This module creates Vite config for developing a CMS theme. It uses Vite for building production assets and uses the Vite dev server as an asset server while developing the site locally.
Currently this is being used for Drupal projects and with static site generators (Hugo, Eleventy). Will also work in other traditional site/CMS (ie. Wordpress, etc) that need static assets.
Note for local development you need to configure/setup your CMS to work correctly (HMR, dev server) by switching the paths to assets when developing (see CMS Setup below). CSS/JS is served/managed by vite during local development. Vite works as an asset server which makes the development experience similar to working on an Vue/React App.
In your theme's root folder 'vite.config.js'. See options below for more information. See repository "./scaffold" for example folder/file structure.
import { createConfig } from "@ulu/vite-config-cms-theme";
export default createConfig({
origin: "http://site-local-url",
themePath: "/themes/custom/theme-name"
CMS Setup (Drupal)
By default Vite is designed for developing applications, this module changes defaults and adds plugins to make Vite features work on a traditional website (non-app).
In a Drupal site, what this is tested with. You need to change your theme's libraries when developing locally.
We did this by:
- Adding two libraries to our theme. One that points to the production assets (CSS/JS) and one that points to the local Vite dev server. This way when you are developing locally assets will be requested from the Vite dev server.
- Adding special frontend_dev flag to our settings.php to be set locally by the developer to switch to Vite for local development
- Last, we have a have a custom preprocess theme hook/function that checks for that 'frontend_dev' flag and conditionally loads the dev libraries vs the normal theme libraries ('css-js' vs 'css-js-dev' in the example below).
Example THEME.libraries.yml
version: 1.0
dist/style.css: {}
dist/polyfills-legacy.js: {}
dist/main-legacy.js: {}
- core/jquery
version: 1.0
http://localhost:5173/themes/custom/theme-name/@vite/client: { attributes: { type: module }}
http://localhost:5173/themes/custom/theme-name/src/main.js: { attributes: { type: module }}
- core/jquery
The 'createConfig' function accepts the following options
Required Options
- themePath | {String} | (required) Absolute path to your theme from the servers root (ie. www)
- origin | {String} | (required) Your local CMS dev server URL
Optional Options
input | {String} | The entry file, defaults to "src/main.js"
outDir | {String} | Where to build the production files to, default "dist"
cwd | {String} | Path to cwd, defaults to process.cwd()
publicDir | {String} | Location of Vite public dir (used for assets), default "src/public"
stylesOnly | {Boolean} | When set to true will generate only css file for input (building editor styles, builder styles, etc)
globalJquery | {String} | Add global/external jquery, so that you can import it like normal inside your ES modules, for CMS's where jQuery is accessible in the window (global)
noChunks | {Boolean} | Default true, don't allow async chunks. In drupal theme we are using AdvAgg for JS so this behavior wasn't wanted. Enable chunks by setting this to true.
minify | {Boolean} | (default true) Minify JS
minifyCss | {Boolean} | (default true) Minify CSS
plugins | {Array} | Plugins to add to config
entryFileNames | {String} | Options to configure build option "entryFileNames" (defaults to "[name].js")
chunkFileNames | {String} | Options to configure build option "chunkFileNames" (defaults to "chunks/[name].[hash].js")
assetFileNames | {String} | Options to configure build option "assetFileNames" (defaults to "[name].[ext]")
assetsInlineLimit | {Number} | Set build.assetsInlineLimit (defaults to 0, which is disabled)
withLegacy | {Boolean} | Whether to output the legacy vite bundle
withVue | {Boolean} | Include vue plugin
withImageOptimizer | {Boolean} | Include image optimizer plugin
withWatchReload | {Boolean} | Include watch plugin to reload based on other files (php etc)
watchReloadOptions | {Array} | Watch options to be passed to reloadWatch plugin, default to Drupal paths (any php|inc|theme|twig files in theme directory or custom modules). Any valid options for 'vite-plugin-full-reload'
imageOptimizerOptions | {Object} | Any valid options for 'vite-plugin-image-optimizer'
preprocessorOptions | {Array} | Options to be passed to vite css.preprocessorOptions, defaults to adding includePaths "src/scss/" to sass preprocessor
alias | {Object} | Options to be passed to vite resolve.alias, defaults setup "@/ = src/"
host | {String} | Host for Vite dev server
port | {Number} | The port for Vite dev server, default (5173)
debug | {Boolean} | Output debug logs (console)