This package provides support for the RedisTimeSeries module, which adds a time series data structure to Redis. It extends the Node Redis client to include functions for each of the RedisTimeSeries commands.
To use these extra commands, your Redis server must have the RedisTimeSeries module installed.
For a complete example, see time-series.js
in the Node Redis examples folder.
Creating Time Series data structure in Redis
command creates a new time series.
Here, we'll create a new time series "temperature
import { createClient } from 'redis';
import { TimeSeriesDuplicatePolicies, TimeSeriesEncoding, TimeSeriesAggregationType } from '@valkey/time-series';
const created = await client.ts.create('temperature', {
RETENTION: 86400000,
DUPLICATE_POLICY: TimeSeriesDuplicatePolicies.BLOCK,
if (created === 'OK') {
console.log('Created timeseries.');
} else {
console.log('Error creating timeseries :(');
Adding new value to a Time Series data structure in Redis
With RedisTimeSeries, we can add a single value to time series data structure using the TS.ADD
command and if we would like to add multiple values we can use the TS.MADD
let value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1;
let currentTimestamp = 1640995200000;
let num = 0;
while (num < 10000) {
await client.ts.add("temperature", currentTimestamp, value);
console.log(`Added timestamp ${currentTimestamp}, value ${value}.`);
num += 1;
value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1;
currentTimestamp += 1000;
const response = await client.ts.mAdd([
key: "temperature",
timestamp: currentTimestamp + 60000,
value: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1,
key: "temperature",
timestamp: currentTimestamp + 120000,
value: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1,
Retrieving Time Series data from Redis
With RedisTimeSeries, we can retrieve the time series data using the TS.RANGE
command by passing the criteria as follows:
const fromTimestamp = 1640995200000;
const toTimestamp = 1640995260000;
const rangeResponse = await client.ts.range(
type: TimeSeriesAggregationType.AVERAGE,
timeBucket: 10000,
console.log("RANGE RESPONSE:");
Altering Time Series data Stored in Redis
RedisTimeSeries includes commands that can update values in a time series data structure.
Using the TS.ALTER
command, we can update time series retention like this:
const alterResponse = await client.ts.alter("temperature", {
Retrieving Information about the timeseries Stored in Redis
RedisTimeSeries also includes commands that can help to view the information on the state of a time series.
Using the TS.INFO
command, we can view timeseries information like this:
const tsInfo = await client.ts.info("temperature");