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@travetto/net - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.0 to 0.4.1



@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"dependencies": {
"@travetto/base": "^0.4.0"
"@travetto/base": "^0.4.1"

@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ "description": "Network utilities of the travetto framework",

"version": "0.4.0",
"gitHead": "813fb4f842f149bcaa28c2e055e81fc86221eae1"
"version": "0.4.1",
"gitHead": "56dcc5bc1e70d9e61208be4128108a9c4f974f3d"

@@ -14,9 +14,91 @@ import * as http from 'http';

type ExecArgs = http.RequestOptions & { url: string };
type _ExecArgs = ExecArgs & { payload?: any };
export class HttpRequest {
private static async _exec(client: HttpClient, opts: http.ClientRequestArgs, payload?: any): Promise<string>;
private static async _exec(client: HttpClient, opts: http.ClientRequestArgs, payload: any, pipeTo: any): Promise<http.IncomingMessage>;
private static async _exec(client: HttpClient, opts: http.ClientRequestArgs, payload?: any, pipeTo?: any): Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage> {
return await new Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage>((resolve, reject) => {
const req = client.request(opts, (msg: http.IncomingMessage) => {
let body = '';
private static async _exec(opts: _ExecArgs, retry?: number): Promise<string>;
private static async _exec(opts: _ExecArgs & { pipeTo: NodeJS.WritableStream }, retry?: number): Promise<http.IncomingMessage>;
private static async _exec(inOpts: _ExecArgs & { pipeTo?: NodeJS.WritableStream }, retry = 0): Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage> {
const { client, payload, pipeTo, opts } = this.requestOpts(inOpts);
try {
return await this.rawRequest(client, opts, payload, pipeTo);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
try {
e = JSON.parse(e);
} catch { }
// Handle redirect
if (e.status && e.status >= 300 && e.status < 400 && e.headers.location) {
if (retry < 5) {
return this._exec({ ...inOpts, url: e.headers.location }, retry + 1);
} else {
throw new Error('Maximum number of redirects attempted');
throw e;
static requestOpts(inOpts: _ExecArgs & { pipeTo?: NodeJS.WritableStream }) {
const { url: requestUrl, payload: inPayload, pipeTo, } = inOpts;
const { hostname: host, port, pathname: path, username, password, searchParams, protocol } = new url.URL(requestUrl);
const opts = {
auth: (username && password) ? `${username}:${password}` : undefined,
method: 'GET',
headers: {},
let payload = inPayload;
const hasBody = (opts.method === 'POST' || opts.method === 'PUT');
const client = (protocol === 'https:' ? https : http) as HttpClient;
if (payload) {
if (hasBody) {
payload = payload.toString();
opts.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(payload as string);
} else {
const passedData = typeof payload === 'string' ? qs.parse(payload) : payload;
for (const key of Object.keys(passedData)) {
searchParams.set(key, passedData[key]);
if (Array.from(searchParams.values()).length) {
opts.path = `${opts.path || ''}?${searchParams.toString()}`;
return { client, payload, pipeTo, opts };
static configJSON(opts: _ExecArgs) {
const out: _ExecArgs = { ...opts };
if (!out.headers) {
out.headers = {};
for (const k of ['Content-Type', 'Accept']) {
if (!out.headers[k]) {
out.headers[k] = 'application/json';
out.payload = opts.payload && (out.method === 'POST' || out.method === 'PUT') ?
JSON.stringify(opts.payload) : opts.payload;
return out;
static async rawRequest(client: HttpClient, requestOpts: http.ClientRequestArgs, payload?: any, pipeTo?: any) {
return new Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage>((resolve, reject) => {
const req = client.request(requestOpts, (msg: http.IncomingMessage) => {
const body = Buffer.from('', 'utf8');
if (!pipeTo) {

@@ -28,3 +110,3 @@ msg.setEncoding('utf8');

if ((msg.statusCode || 200) > 299 || !pipeTo) {
body += chunk;

@@ -35,7 +117,8 @@ });

if ((msg.statusCode || 200) > 299) {
reject({ message: body, status: msg.statusCode });
reject({ message: body.toString(), status: msg.statusCode, headers: msg.headers });
} else {
resolve(pipeTo ? msg : body);
resolve(pipeTo ? msg : body.toString());
if (pipeTo) {

@@ -51,4 +134,5 @@ msg.pipe(pipeTo);

req.on('error', reject);
if ((opts.method === 'PUT' || opts.method === 'POST') && payload !== undefined) {
if ((requestOpts.method === 'PUT' || requestOpts.method === 'POST') && payload !== undefined) {

@@ -60,79 +144,13 @@ }

static args(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string }, data?: any) {
const { url: optsUrl, ...optsWithoutUrl } = opts;
const { hostname: host, port, pathname: path, username, password, searchParams, protocol } = new url.URL(optsUrl);
const auth = (username && password) ? `${username}:${password}` : undefined;
const client = (protocol === 'https:' ? https : http) as HttpClient;
const finalOpts = {
host, port,
auth, path,
method: 'GET',
headers: {},
payload: undefined as any,
pipeTo: undefined as any,
const hasBody = (finalOpts.method === 'POST' || finalOpts.method === 'PUT');
let payload: string | undefined = undefined;
if (data) {
if (hasBody) {
payload = data.toString();
finalOpts.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(payload as string);
} else {
const passedData = typeof data === 'string' ? qs.parse(data) : data;
for (const key of Object.keys(passedData)) {
searchParams.set(key, passedData[key]);
if (Array.from(searchParams.values()).length) {
finalOpts.path = `${finalOpts.path || ''}?${searchParams.toString()}`;
return { opts: finalOpts, client, payload };
static async exec(opts: ExecArgs, payload?: any): Promise<string>;
static async exec(opts: ExecArgs & { pipeTo: NodeJS.WritableStream }, payload?: any): Promise<http.IncomingMessage>;
static async exec(opts: ExecArgs & { pipeTo?: NodeJS.WritableStream }, payload?: any): Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage> {
return await this._exec({ ...opts, payload });
static jsonArgs(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string }, data?: any) {
if (!opts.headers) {
opts.headers = {};
for (const k of ['Content-Type', 'Accept']) {
if (!opts.headers[k]) {
opts.headers[k] = 'application/json';
const payload = data && (opts.method === 'POST' || opts.method === 'PUT') ?
JSON.stringify(data) : data;
static async execJSON<T, U = any>(opts: ExecArgs, payload?: U): Promise<T> {
return this.args(opts, payload);
const res = await this._exec(this.configJSON({ ...opts, payload }));
return JSON.parse(res) as T;
static async exec(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string }, data?: any): Promise<string>;
static async exec(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string, pipeTo: any }, data?: any): Promise<http.IncomingMessage>;
static async exec(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string, pipeTo?: any }, data?: any): Promise<string | http.IncomingMessage> {
const pipeTo = opts.pipeTo;
delete opts.pipeTo;
const { opts: finalOpts, client, payload } = this.args(opts, data);
return this._exec(client, finalOpts, payload, pipeTo);
static async execJSON<T, U = any>(opts: http.RequestOptions & { url: string }, data?: U): Promise<T> {
const { opts: finalOpts, client, payload } = this.jsonArgs(opts, data);
try {
const res = await this._exec(client, finalOpts, payload);
return JSON.parse(res) as T;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
e = JSON.parse(e);
throw e;
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