8.18.2 (2024-12-23)
🩹 Fixes
- eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] not reporting usages of deprecated declared constants as object value (#10498)
- eslint-plugin: [prefer-reduce-type-parameter] don't report cases in which the fix results in a type error (#10494)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] don't flag values of an unconstrained or valid type parameter (#10473)
- eslint-plugin: [consistent-indexed-object-style] use a suggestion over an auto-fix if can't reliably determine that produced index signature is valid (#10490)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-type-assertion] fix for unsafe assertion to a constrained type parameter (#10461)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle type/value context (#10503)
- eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] allow default assertionStyle option (#10512)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle noUncheckedIndexedAccess true (#10514)
- typescript-eslint: export types so that declarations can be named for dts files (#10513)
❤️ Thank You
- Brad Zacher @bradzacher
- Luke Deen Taylor @controversial
- Ronen Amiel
- Scott O'Hara
- YeonJuan @yeonjuan
- Yukihiro Hasegawa @y-hsgw
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