Advanced tools
Comparing version 1.4.1 to 1.5.0
@@ -1,3 +0,4 @@ | ||
import { T as Thing, S as SchemaOrgNodeDefinition, a as SchemaOrgNode, M as MetaInput, R as ResolvedMeta, b as SchemaOrgGraph, A as Arrayable, P as PostalAddress, c as AggregateOffer, d as AggregateRating, e as Article, B as BreadcrumbList, C as Comment, E as Event, V as VirtualLocation, f as Place, H as HowTo, g as HowToStep, I as ImageObject, J as JobPosting, L as LocalBusiness, O as Offer, h as OpeningHoursSpecification, i as Organization, j as Person, k as Product, Q as Question, l as Recipe, m as Review, n as VideoObject, W as WebPage, o as WebSite, p as Book, q as Course, r as ItemList, s as ListItem, t as Movie, u as SearchAction, v as ReadAction, w as SoftwareApp, x as BookEdition } from './shared/schema-org.a5249ce4.js'; | ||
export { z as AggregateOfferSimple, F as AggregateRatingSimple, K as ArticleSimple, Y as BookEditionSimple, X as BookSimple, a0 as BreadcrumbSimple, a3 as CommentSimple, a5 as CourseSimple, a7 as EventSimple, aj as HowToDirection, af as HowToId, ae as HowToSimple, ah as HowToStepSimple, bg as Id, bf as IdReference, ba as Identity, an as ImageSimple, al as ItemListSimple, ap as JobPostingSimple, ar as ListItemSimple, at as LocalBusinessSimple, av as MovieSimple, b8 as NodeRelation, b9 as NodeRelations, aQ as NutritionInformation, ax as OfferSimple, az as OpeningHoursSimple, bc as OptionalSchemaOrgPrefix, aB as OrganizationSimple, aD as PersonSimple, ac as PlaceSimple, aF as PostalAddressSimple, N as PrimaryArticleId, _ as PrimaryBookId, a1 as PrimaryBreadcrumbId, a8 as PrimaryEventId, a_ as PrimaryWebPageId, b3 as PrimaryWebSiteId, aI as ProductId, aH as ProductSimple, aK as QuestionSimple, aN as Rating, aM as RatingSimple, b0 as ReadActionInput, aR as RecipeId, aP as RecipeSimple, bb as ResolvableDate, aV as ReviewSimple, b7 as SchemaOrgUnheadPlugin, b5 as SearchActionInput, aT as SoftwareAppSimple, bd as UserConfig, aX as VideoSimple, aa as VirtualLocationSimple, aZ as WebPageSimple, b2 as WebSiteSimple, be as WithResolver, aG as addressResolver, D as aggregateOfferResolver, G as aggregateRatingResolver, U as articleResolver, Z as bookEditionResolver, $ as bookResolver, a2 as breadcrumbResolver, a4 as commentResolver, a6 as courseResolver, y as createSchemaOrgGraph, a9 as eventResolver, ag as howToResolver, ak as howToStepDirectionResolver, ai as howToStepResolver, ao as imageResolver, am as itemListResolver, aq as jobPostingResolver, as as listItemResolver, au as localBusinessResolver, aw as movieResolver, ay as offerResolver, aA as openingHoursResolver, aC as organizationResolver, aE as personResolver, ad as placeResolver, aJ as productResolver, aL as questionResolver, aO as ratingResolver, b1 as readActionResolver, aS as recipeResolver, aW as reviewResolver, b6 as searchActionResolver, aU as softwareAppResolver, aY as videoResolver, ab as virtualLocationResolver, a$ as webPageResolver, b4 as webSiteResolver } from './shared/schema-org.a5249ce4.js'; | ||
import { T as Thing, S as SchemaOrgNodeDefinition, a as SchemaOrgNode, M as MetaInput, R as ResolvedMeta, b as SchemaOrgGraph, A as Arrayable, P as PostalAddress, c as AggregateOffer, d as AggregateRating, e as Article, B as BreadcrumbList, C as Comment, E as Event, V as VirtualLocation, f as Place, H as HowTo, g as HowToStep, I as ImageObject, J as JobPosting, L as LocalBusiness, O as Offer, h as OpeningHoursSpecification, i as Organization, j as Person, k as Product, Q as Question, l as Recipe, m as Review, n as VideoObject, W as WebPage, o as WebSite, p as Book, q as Course, r as ItemList, s as ListItem, t as Movie, u as SearchAction, v as ReadAction, w as SoftwareApp, x as BookEdition } from './shared/schema-org.1f290788.js'; | ||
export { z as AggregateOfferSimple, F as AggregateRatingSimple, K as ArticleSimple, Y as BookEditionSimple, X as BookSimple, a0 as BreadcrumbSimple, a3 as CommentSimple, a5 as CourseSimple, a7 as EventSimple, aj as HowToDirection, af as HowToId, ae as HowToSimple, ah as HowToStepSimple, bi as Id, bh as IdReference, bc as Identity, an as ImageSimple, al as ItemListSimple, ap as JobPostingSimple, ar as ListItemSimple, at as LocalBusinessSimple, av as MovieSimple, ba as NodeRelation, bb as NodeRelations, aQ as NutritionInformation, ax as OfferSimple, az as OpeningHoursSimple, be as OptionalSchemaOrgPrefix, aB as OrganizationSimple, aD as PersonSimple, ac as PlaceSimple, b8 as PluginSchemaOrg, b7 as PluginSchemaOrgOptions, aF as PostalAddressSimple, N as PrimaryArticleId, _ as PrimaryBookId, a1 as PrimaryBreadcrumbId, a8 as PrimaryEventId, a_ as PrimaryWebPageId, b3 as PrimaryWebSiteId, aI as ProductId, aH as ProductSimple, aK as QuestionSimple, aN as Rating, aM as RatingSimple, b0 as ReadActionInput, aR as RecipeId, aP as RecipeSimple, bd as ResolvableDate, aV as ReviewSimple, b9 as SchemaOrgUnheadPlugin, b5 as SearchActionInput, aT as SoftwareAppSimple, bf as UserConfig, aX as VideoSimple, aa as VirtualLocationSimple, aZ as WebPageSimple, b2 as WebSiteSimple, bg as WithResolver, aG as addressResolver, D as aggregateOfferResolver, G as aggregateRatingResolver, U as articleResolver, Z as bookEditionResolver, $ as bookResolver, a2 as breadcrumbResolver, a4 as commentResolver, a6 as courseResolver, y as createSchemaOrgGraph, a9 as eventResolver, ag as howToResolver, ak as howToStepDirectionResolver, ai as howToStepResolver, ao as imageResolver, am as itemListResolver, aq as jobPostingResolver, as as listItemResolver, au as localBusinessResolver, aw as movieResolver, ay as offerResolver, aA as openingHoursResolver, aC as organizationResolver, aE as personResolver, ad as placeResolver, aJ as productResolver, aL as questionResolver, aO as ratingResolver, b1 as readActionResolver, aS as recipeResolver, aW as reviewResolver, b6 as searchActionResolver, aU as softwareAppResolver, aY as videoResolver, ab as virtualLocationResolver, a$ as webPageResolver, b4 as webSiteResolver } from './shared/schema-org.1f290788.js'; | ||
import '@unhead/schema'; | ||
@@ -4,0 +5,0 @@ declare function defineSchemaOrgResolver<T extends Thing>(schema: SchemaOrgNodeDefinition<T>): SchemaOrgNodeDefinition<T>; |
import { ComponentResolver } from 'unplugin-vue-components'; | ||
import { MaybeComputedRefOrPromise } from '@unhead/vue'; | ||
import { P as PostalAddress, c as AggregateOffer, d as AggregateRating, e as Article, B as BreadcrumbList, C as Comment, E as Event, V as VirtualLocation, f as Place, H as HowTo, g as HowToStep, I as ImageObject, J as JobPosting, L as LocalBusiness, O as Offer, h as OpeningHoursSpecification, i as Organization, j as Person, k as Product, Q as Question, l as Recipe, m as Review, n as VideoObject, W as WebPage, o as WebSite, p as Book, q as Course, r as ItemList, s as ListItem, t as Movie, u as SearchAction, v as ReadAction, w as SoftwareApp, x as BookEdition } from './shared/schema-org.a5249ce4.js'; | ||
export { M as MetaInput, b7 as SchemaOrgUnheadPlugin, bd as UserConfig } from './shared/schema-org.a5249ce4.js'; | ||
import { P as PostalAddress, c as AggregateOffer, d as AggregateRating, e as Article, B as BreadcrumbList, C as Comment, E as Event, V as VirtualLocation, f as Place, H as HowTo, g as HowToStep, I as ImageObject, J as JobPosting, L as LocalBusiness, O as Offer, h as OpeningHoursSpecification, i as Organization, j as Person, k as Product, Q as Question, l as Recipe, m as Review, n as VideoObject, W as WebPage, o as WebSite, p as Book, q as Course, r as ItemList, s as ListItem, t as Movie, u as SearchAction, v as ReadAction, w as SoftwareApp, x as BookEdition } from './shared/schema-org.1f290788.js'; | ||
export { M as MetaInput, b8 as PluginSchemaOrg, b9 as SchemaOrgUnheadPlugin, bf as UserConfig } from './shared/schema-org.1f290788.js'; | ||
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'; | ||
import '@unhead/schema'; | ||
@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ interface SchemaOrgResolverOptions { |
{ | ||
"name": "@unhead/schema-org", | ||
"version": "1.4.1", | ||
"version": "1.5.0", | ||
"description": "Unhead Schema.org for Simple and Automated Google Rich Results", | ||
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ "author": "Harlan Wilton <harlan@harlanzw.com>", | ||
"peerDependencies": { | ||
"unhead": ">=1.3.5", | ||
"@unhead/shared": "1.4.1" | ||
"unhead": ">=1.4.1", | ||
"@unhead/shared": "1.5.0" | ||
}, | ||
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ "dependencies": { | ||
"vue": "^3.3.4", | ||
"@unhead/schema": "1.4.1", | ||
"@unhead/shared": "1.4.1", | ||
"@unhead/vue": "1.4.1", | ||
"unhead": "1.4.1" | ||
"@unhead/schema": "1.5.0", | ||
"@unhead/shared": "1.5.0", | ||
"@unhead/vue": "1.5.0", | ||
"unhead": "1.5.0" | ||
}, | ||
@@ -58,0 +58,0 @@ "scripts": { |
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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Major refactor
Supply chain riskPackage has recently undergone a major refactor. It may be unstable or indicate significant internal changes. Use caution when updating to versions that include significant changes.
Found 1 instance in 1 package