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@types/twig - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.12.11 to 1.12.12



@@ -12,146 +12,158 @@ // Type definitions for twig 1.12

export interface Parameters {
id?: any;
blocks?: any;
macros?: any;
base?: any;
path?: any;
href?: any;
name?: any;
method?: any;
options?: any;
data?: any;
async?: any;
load?: ((template: Template) => void) | undefined;
interface Exports {
twig(params: Twig.Parameters): Twig.Template;
extendFilter(name: string, definition: (left: any, params: any[] | false) => string): void;
extendFunction(name: string, definition: (...params: any[]) => string): void;
extendTest(name: string, definition: (value: any) => boolean): void;
extendTag(definition: Twig.ExtendTagOptions): void;
extend(extension: (twig: Twig.Twig) => void): void;
compile(markup: string, options: Twig.CompileOptions): (context: any) => any;
renderFile(path: string, options: Twig.RenderOptions, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
renderFile(path: string, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
__express(path: string, options: Twig.CompileOptions, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
cache(value: boolean): void;
export interface Template {
reset(blocks: any): void;
render(context?: any, params?: any, allow_async?: false): string;
render(context?: any, params?: any, allow_async?: boolean): string | Promise<string>;
renderAsync(context?: any, params?: any): Promise<string>;
importFile(file: string): Template;
importBlocks(file: string, override?: boolean): void;
importMacros(file: string): Template;
getLoaderMethod(): string;
compile(options: any): string;
declare namespace Twig {
interface Parameters {
id?: any;
blocks?: any;
macros?: any;
base?: any;
path?: any;
href?: any;
name?: any;
method?: any;
options?: any;
data?: any;
async?: any;
load?: ((template: Template) => void) | undefined;
export interface CompileOptions {
filename: string;
settings: {
views: any;
interface Template {
reset(blocks: any): void;
render(context?: any, params?: any, allow_async?: false): string;
render(context?: any, params?: any, allow_async?: boolean): string | Promise<string>;
renderAsync(context?: any, params?: any): Promise<string>;
importFile(file: string): Template;
importBlocks(file: string, override?: boolean): void;
importMacros(file: string): Template;
getLoaderMethod(): string;
compile(options: any): string;
interface CompileOptions {
filename: string;
settings: {
views: any;
"twig options": any;
export interface RenderOptions {
[index: string]: any;
allowAsync?: boolean | undefined;
| {
interface RenderOptions {
[index: string]: any;
allowAsync?: boolean | undefined;
| {
views: any;
"twig options": any;
| undefined;
| undefined;
export interface TagToken {
type: string;
match: RegExpExecArray;
stack?: CompiledToken[];
interface TagToken {
type: string;
match: RegExpExecArray;
stack?: CompiledToken[];
export interface RawOutput {
type: "raw";
value: string;
interface RawOutput {
type: "raw";
value: string;
export interface TagTokenWithOutput extends TagToken {
output: RawOutput[];
interface TagTokenWithOutput extends TagToken {
output: RawOutput[];
export interface ExtendableParseContext {} // tslint:disable-line:no-empty-interface
interface ExtendableParseContext {} // tslint:disable-line:no-empty-interface
export interface ParseLoopContext {
index: number;
index0: number;
revindex: number;
revindex0: number;
first: boolean;
last: boolean;
length: number;
parent: ParseContext;
interface ParseLoopContext {
index: number;
index0: number;
revindex: number;
revindex0: number;
first: boolean;
last: boolean;
length: number;
parent: ParseContext;
export interface ParseContext extends ExtendableParseContext {
filename: string;
partials: Record<string, unknown>;
loop?: ParseLoopContext;
path: string;
interface ParseContext extends ExtendableParseContext {
filename: string;
partials: Record<string, unknown>;
loop?: ParseLoopContext;
path: string;
export interface Twig {
exports: {
twig: typeof twig;
extendFilter: typeof extendFilter;
extendFunction: typeof extendFunction;
extendTest: typeof extendTest;
extendTag: typeof extendTag;
extend: typeof extend;
compile: typeof compile;
renderFile: typeof renderFile;
__express: typeof __express;
cache: typeof cache;
expression: {
* Compile an expression token.
* @param rawToken the uncompiled token
* @return The compiled token
interface Twig {
exports: Exports;
expression: {
* Compile an expression token.
* @param rawToken the uncompiled token
* @return The compiled token
compile<T>(rawToken: { value: unknown } & T): { stack: CompiledToken[] } & Omit<T, "value">;
* Parse an RPN expression stack within a context.
* @param tokens An array of compiled expression tokens.
* @param context The render context to parse the tokens with.
* @return The result of parsing all the tokens. The result
* can be anything, String, Array, Object, etc... based on
* the given expression.
parse(tokens: CompiledToken[], context: ParseContext): unknown;
type: {
* Parse an RPN expression stack within a context.
* @param tokens An array of compiled expression tokens.
* @param context The render context to parse the tokens with.
* @return The result of parsing all the tokens. The result
* can be anything, String, Array, Object, etc... based on
* the given expression.
parse(tokens: CompiledToken[], context: ParseContext): unknown;
type: {
comma: "Twig.expression.type.comma";
operator: {
operator: {
unary: "Twig.expression.type.operator.unary";
binary: "Twig.expression.type.operator.binary";
string: "Twig.expression.type.string";
bool: "Twig.expression.type.bool";
slice: "Twig.expression.type.slice";
array: {
array: {
start: "Twig.expression.type.array.start";
end: "Twig.expression.type.array.end";
object: {
object: {
start: "Twig.expression.type.object.start";
end: "Twig.expression.type.object.end";
parameter: {
parameter: {
start: "Twig.expression.type.parameter.start";
end: "Twig.expression.type.parameter.end";
subexpression: {
subexpression: {
start: "Twig.expression.type.subexpression.start";
end: "Twig.expression.type.subexpression.end";
key: {
key: {
period: "Twig.expression.type.key.period";
brackets: "Twig.expression.type.key.brackets";
filter: "Twig.expression.type.filter";

@@ -164,90 +176,83 @@ _function: "Twig.expression.type._function";

test: "Twig.expression.type.test";
export interface CompiledGenericToken<TType, TValue> {
type: TType;
value: TValue;
interface CompiledGenericToken<TType, TValue> {
type: TType;
value: TValue;
export interface CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<TType, TValue> extends CompiledGenericToken<TType, TValue> {
match: Array<string | undefined | unknown>;
interface CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<TType, TValue> extends CompiledGenericToken<TType, TValue> {
match: Array<string | undefined | unknown>;
export interface CompiledSubexpressionToken
extends CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<"Twig.expression.type.subexpression.end", ")">
interface CompiledSubexpressionToken
extends CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<"Twig.expression.type.subexpression.end", ")">
expression: boolean;
params: CompiledToken[];
expression: boolean;
params: CompiledToken[];
export type BinaryOperator = "*" | "**" | "%" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "<" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=";
type BinaryOperator = "*" | "**" | "%" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "<" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=";
export interface CompiledBinaryOperatorToken<TOperator extends BinaryOperator = BinaryOperator>
extends CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<"Twig.expression.type.operator.binary", TOperator>
interface CompiledBinaryOperatorToken<TOperator extends BinaryOperator = BinaryOperator>
extends CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<"Twig.expression.type.operator.binary", TOperator>
precidence: number;
precidence: number;
associativity: "leftToRight" | string;
operator: TOperator;
operator: TOperator;
export interface CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap {
"Twig.expression.type.bool": boolean;
"Twig.expression.type.string": string;
"Twig.expression.type.null": null;
interface CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap {
"Twig.expression.type.bool": boolean;
"Twig.expression.type.string": string;
"Twig.expression.type.null": null;
export interface CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap {
"Twig.expression.type.number": number;
"Twig.expression.type.variable": string;
"Twig.expression.type.array.start": "[";
"Twig.expression.type.array.end": "]";
"Twig.expression.type.object.start": "{";
"Twig.expression.type.object.end": "}";
interface CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap {
"Twig.expression.type.number": number;
"Twig.expression.type.variable": string;
"Twig.expression.type.array.start": "[";
"Twig.expression.type.array.end": "]";
"Twig.expression.type.object.start": "{";
"Twig.expression.type.object.end": "}";
export type CompiledTokenWithoutMatch<
TType extends keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap = keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap,
> = CompiledGenericToken<TType, CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap[TType]>;
type CompiledTokenWithoutMatch<
TType extends keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap = keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap,
> = CompiledGenericToken<TType, CompiledTokenTypesWithoutMatchMap[TType]>;
export type CompiledTokenWithMatch<
TType extends keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap = keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap,
> = CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<TType, CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap[TType]>;
type CompiledTokenWithMatch<
TType extends keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap = keyof CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap,
> = CompiledGenericTokenWithMatch<TType, CompiledTokenTypesWithMatchMap[TType]>;
export type CompiledToken =
| CompiledTokenWithoutMatch
| CompiledTokenWithMatch
| CompiledSubexpressionToken
| CompiledBinaryOperatorToken;
type CompiledToken =
| CompiledTokenWithoutMatch
| CompiledTokenWithMatch
| CompiledSubexpressionToken
| CompiledBinaryOperatorToken;
export interface TagParseOutput {
chain: boolean;
output: string;
interface TagParseOutput {
chain: boolean;
output: string;
export interface ExtendTagOptions {
/** A unique name for the tag (e.g. "tag") */
type: string;
/** Expression used to match the tag */
regex: RegExp;
/** Represents any expected following tags (e.g. "endtag") */
next: string[];
open: boolean;
/** Called on matched tokens when the template is loaded, once per template */
compile?: (token: TagToken) => TagToken;
/** Runs when the template is rendered */
parse?: (token: TagToken, context: ParseContext, chain: boolean) => TagParseOutput;
interface ExtendTagOptions {
/** A unique name for the tag (e.g. "tag") */
type: string;
/** Expression used to match the tag */
regex: RegExp;
/** Represents any expected following tags (e.g. "endtag") */
next: string[];
open: boolean;
/** Called on matched tokens when the template is loaded, once per template */
compile?: (token: TagToken) => TagToken;
/** Runs when the template is rendered */
parse?: (token: TagToken, context: ParseContext, chain: boolean) => TagParseOutput;
export function twig(params: Parameters): Template;
export function extendFilter(name: string, definition: (left: any, params: any[] | false) => string): void;
export function extendFunction(name: string, definition: (...params: any[]) => string): void;
export function extendTest(name: string, definition: (value: any) => boolean): void;
export function extendTag(definition: ExtendTagOptions): void;
export function extend(extension: (twig: Twig) => void): void;
export function compile(markup: string, options: CompileOptions): (context: any) => any;
export function renderFile(path: string, options: RenderOptions, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
export function renderFile(path: string, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
export function __express(path: string, options: CompileOptions, fn: (err: Error, result: any) => void): void;
export function cache(value: boolean): void;
declare const Twig: Exports;
export = Twig;
"name": "@types/twig",
"version": "1.12.11",
"version": "1.12.12",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for twig",

@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "ad6edd574e5bf065e7706568ba4e9ceafdd460c40e2ae40c7d6d5abd4c684c90",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "c863eb2c51ce7b751937a44637ba7692bce244e6aa9f58dd82398539199a01cb",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.5"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 01:49:19 GMT
* Last updated: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:06:48 GMT
* Dependencies: none

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ * Global values: none

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