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Popup global controller:
- Handle popup animations
- Remove old popup with the same
automatically - Make it easy to implement your own popup like Dialog, Toast, ActionSheet
- Support landscape and portrait automatically
Derived from @unpourtous/react-native-stub-toast/PopupStub.
Animation is based on react-native-animatable
npm install @unpourtous/react-native-popup-stub --save
API Detail
PopupStub properties
param | type | description |
maskColor | String | mask color, default 'rgba(23,26,35,0.6)' |
maskAnimatable | Boolean | whether enable mask animation, default false |
orientation | Enum | deprecated, no need any more |
Init PopupStub with PopupStub reference.
param | type | description |
ref | ref | should be the PopupStub component reference |
Add popup to PopupStub, use option to controller actions for each Component/Layers.
param | type | description |
component | Component | View component |
option | Object | see below |
.id | String | popup unique id, optional |
.lock | Boolean | when locked, it will stop all clicks, default false |
.mask | Boolean | has a visual mask or not, default true |
.maskDuration | Integer | duration of mask animation (if enabled) |
.autoClose | Boolean | enable clicking mask to close or not, default true |
.enableClickThrough | Boolean | deprecated, use lock instead |
.visible | Boolean | whether to render this popup, default true |
.zIndex | Integer | priority of each popup in PopupStub, the bigger the higher |
.position | Enum | position of element in screen, available: none, left, right, top, bottom, center (defualt) |
.wrapperStyle | Object | animation wrapper style (each popup is wrapped in an Animatable.View) |
.closingAnimation | Animation | by default, reversed animation |
Animatable.props | -- | see Animatable.props, direction and onAnimationEnd are reserved |
returns (String) unique id
lock changed a lot, from Enum
to Boolean
Invoke popup exiting animation and remove it on animation end
param | type | description |
id | String | popup unique id |
First, add PopupStub as sibling node of your Root Node
export default class example extends Component {
render () {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{/* Your root node */}
onPress={() => {
// Step three: Use Toast with static function
Toast.show('This is a Toast')
Toast.show('This is another Toast')
<Text>Show Toast</Text>
{/* Step One: Add popup stub */}
<PopupStub maskColor='rgba(0,0,0,0.75)' ref={_ref => {
// Step Two: Init PopupStub itself
if (_ref) PopupStub.init(_ref)
}} />
Then, just push your popup instance to PopupStub
export default class Toast extends Component {
static show (msg) {
const id = PopupStub.addPopup(<Toast msg={msg} />, {
mask: false,
position: 'center',
zIndex: 500,
delay: 0,
duration: 100,
animation: 'fadeIn',
easing: 'ease'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500)
render () {
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor: '#000', borderRadius: 5, padding: 15}}>
<Text style={{color: '#fff', fontSize: 15}}>{this.props.msg}</Text>
export default class ActionSheet extends Component {
static _id
static show (choices) {
ActionSheet._id = PopupStub.addPopup(<ActionSheet choices={choices} />, {
mask: true,
zIndex: 300,
delay: 0,
duration: 100,
animation: {from: {translateY: 210}, to: {translateY: 0}},
easing: 'ease',
position: 'bottom',
static hide () {
render () {
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor: 'gray'}}>
<View style={styles.btn}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 16}}>Option 1</Text>
<View style={[styles.btn, styles.line]}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 16}}>Option 2</Text>
<View style={[styles.btn, styles.line]}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 16}}>Option 3</Text>
<View style={[styles.btn, {marginTop: 10}]}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 16, color: 'gray'}} onPress={() => ActionSheet.hide()}>Cancel</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
btn: {
backgroundColor: 'white',
height: 50,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
line: {
borderColor: '#ddd',
borderTopWidth: 1
This library is distributed under MIT Licence.
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