix].filter(x => !!x).join(':');
function getFirstId(data: Map<string, unknown> | Set<string>, value?: string | number): string | undefined {
let id: string | undefined;
if (data instanceof Set) {
id = data.values().next().value;
} else {
id = [].find(([k, v]) => value === undefined || v === value)?.[0];
return id;
export class MemoryModelService implements ModelCrudSupport, ModelStreamSupport, ModelExpirySupport, ModelStorageSupport, ModelIndexedSupport {
sorted: new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, number>>>(),
unsorted: new Map<string, Map<string, Set<string>>>()
get client(): Map<string, StoreType>;
constructor(public readonly config: MemoryModelConfig) { }
async postConstruct(): Promise<void>;
uuid(): string;
async get<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, id: string): Promise<T>;
async create<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
async update<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: T): Promise<T>;
async upsert<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
async updatePartial<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, item: Partial<T> & { id: string }, view?: string): Promise<T>;
async delete<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, id: string): Promise<void>;
async * list<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): AsyncIterable<T>;
async upsertStream(location: string, input: Readable, meta: StreamMeta): Promise<void>;
async getStream(location: string): Promise<Readable>;
async describeStream(location: string): Promise<StreamMeta>;
async deleteStream(location: string): Promise<void>;
async deleteExpired<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): Promise<number>;
async createStorage(): Promise<void>;
async deleteStorage(): Promise<void>;
async createModel<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): Promise<void>;
async truncateModel<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>): Promise<void>;
async getByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<T>;
async deleteByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<void>;
upsertByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body: OptionalId<T>): Promise<T>;
async * listByIndex<T extends ModelType>(cls: Class<T>, idx: string, body?: DeepPartial<T>): AsyncIterable<T>;
To enforce that these contracts are honored, the module provides shared test suites to allow for custom implementations to ensure they are adhering to the contract's expected behavior.
Code: Memory Service Test Configuration
import { Suite } from '@travetto/test';
import { MemoryModelConfig, MemoryModelService } from '../src/provider/memory';
import { ModelCrudSuite } from '../support/test/crud';
import { ModelExpirySuite } from '../support/test/expiry';
import { ModelStreamSuite } from '../support/test/stream';
import { ModelIndexedSuite } from '../support/test/indexed';
import { ModelBasicSuite } from '../support/test/basic';
import { ModelPolymorphismSuite } from '../support/test/polymorphism';
export class MemoryBasicSuite extends ModelBasicSuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
export class MemoryCrudSuite extends ModelCrudSuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
export class MemoryStreamSuite extends ModelStreamSuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
export class MemoryExpirySuite extends ModelExpirySuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
export class MemoryIndexedSuite extends ModelIndexedSuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
export class MemoryPolymorphicSuite extends ModelPolymorphismSuite {
serviceClass = MemoryModelService;
configClass = MemoryModelConfig;
CLI - model:export
The module provides the ability to generate an export of the model structure from all the various @Models within the application. This is useful for being able to generate the appropriate files to manually create the data schemas in production.
Terminal: Running model export
$ trv model:export --help
Usage: model:export [options] [provider] [models...]
-e, --env <env> Application environment
-h, --help display help for command
CLI - model:install
The module provides the ability to install all the various @Models within the application given the current configuration being targeted. This is useful for being able to prepare the datastore manually.
Terminal: Running model install
$ trv model:install --help
Usage: model:install [options] [provider] [models...]
-e, --env <env> Application environment
-h, --help display help for command