Unlock ABI v1
This npm module includes the ABI for the smart contracts Unlock.sol and PublicLock.sol for v1
The smart contracts have been compiled as of commit 90d2192c.
This is mostly an upgrade on V0 with the addition of ERC721 compatibility.
* 3f1d7bd7 - using a single .prettierrc (#2475) (6 months ago)
* 8245c520 - Solidity 0.5.7 (#2355) (6 months ago)
* 76c52dcb - extracted shared config for eslint to be shared among all folders (#2459) (6 months ago)
* 5ec6f02c - Check totalSupply on createLock (#2329) (6 months ago)
* f947b4e6 - (#2382) (6 months ago)
* cecfd74f - Greenkeeper/default/truffle 5.0.10 (#2444) (6 months ago)
* 2485a5bf - removed npm reformat and the script which checks for changes as prettier now runs thru eslint (#2325) (7 months ago)
* 618ae8d5 - Add a numerator to the refund penalty rate (#2258) (7 months ago)
* 289160ea - Define transferFee and allow it to be changed (#2078) (7 months ago)
* c63f11ad - Price Locks in ERC20 tokens (#2123) (7 months ago)
* 76b14e60 - Adding ERC20 test artifacts (#2223) (7 months ago)
* f90a6adb - using prettier inside eslint (#2314) (7 months ago)
* b9b1835b - Remove an unused variable. (#2221) (7 months ago)
* acc9e814 - Rename outstandingKeys to totalSupply (#2095) (7 months ago)
* e2d24cab - adding eol rule to projects (#2156) (7 months ago)
* b2878fe8 - Switch to OZ ERC721Holder (#2089) (7 months ago)
* 0e7c4270 - ZOS and ZOS-Lib 2.2.2 update (#2088) (7 months ago)
* ab709533 - Pass tokenAddress to PublicLock (#2075) (7 months ago)
* 85f1197c - Revert IMixinFunds interface (#2074) (7 months ago)
* 55ca611d - Cap refund on cancel (#2077) (7 months ago)
* 5b59a6cd - Solidity 0.5.6 (#2060) (7 months ago)
* ac5b1629 - Adding address placeholder for selecting an ERC20 token on createLock (#2038) (7 months ago)
* 52deb77d - Reset ZOS when migrations is `--reset` (#2034) (7 months ago)
* ad087e62 - Support any dev network id (#2031) (7 months ago)
* d15bd81a - Remove shellJS (#2030) (7 months ago)
* c3ce2f55 - Adding a token implementation to use for testing. (#2028) (7 months ago)
* 2fb2b135 - Running all tests through zos proxy via migrations (#1970) (7 months ago)
* 69cbd7e5 - Refactor MixinFunds (#2024) (7 months ago)
* dcd7c28f - Remove unneeded networks from truffle config (#2003) (7 months ago)
* 90bef323 - Add grantKeys (owner only) functions to PublicLock (#1951) (7 months ago)
* 361a7a61 - Move the lock version from Unlock to PublicLock (#1969) (7 months ago)
* c654e8b9 - Removing unused NPM scripts (#1964) (7 months ago)
* de2f5698 - Removing key specific data (#1938) (7 months ago)
* da98d323 - Remove remix-ide and use hosted IDE instead. (#1909) (7 months ago)
* e499ce14 - Remove solhint (one of the Solidity linters) (#1955) (7 months ago)
* 943eb557 - Refactor setOwner (#1937) (7 months ago)
* 773dcacb - Modify migrations scripts to remove shellJs (#1935) (7 months ago)
* 23c175b1 - Add missing `from` to our deploy test helper (#1932) (7 months ago)
* 9c3d41aa - Rename smart-contract test cases to be more descriptive (#1911) (7 months ago)
* ecf5737b - Update to Solidity 0.5.5 (#1902) (7 months ago)
* c8c00221 - Truffle 5.0.7 (#1924) (7 months ago)
* eeb91d3d - Fix smart contract upgrades test (#1925) (7 months ago)
* e8cbb3e2 - Use interface type instead of the address (#1914) (7 months ago)
* 20fa6174 - Contract `initialize` minor changes (#1916) (7 months ago)
* aef0c7b8 - Switch upgrades test to use our npm packages (#1901) (7 months ago)
* 262c5916 - Add public-lock-abi-0 and unlock-abi-0 to smart-contracts (#1899) (7 months ago)
* 8b5228a7 - Update zos version in zos json (#1896) (7 months ago)
* 37e2b2bf - Update NPM truffle-hdwallet-provider (#1847) (7 months ago)
* 9b23a8f1 - Update NPM web3-eth-abi and web3-utils (#1848) (7 months ago)
* ac982f94 - Update NPM bignumber.js (#1849) (7 months ago)
* 5a56e7e2 - Reset on deploy (#1861) (7 months ago)
* 00f76264 - updated the npm module for published ABI (#1839) (7 months ago)
* 0eb6e63f - Solidity 0.5 update (#1832) (7 months ago)
* 4f207bcd - zos and zos-lib 2.2.1 update (#1756) (7 months ago)
* 4eb063fe - Fix inheritance (#1826) (7 months ago)
* dd605cc4 - Refactor Mixin for Purchase functions (#1789) (7 months ago)
* e821231a - Stop overwriting key data on transfers (#1820) (7 months ago)
* 3a73230a - Remove old example test files (#1790) (7 months ago)
* fd88912e - Add ExpireKey event (#1798) (7 months ago)
* fbff6984 - Reviewing MixinLockCore (#1799) (7 months ago)
* 636b799c - Contract gas usage testing (#1693) (7 months ago)
* becfcd3c - Adding approve test cases and fixed a couple bugs (#1795) (7 months ago)
* 1ab096c4 - Adding disableLock test cases and added a couple isAlive requirements (#1797) (7 months ago)
* 80a1ff19 - Adding a Lock name field (#1672) (7 months ago)
* 914b82f5 - Registering the erc721 interface (#1749) (7 months ago)
* 82c6804b - Add test case for transfers when sold out (#1748) (7 months ago)
* f676e660 - Adding safeTransferFrom functions to Lock contract for erc721 compliance (#1716) (7 months ago)
* 2a431756 - Specify gas when using TestHelper (#1729) (7 months ago)
* 886f2237 - Change address 0 to 0x00..0 (#1728) (7 months ago)
* 04dbdf73 - Add missing BigNumber (#1727) (7 months ago)
* 0bbf97d5 - Cast address to payable address (#1726) (7 months ago)
* 7c375c8f - Adding missing `view` keyword (#1724) (7 months ago)
* 524fdb18 - Add missing `memory` keyword (#1723) (7 months ago)
* 3f7d7da2 - Merge MixinKeyOwner into MixinKeys (#1709) (7 months ago)
* 6f629612 - Test upgrading Unlock.sol from v0 to v1 (#1702) (7 months ago)
* b0efc264 - Remove solidity-coverage (#1725) (7 months ago)
* 483148df - Update citation format (#1717) (7 months ago)
* 562c6b9d - Moving NODE_ENV to package.json (#1708) (7 months ago)
* e9442e28 - Remove console log from test (#1695) (7 months ago)
* 26ff87bd - Refactor mixin for refunds (#1669) (7 months ago)
* 75b709e9 - Update interface for previously added functions (#1671) (7 months ago)
* ed91d94a - Update to the canonical URL for ERC-721 (#1685) (7 months ago)
* 43289001 - Refactor mixin for the `NoFallback` function (#1670) (8 months ago)
* 826aad55 - Adding approve for all to meet ERC721 standard (#1642) (8 months ago)
* 6f20f6fc - Refactor mixin for core lock data and functions (#1644) (8 months ago)
* 1a437f75 - Fix lint errors (#1640) (8 months ago)
* a2ff1374 - Refactor mixin for Keys (#1635) (8 months ago)
* 44da83e2 - No fallback function (#1604) (8 months ago)
* 975d33f5 - MixinApproval (#1633) (8 months ago)
* 954e6d3b - Refactor mixin for key owner related functions (#1630) (8 months ago)
* 51a33cb0 - Switch to openzeppelin-solidity (from -eth) for the lock (#1618) (8 months ago)
* f14f6023 - MixinDisableAndDestroy (#1631) (8 months ago)
* ec7a50c2 - Enable eslint on smart contracts (#1608) (8 months ago)
* 8446ffbd - Fix eslint contract errors (#1553) (8 months ago)
* 0fbd31bb - Re-enable smart contract lint errors (#1616) (8 months ago)
* c7a2906c - Switch to single quotes (#1610) (8 months ago)
* d873a458 - Standard IERC721Receiver (#1605) (8 months ago)
* dccf5bb5 - Add openzeppelin-solidity (#1607) (8 months ago)
* f223757a - Downgrade lint errors regarding quotes (#1609) (8 months ago)
* 19db7eff - Add web3-eth-abi (#1603) (8 months ago)
* 61711b88 - Fixing issues reported by Solium (#1601) (8 months ago)
* f8b3e499 - Adding solium (#1600) (8 months ago)
* 69bccf88 - Contract error codes (#1555) (8 months ago)
* 15d6ceaa - Solidity coverage (#1552) (8 months ago)
* 04e85e93 - Update solhint in group default to the latest version (#1551) (8 months ago)
* 91877ba7 - Adds disableLock and deleteLock functionality (#1516) (8 months ago)
* 5acf1b2d - Cancel key and get a partial refund (#1419) (8 months ago)
* fdafa5cd - enabling integration tests (#1497) (8 months ago)
* 13030aac - Adding isAlive variable & onlyIfAlive modifier (#1473) (8 months ago)
* 64e6e03d - Initial commit (#1416) (8 months ago)
* 864b4560 - Remove solidity-coverage (#1358) (8 months ago)
* b236b201 - ZOS update (#1347) (8 months ago)
* 7bce8713 - Run solidity-coverage on CI (#1342) (8 months ago)
* 1e6bcd75 - Missing .call() (#1345) (8 months ago)
* 0511c496 - Adds unique tokenID's for Keys (#1143) (8 months ago)
* 3393795d - Add contract method getHasValidKey (#1337) (8 months ago)
* 2647c0f7 - BigNumber fixes (#1333) (8 months ago)
* 67562cf9 - Add cross-env to contracts (#1329) (8 months ago)
* 4cf0bb34 - Remove unneeded dir (#1336) (8 months ago)
* 93bdd857 - Remove test network from truffle config js (#1326) (8 months ago)
* 99dcc35a - Lock version numbers (#1276) (8 months ago)