📺 Compare how your webpage looks in different browsers! 📺
We want to ensure our design is consistent across our supported browsers. Sadly, this is typically done in a manual fashion. Foreyes aims to fix that problem.
Here's how it works: Foreyes screenshoots a webpage in a baseline browser (the one where we usually develop), and then compares it with the screenshots of other browsers. Then announce the pixel differences, if any!
The currently supported browsers are Chrome (as the baseline), Firefox, and IE11 (through Browserstack).
Getting Started
Foreyes is a CLI tool that uses node.js
and yarn
; so be insured to have them installed. And because Foreyes uses Selenium, have Java
installed too.
Additionally, at the moment IE11 is run on browserstack. Be sure to export these ENV vars.
Foreyes is a Typeform's private NPM package. So configure your NPM token in your project, then add the package:
echo //${NPM_TOKEN} > .npmrc
yarn add @typeform/foreyes
Foreyes has the following command to easily create the necessary config files (under foreyesConfig
yarn foreyes setup
Foreyes can visually compare URLs directly. Add URLs to the list at foreyesConfig/fixturesUrls.json
. Then use yarn foreyes test-urls
to run them.
There are 3 byproducts of a test execution:
- Information on the command line, including the percentage of difference between browsers.
- Screenshots (original, and difference) under the screenshots folder.
- A pretty HTML report in
These tools can be very useful in diagnosing why exactly the execution has failed.
Other uses
There are other ways to use Foreyes.
Testing a design system
Originally, Foreyes was designed to work with Design Systems! It has since become a more flexible tool; however that functionality is still there, maintained.
So, if you're interested in visually comparing specific mounted components, check out this cool guide!
CI (Travis)
Travis has to work with Java (for Selenium), and have Chrome and Firefox (and their drivers) available. Foreyes will download most of these things as dependencies, but not all of them.
Therefore, add in .travis.yml:
chrome: stable
- echo "//${NPM_TOKEN}" > .npmrc
- export MOZ_HEADLESS=1
- yarn foreyes test-urls
Refer to one of the authors for help and issues.
- Daniel Giralt Len - Coordinator and developer
- Jordi Pons Llauradó - Developer
- Toni Feliu - Developer
- Pau Boix - Developer