OpenCV 4.1.1 Template Matching Image Finder
![Supported node LTS versions](
It's either standalone or plugin for nutjs project
The best template matcher for node js ever with handlers
- Invariant Rotating
- Over Writing
- Scale Images
- Non Maximum Suppression
Standalone findMatch,findMatches
npm i @udarrr/template-matcher
import finder from "@udarrr/template-matcher";
(async () => {
const matcheImages = await finder.findMatch({haystack: 'pathToImage', needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
const matcheWithScreen = await finder.findMatch({needle: pathToTemplate});
const matchesImages = await finder.findMatches({haystack: 'pathToImage', needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
const matchesWithScreen = await finder.findMatches({needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
@udarrr/template-matcher standalone API
haystack?: string | Image,
needle: string | Image,
confidence?: number,
providerData?: {
methodType?: MethodNameType;
scaleSteps?: Array<number>;
searchMultipleScales: boolean,
isRotation: boolean,
rotation?: { range?: number; overLap?: number; minDstLength?: number };
roi?: Region;
debug?: boolean
Nutjs v3 find,findAll
npm i @udarrr/template-matcher
import { imageResource, screen } from '@nut-tree/nut-js';
import {OptionsSearchParameterType} from '@udarrr/template-matcher/lib/types'
import "@udarrr/template-matcher";
(async () => {
const img = await screen.find<OptionsSearchParameterType>(imageResource("path"),{ providerData: {...}});
const imgs = await screen.findAll<OptionsSearchParameterType>(imageResource("path"),{ providerData: {...}});
@udarrr/template-matcher providerData nutjs v3 Api
providerData?: {
methodType?: MethodNameType;
scaleSteps?: Array<number>;
searchMultipleScales: boolean,
isRotation: boolean,
rotation?: { range?: number; overLap?: number; minDstLength?: number };
debug?: boolean;
roi?: Region;
Values by default
methodType: "TM_CCOEFF_NORMED"
scaleSteps: [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
debug: false
searchMultipleScales: true,
isRotation: false,
rotation: {range: 180, overLap: 0.1, minDstLength: 2048}
confidence: 0.8