What is @types/stack-utils?
@types/stack-utils provides TypeScript type definitions for the stack-utils library, which is used for parsing and manipulating stack traces in JavaScript. This can be particularly useful for debugging and error handling.
What are @types/stack-utils's main functionalities?
Parsing Stack Traces
This feature allows you to parse a stack trace into a more readable and structured format. The code sample demonstrates how to create a StackUtils instance and parse the stack trace of a new Error.
const StackUtils = require('stack-utils');
const stack = new StackUtils({ cwd: process.cwd(), internals: StackUtils.nodeInternals() });
const parsedStack = stack.parse(new Error().stack);
Cleaning Stack Traces
This feature allows you to clean a stack trace by removing internal Node.js entries and other noise. The code sample shows how to clean the stack trace of a new Error.
const StackUtils = require('stack-utils');
const stack = new StackUtils({ cwd: process.cwd(), internals: StackUtils.nodeInternals() });
const cleanedStack = stack.clean(new Error().stack);
Customizing Stack Trace Output
This feature allows you to customize the output format of stack traces. The code sample demonstrates how to wrap call sites to format the stack trace entries in a custom way.
const StackUtils = require('stack-utils');
const stack = new StackUtils({ cwd: process.cwd(), internals: StackUtils.nodeInternals(), wrapCallSite: (callSite) => ({
getFileName: () => callSite.getFileName(),
getLineNumber: () => callSite.getLineNumber(),
getColumnNumber: () => callSite.getColumnNumber(),
toString: () => `${callSite.getFileName()}:${callSite.getLineNumber()}:${callSite.getColumnNumber()}`
}) });
const customStack = stack.clean(new Error().stack);
Other packages similar to @types/stack-utils
error-stack-parser is a library for parsing error stack traces into a more readable format. It is similar to stack-utils in that it provides functionality for parsing stack traces, but it focuses more on browser compatibility and has a simpler API.
stacktrace-js is a library for generating, parsing, and manipulating stack traces in JavaScript. It offers more comprehensive features compared to stack-utils, including support for source maps and browser compatibility.
traceback is a library for handling stack traces in Node.js. It provides similar functionality to stack-utils, such as parsing and cleaning stack traces, but it also includes additional features like filtering and formatting options.
npm install --save @types/stack-utils
This package contains type definitions for stack-utils (https://github.com/tapjs/stack-utils#readme).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/stack-utils.
export = StackUtils;
declare class StackUtils {
static nodeInternals(): RegExp[];
constructor(options?: StackUtils.Options);
clean(stack: string | string[]): string;
capture(limit?: number, startStackFunction?: Function): StackUtils.CallSite[];
capture(startStackFunction: Function): StackUtils.CallSite[];
captureString(limit?: number, startStackFunction?: Function): string;
captureString(startStackFunction: Function): string;
at(startStackFunction?: Function): StackUtils.CallSiteLike;
parseLine(line: string): StackUtils.StackLineData | null;
declare namespace StackUtils {
interface Options {
internals?: RegExp[] | undefined;
ignoredPackages?: string[] | undefined;
cwd?: string | undefined;
wrapCallSite?(callSite: CallSite): CallSite;
interface CallSite {
getThis(): object | undefined;
getTypeName(): string;
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
getFunctionName(): string;
getMethodName(): string | null;
getFileName(): string | undefined;
getLineNumber(): number;
getColumnNumber(): number;
getEvalOrigin(): CallSite | string;
isToplevel(): boolean;
isEval(): boolean;
isNative(): boolean;
isConstructor(): boolean;
interface CallSiteLike extends StackData {
type?: string | undefined;
interface StackLineData extends StackData {
evalLine?: number | undefined;
evalColumn?: number | undefined;
evalFile?: string | undefined;
interface StackData {
line?: number | undefined;
column?: number | undefined;
file?: string | undefined;
constructor?: boolean | undefined;
evalOrigin?: string | undefined;
native?: boolean | undefined;
function?: string | undefined;
method?: string | undefined;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:11:36 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by BendingBender.