What is @turf/union?
@turf/union is a part of the Turf.js library, which is a powerful geospatial analysis library written in JavaScript. The @turf/union package specifically allows you to perform union operations on GeoJSON polygons, merging multiple polygons into a single polygon.
What are @turf/union's main functionalities?
Union of Two Polygons
This feature allows you to merge two GeoJSON polygons into a single polygon. The code sample demonstrates how to create two polygons and then merge them using the `turf.union` function.
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const polygon1 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.574787, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.594087]
const polygon2 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.560024, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.585153]
const union = turf.union(polygon1, polygon2);
Union of Multiple Polygons
This feature allows you to merge multiple GeoJSON polygons into a single polygon. The code sample demonstrates how to create three polygons and then merge them sequentially using the `turf.union` function.
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const polygon1 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.574787, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.594087]
const polygon2 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.560024, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.585153]
const polygon3 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.554024, 35.580153],
[-82.554024, 35.595602],
[-82.52464, 35.595602],
[-82.52464, 35.580153],
[-82.554024, 35.580153]
let union = turf.union(polygon1, polygon2);
union = turf.union(union, polygon3);
Other packages similar to @turf/union
JSTS is a JavaScript library of spatial predicates and functions for processing geometry. It is a port of the well-known Java Topology Suite (JTS). JSTS provides a wide range of geometric operations, including union, intersection, and difference. Compared to @turf/union, JSTS offers a more comprehensive set of geometric operations but may be more complex to use.
Martinez Polygon Clipping is a library for performing boolean operations on polygons, such as union, intersection, and difference. It is known for its performance and accuracy. Compared to @turf/union, Martinez Polygon Clipping is more focused on boolean operations and may offer better performance for these specific tasks.
Takes two or more polygons and returns a combined polygon. If the input polygons are not contiguous, this function returns a MultiPolygon feature.
var poly1 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.574787, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.615581],
[-82.545261, 35.594087],
[-82.574787, 35.594087]
]], {"fill": "#0f0"});
var poly2 = turf.polygon([[
[-82.560024, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.602602],
[-82.52964, 35.585153],
[-82.560024, 35.585153]
]], {"fill": "#00f"});
var union = turf.union(poly1, poly2);
var addToMap = [poly1, poly2, union];
Returns Feature<(Polygon | MultiPolygon)> a combined Polygon or MultiPolygon feature
This module is part of the Turfjs project, an open source
module collection dedicated to geographic algorithms. It is maintained in the
Turfjs/turf repository, where you can create
PRs and issues.
Install this module individually:
$ npm install @turf/union
Or install the Turf module that includes it as a function:
$ npm install @turf/turf