A React component and hook to initiate a SpeechRecognition session
:red_circle: LIVE
DEMO :red_circle:
The Web Speech API is only supported by few browsers so
far (see caniuse). If the API is not available, the Vocal
won't display anything.
This component intends to catch a speech result as soon as possible. This can be a good fit for vocal commands or search
field filling. For now on it does not support continuous speech (see Roadmap below).
That means either a result is caught and returned or timeout is reached and the recognition is discarded.
The stop
function returned by children-as-function mechanism allows to prematurely discard the recognition before
timeout elapses.
yarn add @untemps/react-vocal
Basic usage
import Vocal from '@untemps/react-vocal'
const App = () => {
const [result, setResult] = useState('')
const _onVocalStart = () => {
const _onVocalResult = (result) => {
return (
<div className="App">
<span style={{position: 'relative'}}>
style={{width: 16, position: 'absolute', right: 10, top: -2}}
<input defaultValue={result} style={{width: 300, height: 40}}/>
Custom component
By default, Vocal
displays an icon with two states:
- Idle
![Idle state](https://github.com/untemps/react-vocal/raw/HEAD/assets/icon-idle.png)
- Listening
![Listening state](https://github.com/untemps/react-vocal/raw/HEAD/assets/icon-listening.png)
But you can provide your own component.
- With a simple React element:
import Vocal from '@untemps/react-vocal'
const App = () => {
return (
In this case, a onClick
handler is automatically attached to the component to start a recognition session.
Only the first direct descendant of Vocal will receive the onClick
handler. If you want to use a more complex
hierarchy, use the function syntax below.
- With a function that returns a React element:
import Vocal from '@untemps/react-vocal'
const Play = () => <div style={{
width: 0,
height: 0,
marginLeft: 1,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderWidth: '4px 0 4px 8px',
borderColor: 'transparent transparent transparent black'
const Stop = () => <div style={{
width: 8,
height: 8,
backgroundColor: 'black'
const App = () => {
return (
<Vocal>{(start, stop, isStarted) => (
<button style={{padding: 5}} onClick={isStarted ? stop : start}>
{isStarted ? <Stop/> : <Play/>}
The following parameters are passed to the function:
Arguments | Type | Description |
start | func | The function used to start the recognition |
stop | func | The function used to stop the recognition |
isStarted | bool | A flag that indicates whether the recognition is started or not |
Props | Type | Default | Description |
lang | string | 'en-US' | Language understood by the recognition BCP 47 language tag |
grammars | SpeechGrammarList | null | Grammars understood by the recognition JSpeech Grammar Format |
timeout | number | 3000 | Time in ms to wait before discarding the recognition |
style | object | null | Styles of the root element if className is not specified |
className | string | null | Class of the root element |
onStart | func | null | Handler called when the recognition starts |
onEnd | func | null | Handler called when the recognition ends |
onSpeechStart | func | null | Handler called when the speech starts |
onSpeechEnd | func | null | Handler called when the speech ends |
onResult | func | null | Handler called when a result is recognized |
onError | func | null | Handler called when an error occurs |
onNoMatch | func | null | Handler called when no result can be recognized |
Basic usage
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {useVocal} from '@untemps/react-vocal'
import Icon from './Icon'
const App = () => {
const [isListening, setIsListening] = useState(false)
const [result, setResult] = useState('')
const [, {start, subscribe}] = useVocal('fr_FR')
const _onButtonClick = () => {
subscribe('speechstart', _onVocalStart)
subscribe('result', _onVocalResult)
subscribe('error', _onVocalError)
const _onVocalStart = () => {
const _onVocalResult = (result) => {
const _onVocalError = (e) => {
return (
<span style={{position: 'relative'}}>
style={{width: 16, position: 'absolute', right: 10, top: 2}}
<Icon color={isListening ? 'red' : 'blue'}/>
<input defaultValue={result} style={{width: 300, height: 40}}/>
useVocal(lang, grammars)
Return value
const [ref, { start, stop, abort, subscribe, unsubscribe, clean }]
Args | Type | Description |
ref | Ref | React ref to the SpeechRecognitionWrapper instance |
start | func | Function to start the recognition |
stop | func | Function to stop the recognition |
abort | func | Function to abort the recognition |
subscribe | func | Function to subscribe to recognition events |
unsubscribe | func | Function to unsubscribe to recognition events |
clean | func | Function to clean subscription to recognition events |
Browser support flag
Basic usage
import Vocal, {isSupported} from '@untemps/react-vocal'
const App = () => {
return isSupported ? (
) : (
<p>Your browser does not support Web Speech API</p>
Events | Description |
audioend | Fired when the user agent has finished capturing audio for recognition |
audiostart | Fired when the user agent has started to capture audio for recognition |
end | Fired when the recognition service has disconnected |
error | Fired when a recognition error occurs |
nomatch | Fired when the recognition service returns a final result with no significant recognition |
result | Fired when the recognition service returns a result |
soundend | Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has stopped being detected |
soundstart | Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has been detected |
speechend | Fired when speech recognized by the recognition service has stopped being detected |
speechstart | Fired when sound recognized by the recognition service as speech has been detected |
start | fired when the recognition service has begun listening to incoming audio |
The process to grant microphone access permissions is automatically managed by the hook (internally used by the Vocal
The component can be served for development purpose on http://localhost:10001/
yarn dev
Contributions are warmly welcomed:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch (preferred name convention:
[feature type]_[imperative verb]-[description of the feature]
) - Develop the feature AND write the tests (or write the tests AND develop the feature)
- Commit your changes
using Angular Git Commit Guidelines
- Submit a Pull Request
- Add a connector management to plug external speech-to-text services in
- Support continuous speech