React component for Monaco-Editor and Monaco Languageclient
This packages provides a React component that it based on the monaco-editor-wrapper. It behaves nearly the same way as the monaco editor, with the primary difference being that you interact with it through a React component.
The monaco-languageclient can be activated to connect to a language server either via jsonrpc over a websocket to an exernal server process, or via the Language Server Protocol for the browser where the language server runs in a web worker.
All changes are noted in the CHANGELOG.
Getting Started
This is npm package is part of the monaco-languageclient mono repo. Please follow the main repositories instructions to get started with local development.
You can import the monaco react component for easy use in an existing React project. Below you can see a quick example of a fully functional implementation in TypeScript. The react component uses the same UserConfig
approach which is then applied to monaco-editor-wrapper
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-python-default-extension';
import { WrapperConfig } from 'monaco-editor-wrapper';
import { MonacoEditorReactComp } from '@typefox/monaco-editor-react';
const wrapperConfig: WrapperConfig = {
$type: 'extendend',
htmlContainer: document.getElementById('monaco-editor-root')!,
editorAppConfig: {
codeResources: {
main: {
text: 'print("Hello, World!")',
uri: '/workspace/'
const comp = <MonacoEditorReactComp
style={{ 'height': '100%' }}
onLoad={(wrapper: MonacoEditorLanguageClientWrapper) => {
// use the wrapper to get access to monaco-editor or the languageclient
For a detailed list of examples please look at this section in the main repository.