UIowa Mfk
is a full-fledged Angular library for MFK input and Favorite MFK management. This library has peer dependency on Angular >=6, ng-bootstrap >=2, Bootstrap 4 (css) and @uiowa/digit-only, as of August, 2018. The version number of this library is following the major and minor version of Angular.
- Number only input fields with fixed lengths.
- Smartly handle paste strings for input fields.
- Auto fill 0s in the MFK input field when hit Tab key.
- Auto focus next fields when current MFK input field is full.
- Allow set field(s) default value(s).
- Allow set readonly field(s).
- Provide MFK common methods.F
- Provide MFK validation method and service.
- Provide MFK change event API.
- Select Favorite MFK and show it in MFK input.
- Clear MFK input.
- Real-time indication for determine if an MFK is "favorite" or not.
- Add/Remove Favorite MFK.
- Provide Favorite MFK common methods.
- Provide Favorite MFK crud service.
- Provide Favorite MFKs change event API.
- Show MFK string in a
tag. - Auto detect BRF field in the string.