This package contains runtime-dependent processing for the ts-graphviz library, such as I/O processing.
It is part of the ts-graphviz library, which is split into modular packages to improve maintainability, flexibility, and ease of use.
- Runtime-specific I/O processing
- Adapter function implementations for various environments, such as Node.js, Deno and browser(not implemented)
Import the necessary classes and functions from the @ts-graphviz/adapter package:
import { } from '@ts-graphviz/adapter';
Use the imported items in your project to work with ts-graphviz in different runtime environments:
For more examples and usage details, please refer to the ts-graphviz documentation.
Contributions to the ts-graphviz project are welcome.
Please refer to the main ts-graphviz repository for guidelines on how to contribute.
This package is released under the MIT License.