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@vertx/jdbc-client - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.9.4 to 4.0.0-CR1




@@ -37,9 +37,15 @@ /*

* Execute a one shot SQL statement that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the boilerplate code by
* getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution. Only the first result
* from the result set is returned.
querySingle(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
querySingleWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Execute a one shot SQL statement with arguments that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the
* boilerplate code by getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution.
* Only the first result from the result set is returned.
static createNonShared(vertx: Vertx, config: { [key: string]: any }) : JDBCClient;
querySingleWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;

@@ -62,1 +68,460 @@ /**

import { PropertyKind } from '@vertx/sql-client';
import { Row } from '@vertx/sql-client';
import { Pool } from '@vertx/sql-client';
import { JDBCConnectOptions } from './options';
import { PoolOptions } from '@vertx/sql-client/options';
* JDBCPool is the interface that allows using the Sql Client API with plain JDBC.
export abstract class JDBCPool extends Pool {
* The property to be used to retrieve the generated keys
static readonly GENERATED_KEYS : PropertyKind<Row>;
* The property to be used to retrieve the output of the callable statement
static readonly OUTPUT : PropertyKind<boolean>;
* Create a JDBC pool which maintains its own data source.
static pool(vertx: Vertx, connectOptions: JDBCConnectOptions, poolOptions: PoolOptions) : JDBCPool;
* Create a JDBC pool which maintains its own data source.
static pool(vertx: Vertx, config: { [key: string]: any }) : JDBCPool;
import { UpdateResult } from './options';
import { ResultSet } from './options';
* A common asynchronous client interface for interacting with SQL compliant database
export abstract class SQLClient implements SQLOperations {
* Execute a one shot SQL statement that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the boilerplate code by
* getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution. Only the first result
* from the result set is returned.
querySingle(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Execute a one shot SQL statement with arguments that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the
* boilerplate code by getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution.
* Only the first result from the result set is returned.
querySingleWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Returns a connection that can be used to perform SQL operations on. It's important to remember
* to close the connection when you are done, so it is returned to the pool.
getConnection(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLConnection>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLConnection>>) : SQLClient;
* Close the client and release all resources.
* Call the handler when close is complete.
close(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : void;
* Close the client
close() : void;
* Execute a single SQL statement, this method acquires a connection from the the pool and executes the SQL
* statement and returns it back after the execution.
query(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLClient;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStream(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLClient;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStreamWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLClient;
* Execute a single SQL prepared statement, this method acquires a connection from the the pool and executes the SQL
* prepared statement and returns it back after the execution.
queryWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLClient;
* Executes the given SQL statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement.
update(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLClient;
* Executes the given prepared statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement with the given parameters
updateWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLClient;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
call(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLClient;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
* The index of params and outputs are important for both arrays, for example when dealing with a prodecure that
* takes the first 2 arguments as input values and the 3 arg as an output then the arrays should be like:
* <pre>
* params = [VALUE1, VALUE2, null]
* outputs = [null, null, "VARCHAR"]
* </pre>
callWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], outputs: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLClient;
import { SQLOptions } from './options';
import { TransactionIsolation } from './enums';
* Represents a connection to a SQL database
export abstract class SQLConnection implements SQLOperations {
* Execute a one shot SQL statement that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the boilerplate code by
* getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution. Only the first result
* from the result set is returned.
querySingle(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Execute a one shot SQL statement with arguments that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the
* boilerplate code by getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution.
* Only the first result from the result set is returned.
querySingleWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Sets the desired options to be applied to the current connection when statements are executed.
* The options are not applied globally but applicable to the current connection. For example changing the transaction
* isolation level will only affect statements run on this connection and not future or current connections acquired
* from the connection pool.
* This method is not async in nature since the apply will only happen at the moment a query is run.
setOptions(options: SQLOptions) : SQLConnection;
* Sets the auto commit flag for this connection. True by default.
setAutoCommit(autoCommit: boolean, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL statement
execute(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query.
query(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStream(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> prepared statement which returns the results of the query.
queryWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStreamWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given SQL statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement.
update(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLConnection;
* Executes the given prepared statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement with the given parameters
updateWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLConnection;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
call(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLConnection;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
* The index of params and outputs are important for both arrays, for example when dealing with a prodecure that
* takes the first 2 arguments as input values and the 3 arg as an output then the arrays should be like:
* <pre>
* params = [VALUE1, VALUE2, null]
* outputs = [null, null, "VARCHAR"]
* </pre>
callWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], outputs: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLConnection;
* Closes the connection. Important to always close the connection when you are done so it's returned to the pool.
close(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : void;
* Closes the connection. Important to always close the connection when you are done so it's returned to the pool.
close() : void;
* Commits all changes made since the previous commit/rollback.
commit(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : SQLConnection;
* Rolls back all changes made since the previous commit/rollback.
rollback(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : SQLConnection;
* Sets a connection wide query timeout.
* It can be over written at any time and becomes active on the next query call.
setQueryTimeout(timeoutInSeconds: number) : SQLConnection;
* Batch simple SQL strings and execute the batch where the async result contains a array of Integers.
batch(sqlStatements: string[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<number[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<number[]>>) : SQLConnection;
* Batch a prepared statement with all entries from the args list. Each entry is a batch.
* The operation completes with the execution of the batch where the async result contains a array of Integers.
batchWithParams(sqlStatement: string, args: any[][], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<number[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<number[]>>) : SQLConnection;
* Batch a callable statement with all entries from the args list. Each entry is a batch.
* The size of the lists inArgs and outArgs MUST be the equal.
* The operation completes with the execution of the batch where the async result contains a array of Integers.
batchCallableWithParams(sqlStatement: string, inArgs: any[][], outArgs: any[][], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<number[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<number[]>>) : SQLConnection;
* Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given.
* The constants defined in the interface Connection are the possible transaction isolation levels.
setTransactionIsolation(isolation: TransactionIsolation, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : SQLConnection;
* Attempts to return the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given.
getTransactionIsolation(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<TransactionIsolation>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<TransactionIsolation>>) : SQLConnection;
* Represents a SQL query interface to a database
export interface SQLOperations {
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query.
query(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLOperations;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> prepared statement which returns the results of the query.
queryWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLOperations;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStream(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLOperations;
* Executes the given SQL <code>SELECT</code> statement which returns the results of the query as a read stream.
queryStreamWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<SQLRowStream>>) : SQLOperations;
* Execute a one shot SQL statement that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the boilerplate code by
* getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution. Only the first result
* from the result set is returned.
querySingle(sql: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Execute a one shot SQL statement with arguments that returns a single SQL row. This method will reduce the
* boilerplate code by getting a connection from the pool (this object) and return it back after the execution.
* Only the first result from the result set is returned.
querySingleWithParams(sql: string, arguments: any[], handler: ((res: AsyncResult<any[]>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<any[]>>) : SQLOperations;
* Executes the given SQL statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement.
update(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLOperations;
* Executes the given prepared statement which may be an <code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, or <code>DELETE</code>
* statement with the given parameters
updateWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<UpdateResult>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) : SQLOperations;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
call(sql: string, resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLOperations;
* Calls the given SQL <code>PROCEDURE</code> which returns the result from the procedure.
* The index of params and outputs are important for both arrays, for example when dealing with a prodecure that
* takes the first 2 arguments as input values and the 3 arg as an output then the arrays should be like:
* <pre>
* params = [VALUE1, VALUE2, null]
* outputs = [null, null, "VARCHAR"]
* </pre>
callWithParams(sql: string, params: any[], outputs: any[], resultHandler: ((res: AsyncResult<ResultSet>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<ResultSet>>) : SQLOperations;
import { Pipe } from '@vertx/core';
import { WriteStream } from '@vertx/core';
import { ReadStream } from '@vertx/core';
import { Future } from '@vertx/core';
* A ReadStream of Rows from the underlying RDBMS. This class follows the ReadStream semantics and will automatically
* close the underlying resources if all returned rows are returned. For cases where the results are ignored before the
* full processing of the returned rows is complete the close method **MUST** be called in order to release underlying
* resources.
* The interface is minimal in order to support all SQL clients not just JDBC.
export abstract class SQLRowStream implements ReadStream<any[]> {
fetch(arg0: number) : ReadStream<any[]>;
pipe() : Pipe<any[]>;
pipeTo(dst: WriteStream<any[]>, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : void;
exceptionHandler(handler: ((res: Throwable) => void) | Handler<Throwable> | null | undefined) : SQLRowStream;
handler(handler: ((res: any[]) => void) | Handler<any[]> | null | undefined) : SQLRowStream;
pause() : SQLRowStream;
resume() : SQLRowStream;
endHandler(endHandler: ((res: void) => void) | Handler<void> | null | undefined) : SQLRowStream;
* Will convert the column name to the json array index.
column(name: string) : number;
* Returns all column names available in the underlying resultset. One needs to carefully use this method since in
* contrast to the singular version it does not perform case insensitive lookups or takes alias in consideration on
* the column names.
columns() : string[];
* Event handler when a resultset is closed. This is useful to request for more results.
resultSetClosedHandler(handler: ((res: void) => void) | Handler<void>) : SQLRowStream;
* Request for more results if available
moreResults() : void;
* Closes the stream/underlying cursor(s). The actual close happens asynchronously.
close() : void;
* Closes the stream/underlying cursor(s). The actual close happens asynchronously.
close(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<void>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<void>>) : void;
* Tag if a parameter is of type OUT or INOUT.
* By default parameters are of type IN as they are provided by the user to the RDBMs engine. There are however cases
* where these must be tagged as OUT/INOUT when dealing with stored procedures/functions or complex statements.
* This interface allows marking the type of the param as required by the JDBC API.
export abstract class SqlOutParam {
* Factory for a OUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static OUT(out: number) : SqlOutParam;
* Factory for a OUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static OUT(out: string) : SqlOutParam;
* Factory for a OUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static OUT(out: any) : SqlOutParam;
* Factory for a INOUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static INOUT(__in: any, out: number) : SqlOutParam;
* Factory for a INOUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static INOUT(__in: any, out: string) : SqlOutParam;
* Factory for a INOUT parameter of type <code>out</code>.
static INOUT(__in: any, out: any) : SqlOutParam;
* Is this marker <code>IN</code>?
in() : boolean;
* Get the output type
type() : number;
* Get the input value
value() : any;



@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ /*

* @typedef { import("es4x") } Java
* @typedef { import("@vertx/core") } Java
module.exports = {
JDBCClient: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.jdbc.JDBCClient')
JDBCClient: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.jdbc.JDBCClient'),
JDBCPool: Java.type('io.vertx.jdbcclient.JDBCPool'),
SQLClient: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLClient'),
SQLConnection: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLConnection'),
SQLOperations: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLOperations'),
SQLRowStream: Java.type('io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLRowStream'),
SqlOutParam: Java.type('io.vertx.jdbcclient.SqlOutParam')

@@ -17,2 +17,4 @@ /*

export * from './enums.mjs';
export * from './options.mjs';
export * from './index.mjs';
"name" : "@vertx/jdbc-client",
"description" : "Generated Eclipse Vert.x bindings for 'vertx-jdbc-client'",
"version" : "3.9.4",
"version" : "4.0.0-CR1",
"license" : "Apache-2.0",

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "public" : true,

"artifactId" : "vertx-jdbc-client",
"version" : "3.9.4"
"version" : "4.0.0.CR1"
"dependencies" : {
"@vertx/core" : "3.9.4",
"@vertx/sql-common" : "3.9.4"
"@vertx/core" : "4.0.0-CR1",
"@vertx/sql-client" : "4.0.0-CR1"

@@ -20,2 +20,8 @@ "main" : "index.js",

"types" : "index.d.ts",
"exports" : {
"." : "./index.mjs",
"./index" : "./index.mjs",
"./enum" : "./enum.mjs",
"./options" : "./options.mjs"
"sideEffects" : false,

@@ -22,0 +28,0 @@ "repository" : {

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

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@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ Generated JavaScript bindings for Eclipse Vert.x.

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@@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ ## Usage

// Base API
import * as API from '@vertx/jdbc-client';
import * as API from '@vertx/sql-common';
// Base ENUMs
import * as ENUMS from '@vertx/sql-common/enums';
// DataObject's
import * as OPTIONS from '@vertx/sql-common/options';

@@ -23,0 +27,0 @@ // refer to the API docs for specific help...

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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