Custom Views
Implement Views from veeqo-components library
Using npm:
npm install @veeqo/components
npm install @veeqo/custom-views
Using yarn:
yarn add @veeqo/components
yarn add @veeqo/custom-views
In your route:
import { CustomViewsContext } from '@veeqo/custom-views';
const CustomViewsContext = CustomViewsProviderFactory({
<MyAwesomeApp />
In your components directory
import { CustomViews } from '@veeqo/custom-views';
const ViewsComponent = (props) => (
export default ViewsComponent;
Views here is the component, that implement Views from veeqo/components with TabsStore. You can also make it by yourself:
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import { useCustomViewsStore } from '@veeqo/custom-views';
const { Views } = VeeqoUI;
const ViewsComponent = observer((props) => (
export default ViewsComponent;
Custom Views provider factory
Name | Type | Description |
customViewModelType | string | Describes your current route. Can be used in apiHandlers functions |
postMode | api | localStorage | Describes where is saved custom tabs should be located |
fixedViews | { key: string, label: string, type: 'fixed' }[] | |
Api Handlers props
Name | Type | Description |
fetch | ({ type: string }, user: 'user') => (Promise({ data: { key: number | string, id: string | number, label: string, count?: number, default?: boolean, editable: boolean, filters: any[], user: any }[])) | filters and user here can be everything because it's not use in Custom Views |
post | ({ type: 'custom_view', attributes: { title: string, type: 'draft', filters: any[] }) => (Promise({ data: { id: string | number } })) | Post occurs only when new View was saved |
patch | ({ type: 'custom_view', id: string | number, attributes: { title: string, type: 'saved', filters: any[] } }) => void | Post occurs only when saved View changes |
delete | (viewId: string | number) => void | |
Custom Views props
Name | Type | Description |
includedFilters | { label: string, text: string | string[] } | Array of changed filters. Shows when you create new custom view |
hasUnsavedChanges | boolean | Used to understand is something was changed when saved View is active It's used to show the bottom pill about unsaved changes |
handleChangeActiveTab | (viewId: string | number) => void | |
handleDiscardUnsavedChanges | () => void | Fires when the user click Discard changes button in bottom pill |
handleCreateCreateCustomView | () => void | Fires when the user create new view via the button with plus icon You should reset all filters to default on this event |
Views Props
Name | Type | Description |
tabs | { key: number | string, label: string, type: 'fixed' | 'draft | 'saved, count: number }[] | Should include all tabs (fixed too) |
fixedTabs | { key: number, label: string, type: 'fixed' | 'draft | 'saved', count: number }[] | Used to show fixed tabs separately from custom tabs in Reorder component |
customTabs | { key: number | string, label: string }[] | Used to show custom tabs separately from fixed tabs in Reorder component |
activeTabKey | number | string | |
includedFilters | { label: string, text: string | string }[] | Array of changed filters. Shows when you create new custom view |
hasUnsavedChanges | boolean | Used to understand is something was changed when saved View is active It's used to show the bottom pill about unsaved changes |
isLoading | boolean | Shows Spinner if variable is true and disable create custom view button |
onSave | (viewId: number | string, viewName: string) => void | |
onDelete | (viewId: number | string) => void | |
handleDuplicateTab | (viewId: number | string) => void | Should create new tab from selected one but with draft type |
handleChangeActiveTab | (viewId: number | string) => void | |
handleCreateCustomView | (viewId: number | string) => void | Fires when user click on button with plus icon |
handleSetCustomTab | (treeData: { key: number, label: string, type: 'fixed' | 'draft | 'saved', count: number }[]) => void | Fires when order of custom tabs is changed in Reorder component |
handleDiscardUnsavedChanges | () => void | Fires when the user click Discard changes button in bottom pill |
handleSaveToCurrentView | (viewId: number | string) => void | Fires when the user click Save to current view in bottom pill Should only save current filters |