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@travetto/test - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.50 to 0.0.51



@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ {

"version": "0.0.50"
"version": "0.0.51"

@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ import { AppEnv, isPlainObject, isFunction, isPrimitive } from '@travetto/base';

const OP_MAPPING: { [key: string]: string } = {
includes: '{expected} should include {actual}',
test: '{expected} should match {actual}',
throws: 'should throw {expected}',
doesNotThrow: 'should not throw {expected}',
equal: '{actual} should equal {expected}',
notEqual: '{actual} should not equal {expected}',
deepEqual: '{actual} should deep equal {expected}',
notDeepEqual: '{actual} should not deep equal {expected}',
strictEqual: '{actual} should strictly equal {expected}',
notStrictEqual: '{actual} should strictly not equal {expected}',
greaterThanEqual: '{actual} should be greater than or equal to {expected}',
greaterThan: '{actual} should be greater than {expected}',
lessThanEqual: '{actual} should be less than or equal to {expected}',
lessThan: '{actual} should be less than {expected}'
includes: '{expected} {state} include {actual}',
test: '{expected} {state} match {actual}',
throws: '{state} throw {expected}',
doesNotThrow: '{state} not throw {expected}',
equal: '{actual} {state} equal {expected}',
notEqual: '{actual} {state} not equal {expected}',
deepEqual: '{actual} {state} deep equal {expected}',
notDeepEqual: '{actual} {state} not deep equal {expected}',
strictEqual: '{actual} {state} strictly equal {expected}',
notStrictEqual: '{actual} {state} strictly not equal {expected}',
greaterThanEqual: '{actual} {state} be greater than or equal to {expected}',
greaterThan: '{actual} {state} be greater than {expected}',
lessThanEqual: '{actual} {state} be less than or equal to {expected}',
lessThan: '{actual} {state} be less than {expected}'

@@ -82,3 +82,3 @@

static check(filename: string, text: string, name: string, ...args: any[]) {
static check(filename: string, text: string, fn: string, positive: boolean, ...args: any[]) {
const { file, line } = this.readFilePosition(new Error(), filename.replace(/[.][tj]s$/, ''));

@@ -90,5 +90,12 @@

file, line, text,
operator: ASSERT_FN_OPERATOR[name]
operator: ASSERT_FN_OPERATOR[fn],
if (name === 'fail') {
const common: { [key: string]: string } = {
state: positive ? 'should' : 'should not'
const asrt = positive ? assert : (x: any, msg?: string) => assert(!x, msg);
if (fn === 'fail') {
if (args.length > 1) {

@@ -102,3 +109,3 @@ assertion.actual = args[0];

} else if (/throw/i.test(name)) {
} else if (/throw/i.test(fn)) {
assertion.operator = 'throw';

@@ -111,3 +118,3 @@ if (typeof args[1] !== 'string') {

} else if (name === 'ok' || name === 'assert') {
} else if (fn === 'ok' || fn === 'assert') {
assertion.actual = args[0];

@@ -118,3 +125,3 @@ assertion.message = args[1];

} else {
assertion.operator = name || '';
assertion.operator = fn || '';
assertion.message = args[2];

@@ -134,15 +141,15 @@ assertion.expected = args[1];

switch (name) {
case 'instanceOf': assert(args[0] instanceof args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'lessThan': assert(args[0] < args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'lessThanEqual': assert(args[0] <= args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'greaterThan': assert(args[0] > args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'greaterThanEqual': assert(args[0] >= args[1], args[2]); break;
switch (fn) {
case 'instanceOf': asrt(args[0] instanceof args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'lessThan': asrt(args[0] < args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'lessThanEqual': asrt(args[0] <= args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'greaterThan': asrt(args[0] > args[1], args[2]); break;
case 'greaterThanEqual': asrt(args[0] >= args[1], args[2]); break;
if (name && (assert as any)[name]) { // Assert call
(assert as any)[name].apply(null, args);
} else if (args[1] && name && args[1][name]) { // Method call
if (fn && (assert as any)[fn]) { // Assert call
(assert as any)[fn].apply(null, args);
} else if (args[1] && fn && args[1][fn]) { // Method call
} else {
assert.apply(null, args); // Do normal
asrt.apply(null, args); // Do normal

@@ -156,5 +163,7 @@ }

if (!assertion.message) {
assertion.message = (OP_MAPPING[name] || `should be {expected}`);
assertion.message = (OP_MAPPING[fn] || `{state} be {expected}`);
assertion.message = assertion.message.replace(/[{]([A-Za-z]+)[}]/g, (a, k) => (assertion as any)[k]);
assertion.message = assertion.message
.replace(/[{]([A-Za-z]+)[}]/g, (a, k) => common[k] || (assertion as any)[k])
.replace(/not not/g, 'not'); // Handle double negatives
assertion.error = e;

@@ -161,0 +170,0 @@ this.add(assertion);

@@ -43,2 +43,8 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';

interface Command {
fn: string;
args: ts.Expression[];
negate?: boolean;
function isDeepLiteral(node: ts.Expression) {

@@ -49,3 +55,3 @@ return ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(node) ||

function doAssert<T extends ts.CallExpression>(state: AssertState, node: T, name: string, args: ts.Expression[]): T {
function doAssert<T extends ts.CallExpression>(state: AssertState, node: T, cmd: Command): T {

@@ -56,19 +62,12 @@

// Handle METHOD
if (METHOD_REGEX.test(firstText)) {
if (first && ts.isCallExpression(first) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(first.expression)) {
name = METHODS[!];
args = [first.arguments[0], first.expression.expression];
args = args.filter(x => x !== undefined && x !== null);
cmd.args = cmd.args.filter(x => x !== undefined && x !== null);
const check = ts.createCall(state.assertCheck, undefined, ts.createNodeArray([
for (const arg of args) {
for (const arg of cmd.args) {
arg.parent = check;

@@ -94,36 +93,53 @@ }

function visitNode<T extends ts.Node>(context: ts.TransformationContext, node: T, state: AssertState): T {
let replaced = false;
function getCommand(args: ts.Expression[] | ts.NodeArray<ts.Expression>): Command | undefined {
if (ts.isCallExpression(node)) {
const exp: ts.Expression = node.expression;
if (ts.isIdentifier(exp) && exp.getText() === ASSERT_CMD) {
replaced = true;
const comp = args[0]!;
const message = args.length === 2 ? args[1] : undefined;
const comp = node.arguments[0]!;
const message = node.arguments.length === 2 ? node.arguments[1] : undefined;
if (ts.isBinaryExpression(comp)) {
let opFn = OPTOKEN_ASSERT_FN[comp.operatorToken.kind];
if (ts.isBinaryExpression(comp)) {
let opFn = OPTOKEN_ASSERT_FN[comp.operatorToken.kind];
if (opFn) {
const literal = isDeepLiteral(comp.left) ? comp.left : isDeepLiteral(comp.right) ? comp.right : undefined;
if (/equal/i.test(opFn) && literal) {
opFn = EQUALS_MAPPING[opFn] || opFn;
return { fn: opFn, args: [comp.left, comp.right, message!] };
} else {
return { fn: ASSERT_CMD, args: [...args] };
if (opFn) {
const literal = isDeepLiteral(comp.left) ? comp.left : isDeepLiteral(comp.right) ? comp.right : undefined;
if (/equal/i.test(opFn) && literal) {
opFn = EQUALS_MAPPING[opFn] || opFn;
} else if (ts.isPrefixUnaryExpression(comp) && comp.operator === ts.SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken) {
if (ts.isPrefixUnaryExpression(comp.operand)) {
const inner = comp.operand.operand;
return { fn: 'ok', args: [inner, message!] };
} else {
const inner = comp.operand;
return { ...getCommand([inner])!, negate: true };
} else {
// Handle METHOD
const firstText = comp.getText();
if (METHOD_REGEX.test(firstText) && ts.isCallExpression(comp) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(comp.expression)) {
return {
fn: METHODS[!],
args: [comp.arguments[0], comp.expression.expression]
} else {
return { fn: ASSERT_CMD, args: [...args] };
node = doAssert(state, node, opFn, [comp.left, comp.right, message!]);
} else {
node = doAssert(state, node, ASSERT_CMD, [...node.arguments]);
function visitNode<T extends ts.Node>(context: ts.TransformationContext, node: T, state: AssertState): T {
} else if (ts.isPrefixUnaryExpression(comp) && comp.operator === ts.SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken) {
if (ts.isPrefixUnaryExpression(comp.operand)) {
const inner = comp.operand.operand;
node = doAssert(state, node, 'ok', [inner, message!]); // !!v
} else {
node = doAssert(state, node, ASSERT_CMD, [comp, message!]); // !v
} else {
node = doAssert(state, node, ASSERT_CMD, [...node.arguments]);
let replaced = false;
if (ts.isCallExpression(node)) {
const exp = node.expression;
if (ts.isIdentifier(exp) && exp.getText() === ASSERT_CMD) {
const cmd = getCommand(node.arguments);
if (cmd) {
node = doAssert(state, node, cmd);
replaced = true;

@@ -133,6 +149,4 @@ } else if (ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(exp) && ts.isIdentifier(exp.expression)) {

if (ident.escapedText === ASSERT_CMD) {
node = doAssert(state, node, { fn: as string, args: [...node.arguments] });
replaced = true;
node = doAssert(state, node, as string, [...node.arguments]);
// Already in near, final form, just rewrite to intermediate

@@ -139,0 +153,0 @@ }

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