What is @types/loadable__component?
@types/loadable__component provides TypeScript definitions for the loadable-components library, which is used for code-splitting and lazy loading in React applications.
What are @types/loadable__component's main functionalities?
Dynamic Import
This feature allows you to dynamically import a component, which will be loaded only when it is needed. This helps in reducing the initial load time of the application.
import loadable from '@loadable/component';
const LoadableComponent = loadable(() => import('./MyComponent'));
const App = () => (
<LoadableComponent />
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
This feature supports server-side rendering by collecting all the chunks needed to render the app on the server. This ensures that the correct scripts are included in the server-rendered HTML.
import { ChunkExtractor, ChunkExtractorManager } from '@loadable/server';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import App from './App';
const statsFile = path.resolve('./build/loadable-stats.json');
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile });
const jsx = extractor.collectChunks(<App />);
const html = renderToString(jsx);
This feature allows you to preload a component before it is actually needed. This can be useful for improving the user experience by reducing the load time when the component is eventually rendered.
import loadable from '@loadable/component';
const LoadableComponent = loadable(() => import('./MyComponent'));
Other packages similar to @types/loadable__component
react-loadable is another library for code-splitting and lazy loading in React applications. It provides similar functionality to loadable-components but with a different API. While react-loadable is widely used, it is no longer actively maintained, making loadable-components a more modern and actively supported alternative.
react-lazyload is a library focused on lazy loading components and images in React applications. It provides a different approach to lazy loading by using placeholders and scroll-based loading. While it does not offer the same level of code-splitting as loadable-components, it is useful for optimizing the loading of images and other resources.
react-suspense is a built-in feature of React that allows for lazy loading of components using the Suspense and lazy functions. It provides a more integrated solution for code-splitting and lazy loading within the React ecosystem. However, it may require more boilerplate code compared to loadable-components.