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Comparing version 1.6.0 to 1.7.0




@@ -1,110 +0,8 @@

import { MessagesProviderContact, ErrorReporterContract, FieldContext } from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
import { a as Validation } from '../types-8973fb04.js';
import { S as SimpleErrorReporter } from '../simple_error_reporter-8927be32.js';
import 'normalize-url';
import 'validator/lib/isURL.js';
import 'validator/lib/isEmail.js';
import 'validator/lib/normalizeEmail.js';
import 'validator/lib/isMobilePhone.js';
import 'validator/lib/isPostalCode.js';
import 'validator';
import 'validator/lib/isIBAN.js';
import { FieldFactory } from './field.js';
import { ValidatorFactory } from './validator.js';
* Exposes API to create a dummy field context
declare class FieldFactory {
create(fieldName: string, value: any, messagesProvider?: MessagesProviderContact, errorReporter?: ErrorReporterContract): {
value: any;
isArrayMember: false;
parent: any;
data: {
[x: string]: any;
name: any;
wildCardPath: string;
isDefined: boolean;
isValid: true;
meta: {};
mutate(newValue: any): FieldContext;
report(message: string, rule: string, context: FieldContext, args: Record<string, any> | undefined): void;
* Exposes APIs for writing validation assertions
declare class ValidationResult {
constructor(outputValue: any, reporter: SimpleErrorReporter);
* Returns the validation result output
getOutput(): any;
* Returns an array of errors reported to the
* error reporter
getErrors(): {
message: string;
field: string;
rule: string;
index?: number | undefined;
meta?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
* Assert one or more validation errors have occurred
assertSucceeded(): void;
* Assert the output value of validation. The output value is
* same as the input value, unless "mutate" method is called
assertOutput(expectedOutput: any): void;
* Assert one or more validation errors have occurred
assertFailed(): void;
* Assert the number of errors have occurred
assertErrorsCount(count: number): void;
* Assert error messages to include a given error message
assertError(message: string): void;
* Validator factory exposes the API to execute validations
* during tests
declare class ValidatorFactory {
constructor(field?: Partial<FieldContext>, bail?: boolean);
* Define field context for the validation
withContext(field: Partial<FieldContext>): ValidatorFactory;
* Toggle bail mode for the validation
bail(state: boolean): ValidatorFactory;
* Executes a validation against the provided value
execute(validation: Validation<any> | Validation<any>[], value: any): ValidationResult;
* Executes an async validation against the provided
* value
executeAsync(validation: Validation<any> | Validation<any>[], value: any): Promise<ValidationResult>;
* Validator factory is used for unit testing validation
* rules.
declare const validator: ValidatorFactory;
declare const fieldContext: FieldFactory;
export { fieldContext, validator };
export declare const validator: ValidatorFactory;
export declare const fieldContext: FieldFactory;

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ import {

} from "../chunk-W377YOUX.js";
import "../chunk-QPO2OBYN.js";
} from "../chunk-U7IQLI4H.js";
import "../chunk-CSAU5B4Q.js";

@@ -209,1 +209,2 @@ // factories/field.ts


@@ -1,1465 +0,24 @@

import * as isIBAN from 'validator/lib/isIBAN.js';
import * as validator from 'validator';
import * as validator_lib_isURL_js from 'validator/lib/isURL.js';
import * as validator_lib_isEmail_js from 'validator/lib/isEmail.js';
import { V as Validator, a as Validation, F as FieldOptions, P as Parser, R as RuleBuilder, b as PARSE, c as ParserOptions, C as ConstructableSchema, O as OTYPE, d as COTYPE, T as Transformer, S as SchemaTypes, U as UnionNoMatchCallback, e as UNIQUE_NAME, I as IS_OF_TYPE, M as MobileOptions, f as CreditCardOptions, g as PassportOptions, h as PostalCodeOptions, A as AlphaOptions, i as AlphaNumericOptions, E as EnumLike, j as ErrorReporterContract, k as MetaDataValidator, l as ValidationOptions, m as Infer, n as ValidationError, o as ValidationMessages, p as ValidationFields } from './types-8973fb04.js';
export { s as symbols } from './types-8973fb04.js';
import Macroable from '@poppinss/macroable';
import * as _vinejs_compiler_types from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
import { RefsStore, LiteralNode, FieldContext, ConditionalFn, UnionNode, CompilerNodes, TupleNode, ArrayNode, ObjectGroupNode, ObjectNode, RecordNode, MessagesProviderContact } from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
import * as normalize_url from 'normalize-url';
import { NormalizeEmailOptions } from 'validator/lib/normalizeEmail.js';
export { S as SimpleErrorReporter } from './simple_error_reporter-8927be32.js';
import 'validator/lib/isMobilePhone.js';
import 'validator/lib/isPostalCode.js';
* Returns args for the validation function.
type GetArgs<T> = undefined extends T ? [options?: T] : [options: T];
* Convert a validator function to a rule that you can apply
* to any schema type using the `schema.use` method.
declare function createRule<Options = undefined>(validator: Validator<Options>, metaData?: {
implicit?: boolean;
isAsync?: boolean;
}): (...options: GetArgs<Options>) => Validation<Options>;
* Base schema type with only modifiers applicable on all the schema types.
declare abstract class BaseModifiersType$1<Output, CamelCaseOutput> extends Macroable implements ConstructableSchema<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* Each subtype should implement the compile method that returns
* one of the known compiler nodes
abstract [PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): LiteralNode;
* The child class must implement the clone method
abstract clone(): this;
* The output value of the field. The property points to a type only
* and not the real value.
[OTYPE]: Output;
[COTYPE]: CamelCaseOutput;
* Mark the field under validation as optional. An optional
* field allows both null and undefined values.
optional(): OptionalModifier$1<this>;
* Mark the field under validation to be null. The null value will
* be written to the output as well.
* If `optional` and `nullable` are used together, then both undefined
* and null values will be allowed.
nullable(): NullableModifier$1<this>;
* Apply transform on the final validated value. The transform method may
* convert the value to any new datatype.
transform<TransformedOutput>(transformer: Transformer<this, TransformedOutput>): TransformModifier<this, TransformedOutput>;
* Modifies the schema type to allow null values
declare class NullableModifier$1<Schema extends BaseModifiersType$1<any, any>> extends BaseModifiersType$1<Schema[typeof OTYPE] | null, Schema[typeof COTYPE] | null> {
constructor(parent: Schema);
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the nullable modifier
clone(): this;
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): LiteralNode;
* Modifies the schema type to allow undefined values
declare class OptionalModifier$1<Schema extends BaseModifiersType$1<any, any>> extends BaseModifiersType$1<Schema[typeof OTYPE] | undefined, Schema[typeof COTYPE] | undefined> {
constructor(parent: Schema);
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the optional modifier
clone(): this;
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): LiteralNode;
* Modifies the schema type to allow custom transformed values
declare class TransformModifier<Schema extends BaseModifiersType$1<any, any>, Output> extends BaseModifiersType$1<Output, Output> {
* The output value of the field. The property points to a type only
* and not the real value.
[OTYPE]: Output;
[COTYPE]: Output;
constructor(transform: Transformer<Schema, Output>, parent: Schema);
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the transform modifier.
clone(): this;
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): LiteralNode;
* The base type for creating a custom literal type. Literal type
* is a schema type that has no children elements.
declare abstract class BaseLiteralType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> extends BaseModifiersType$1<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* The child class must implement the clone method
abstract clone(): this;
* Field options
protected options: FieldOptions;
* Set of validations to run
protected validations: Validation<any>[];
constructor(options?: Partial<FieldOptions>, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Shallow clones the validations. Since, there are no API's to mutate
* the validation options, we can safely copy them by reference.
protected cloneValidations(): Validation<any>[];
* Shallow clones the options
protected cloneOptions(): FieldOptions;
* Compiles validations
protected compileValidations(refs: RefsStore): {
ruleFnId: `ref://${number}`;
implicit: boolean;
isAsync: boolean;
* Define a method to parse the input value. The method
* is invoked before any validation and hence you must
* perform type-checking to know the value you are
* working it.
parse(callback: Parser): this;
* Push a validation to the validations chain.
use(validation: Validation<any> | RuleBuilder): this;
* Enable/disable the bail mode. In bail mode, the field validations
* are stopped after the first error.
bail(state: boolean): this;
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): LiteralNode;
* VineAny represents a value that can be anything
declare class VineAny extends BaseLiteralType<any, any> {
constructor(options?: Partial<FieldOptions>, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineAny schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* VineEnum represents a enum data type that performs validation
* against a pre-defined choices list.
declare class VineEnum<const Values extends readonly unknown[]> extends BaseLiteralType<Values[number], Values[number]> {
* Default collection of enum rules
static rules: {
enum: (options: {
choices: readonly any[] | ((field: FieldContext) => readonly any[]);
}) => Validation<{
choices: readonly any[] | ((field: FieldContext) => readonly any[]);
* Returns the enum choices
getChoices(): Values | ((field: FieldContext) => Values);
constructor(values: Values | ((field: FieldContext) => Values), options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineEnum schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Represents a union conditional type. A conditional is a predicate
* with a schema
declare class UnionConditional<Schema extends SchemaTypes> {
[OTYPE]: Schema[typeof OTYPE];
[COTYPE]: Schema[typeof COTYPE];
constructor(conditional: ConditionalFn<Record<string, unknown>>, schema: Schema);
* Compiles to a union conditional
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): UnionNode['conditions'][number];
* Vine union represents a union data type. A union is a collection
* of conditionals and each condition has an associated schema
declare class VineUnion<Conditional extends UnionConditional<SchemaTypes>> implements ConstructableSchema<Conditional[typeof OTYPE], Conditional[typeof COTYPE]> {
[OTYPE]: Conditional[typeof OTYPE];
[COTYPE]: Conditional[typeof COTYPE];
constructor(conditionals: Conditional[]);
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the union conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback: UnionNoMatchCallback<Record<string, unknown>>): this;
* Clones the VineUnion schema type.
clone(): this;
* Compiles to a union
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): UnionNode;
* Create a new union schema type. A union is a collection of conditionals
* and schema associated with it.
declare function union<Conditional extends UnionConditional<any>>(conditionals: Conditional[]): VineUnion<Conditional>;
declare namespace union {
var _a: <Schema extends SchemaTypes>(conditon: (value: Record<string, unknown>, field: FieldContext) => any, schema: Schema) => UnionConditional<Schema>;
var _b: <Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schema: Schema) => UnionConditional<Schema>;
export { _a as if, _b as else };
* Base schema type with only modifiers applicable on all the schema types.
declare abstract class BaseModifiersType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> extends Macroable implements ConstructableSchema<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* Each subtype should implement the compile method that returns
* one of the known compiler nodes
abstract [PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): CompilerNodes;
* The child class must implement the clone method
abstract clone(): this;
* The output value of the field. The property points to a type only
* and not the real value.
[OTYPE]: Output;
[COTYPE]: CamelCaseOutput;
* Mark the field under validation as optional. An optional
* field allows both null and undefined values.
optional(): OptionalModifier<this>;
* Mark the field under validation to be null. The null value will
* be written to the output as well.
* If `optional` and `nullable` are used together, then both undefined
* and null values will be allowed.
nullable(): NullableModifier<this>;
* Modifies the schema type to allow null values
declare class NullableModifier<Schema extends BaseModifiersType<any, any>> extends BaseModifiersType<Schema[typeof OTYPE] | null, Schema[typeof COTYPE] | null> {
constructor(parent: Schema);
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the nullable modifier
clone(): this;
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): CompilerNodes;
* Modifies the schema type to allow undefined values
declare class OptionalModifier<Schema extends BaseModifiersType<any, any>> extends BaseModifiersType<Schema[typeof OTYPE] | undefined, Schema[typeof COTYPE] | undefined> {
constructor(parent: Schema);
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the optional modifier
clone(): this;
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): CompilerNodes;
* The BaseSchema class abstracts the repetitive parts of creating
* a custom schema type.
declare abstract class BaseType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> extends BaseModifiersType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* Field options
protected options: FieldOptions;
* Set of validations to run
protected validations: Validation<any>[];
constructor(options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Shallow clones the validations. Since, there are no API's to mutate
* the validation options, we can safely copy them by reference.
protected cloneValidations(): Validation<any>[];
* Shallow clones the options
protected cloneOptions(): FieldOptions;
* Compiles validations
protected compileValidations(refs: RefsStore): {
ruleFnId: `ref://${number}`;
implicit: boolean;
isAsync: boolean;
* Define a method to parse the input value. The method
* is invoked before any validation and hence you must
* perform type-checking to know the value you are
* working it.
parse(callback: Parser): this;
* Push a validation to the validations chain.
use(validation: Validation<any> | RuleBuilder): this;
* Enable/disable the bail mode. In bail mode, the field validations
* are stopped after the first error.
bail(state: boolean): this;
* VineTuple is an array with known length and may have different
* schema type for each array element.
declare class VineTuple<Schema extends SchemaTypes[], Output extends any[], CamelCaseOutput extends any[]> extends BaseType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of array type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(schemas: [...Schema], options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Copy unknown properties to the final output.
allowUnknownProperties<Value>(): VineTuple<Schema, [
], [
* Clone object
clone(): this;
* Compiles to array data type
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): TupleNode;
* VineArray represents an array schema type in the validation
* pipeline
declare class VineArray<Schema extends SchemaTypes> extends BaseType<Schema[typeof OTYPE][], Schema[typeof COTYPE][]> {
* Default collection of array rules
static rules: {
compact: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
notEmpty: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
distinct: (options: {
fields?: string | string[] | undefined;
}) => Validation<{
fields?: string | string[] | undefined;
minLength: (options: {
min: number;
}) => Validation<{
min: number;
maxLength: (options: {
max: number;
}) => Validation<{
max: number;
fixedLength: (options: {
size: number;
}) => Validation<{
size: number;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of array type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(schema: Schema, options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Enforce a minimum length on an array field
minLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a maximum length on an array field
maxLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a fixed length on an array field
fixedLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Ensure the array is not empty
notEmpty(): this;
* Ensure array elements are distinct/unique
distinct(fields?: string | string[]): this;
* Removes empty strings, null and undefined values from the array
compact(): this;
* Clones the VineArray schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Compiles to array data type
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): ArrayNode;
* Group conditional represents a sub-set of object wrapped
* inside a conditional
declare class GroupConditional<Properties extends Record<string, SchemaTypes>, Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
[OTYPE]: Output;
[COTYPE]: CamelCaseOutput;
constructor(conditional: ConditionalFn<Record<string, unknown>>, properties: Properties);
* Compiles to a union conditional
[PARSE](refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): ObjectGroupNode['conditions'][number];
* Object group represents a group with multiple conditionals, where each
* condition returns a set of object properties to merge into the
* existing object.
declare class ObjectGroup<Conditional extends GroupConditional<any, any, any>> {
[OTYPE]: Conditional[typeof OTYPE];
[COTYPE]: Conditional[typeof COTYPE];
constructor(conditionals: Conditional[]);
* Clones the ObjectGroup schema type.
clone(): this;
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the group conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback: UnionNoMatchCallback<Record<string, unknown>>): this;
* Compiles the group
[PARSE](refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): ObjectGroupNode;
* Converts schema properties to camelCase
declare class VineCamelCaseObject<Schema extends VineObject<any, any, any>> extends BaseModifiersType<Schema[typeof COTYPE], Schema[typeof COTYPE]> {
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(schema: Schema);
* Clone object
clone(): this;
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): ObjectNode;
* VineObject represents an object value in the validation
* schema.
declare class VineObject<Properties extends Record<string, SchemaTypes>, Output, CamelCaseOutput> extends BaseType<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(properties: Properties, options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Returns a clone copy of the object properties. The object groups
* are not copied to keep the implementations simple and easy to
* reason about.
getProperties(): Properties;
* Copy unknown properties to the final output.
allowUnknownProperties<Value>(): VineObject<Properties, Output & {
[K: string]: Value;
}, CamelCaseOutput & {
[K: string]: Value;
* Merge a union to the object groups. The union can be a "vine.union"
* with objects, or a "vine.object.union" with properties.
merge<Group extends ObjectGroup<GroupConditional<any, any, any>>>(group: Group): VineObject<Properties, Output & Group[typeof OTYPE], CamelCaseOutput & Group[typeof COTYPE]>;
* Clone object
clone(): this;
* Applies camelcase transform
toCamelCase(): VineCamelCaseObject<this>;
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): ObjectNode;
* Register a callback to validate the object keys
declare const validateKeysRule: (options: (keys: string[], field: FieldContext) => void) => Validation<(keys: string[], field: FieldContext) => void>;
* VineRecord represents an object of key-value pair in which
* keys are unknown
declare class VineRecord<Schema extends SchemaTypes> extends BaseType<{
[K: string]: Schema[typeof OTYPE];
}, {
[K: string]: Schema[typeof COTYPE];
}> {
* Default collection of record rules
static rules: {
maxLength: (options: {
max: number;
}) => Validation<{
max: number;
minLength: (options: {
min: number;
}) => Validation<{
min: number;
fixedLength: (options: {
size: number;
}) => Validation<{
size: number;
validateKeys: (options: (keys: string[], field: _vinejs_compiler_types.FieldContext) => void) => Validation<(keys: string[], field: _vinejs_compiler_types.FieldContext) => void>;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(schema: Schema, options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Enforce a minimum length on an object field
minLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a maximum length on an object field
maxLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a fixed length on an object field
fixedLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Register a callback to validate the object keys
validateKeys(...args: Parameters<typeof validateKeysRule>): this;
* Clones the VineRecord schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Compiles to record data type
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): RecordNode;
* Validates the value to be a valid email address
declare const emailRule: (options?: validator_lib_isEmail_js.IsEmailOptions | undefined) => Validation<validator_lib_isEmail_js.IsEmailOptions | undefined>;
* Validates the value to be a valid mobile number
declare const mobileRule: (options?: MobileOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => MobileOptions | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<MobileOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => MobileOptions | undefined) | undefined>;
* Validates the value to be a valid URL
declare const urlRule: (options?: validator_lib_isURL_js.IsURLOptions | undefined) => Validation<validator_lib_isURL_js.IsURLOptions | undefined>;
* Normalize a URL
declare const normalizeUrlRule: (options?: normalize_url.Options | undefined) => Validation<normalize_url.Options | undefined>;
* Validates the value to be a valid credit card number
declare const creditCardRule: (options?: CreditCardOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => CreditCardOptions | void | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<CreditCardOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => CreditCardOptions | void | undefined) | undefined>;
* Validates the value to be a valid passport number
declare const passportRule: (options: PassportOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PassportOptions)) => Validation<PassportOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PassportOptions)>;
* Validates the value to be a valid postal code
declare const postalCodeRule: (options?: PostalCodeOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PostalCodeOptions | void | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<PostalCodeOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PostalCodeOptions | void | undefined) | undefined>;
* Validates the value to be a valid UUID
declare const uuidRule: (options?: {
version?: (1 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 5)[] | undefined;
} | undefined) => Validation<{
version?: (1 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 5)[] | undefined;
} | undefined>;
* VineString represents a string value in the validation schema.
declare class VineString extends BaseLiteralType<string, string> {
static rules: {
in: (options: {
choices: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[]);
}) => Validation<{
choices: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[]);
jwt: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
url: (options?: validator_lib_isURL_js.IsURLOptions | undefined) => Validation<validator_lib_isURL_js.IsURLOptions | undefined>;
iban: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
uuid: (options?: {
version?: (1 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 5)[] | undefined;
} | undefined) => Validation<{
version?: (1 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 5)[] | undefined;
} | undefined>;
trim: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
email: (options?: validator_lib_isEmail_js.IsEmailOptions | undefined) => Validation<validator_lib_isEmail_js.IsEmailOptions | undefined>;
alpha: (options?: AlphaOptions | undefined) => Validation<AlphaOptions | undefined>;
ascii: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
notIn: (options: {
list: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[]);
}) => Validation<{
list: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[]);
regex: (options: RegExp) => Validation<RegExp>;
escape: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
sameAs: (options: {
otherField: string;
}) => Validation<{
otherField: string;
mobile: (options?: MobileOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => MobileOptions | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<MobileOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => MobileOptions | undefined) | undefined>;
string: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
hexCode: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
passport: (options: PassportOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PassportOptions)) => Validation<PassportOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => PassportOptions)>;
endsWith: (options: {
substring: string;
}) => Validation<{
substring: string;
confirmed: (options?: {
confirmationField: string;
} | undefined) => Validation<{
confirmationField: string;
} | undefined>;
activeUrl: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
minLength: (options: {
min: number;
}) => Validation<{
min: number;
notSameAs: (options: {
otherField: string;
}) => Validation<{
otherField: string;
maxLength: (options: {
max: number;
}) => Validation<{
max: number;
ipAddress: (options?: {
version: 4 | 6;
} | undefined) => Validation<{
version: 4 | 6;
} | undefined>;
creditCard: (options?: CreditCardOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => void | CreditCardOptions | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<CreditCardOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => void | CreditCardOptions | undefined) | undefined>;
postalCode: (options?: PostalCodeOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => void | PostalCodeOptions | undefined) | undefined) => Validation<PostalCodeOptions | ((field: FieldContext) => void | PostalCodeOptions | undefined) | undefined>;
startsWith: (options: {
substring: string;
}) => Validation<{
substring: string;
toUpperCase: (options?: string | string[] | undefined) => Validation<string | string[] | undefined>;
toLowerCase: (options?: string | string[] | undefined) => Validation<string | string[] | undefined>;
toCamelCase: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
fixedLength: (options: {
size: number;
}) => Validation<{
size: number;
coordinates: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
normalizeUrl: (options?: normalize_url.Options | undefined) => Validation<normalize_url.Options | undefined>;
alphaNumeric: (options?: AlphaOptions | undefined) => Validation<AlphaOptions | undefined>;
normalizeEmail: (options?: validator.default.NormalizeEmailOptions | undefined) => Validation<validator.default.NormalizeEmailOptions | undefined>;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of string type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Validates the value to be a valid URL
url(...args: Parameters<typeof urlRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be an active URL
activeUrl(): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid email address
email(...args: Parameters<typeof emailRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid mobile number
mobile(...args: Parameters<typeof mobileRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid IP address.
ipAddress(version?: 4 | 6): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid hex color code
hexCode(): this;
* Validates the value to be an active URL
regex(expression: RegExp): this;
* Validates the value to contain only letters
alpha(options?: AlphaOptions): this;
* Validates the value to contain only letters and
* numbers
alphaNumeric(options?: AlphaNumericOptions): this;
* Enforce a minimum length on a string field
minLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a maximum length on a string field
maxLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Enforce a fixed length on a string field
fixedLength(expectedLength: number): this;
* Ensure the field under validation is confirmed by
* having another field with the same name.
confirmed(options?: {
confirmationField: string;
}): this;
* Trims whitespaces around the string value
trim(): this;
* Normalizes the email address
normalizeEmail(options?: NormalizeEmailOptions): this;
* Converts the field value to UPPERCASE.
toUpperCase(): this;
* Converts the field value to lowercase.
toLowerCase(): this;
* Converts the field value to camelCase.
toCamelCase(): this;
* Escape string for HTML entities
escape(): this;
* Normalize a URL
normalizeUrl(...args: Parameters<typeof normalizeUrlRule>): this;
* Ensure the value starts with the pre-defined substring
startsWith(substring: string): this;
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
endsWith(substring: string): this;
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
sameAs(otherField: string): this;
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
notSameAs(otherField: string): this;
* Ensure the field's value under validation is a subset of the pre-defined list.
in(choices: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[])): this;
* Ensure the field's value under validation is not inside the pre-defined list.
notIn(list: string[] | ((field: FieldContext) => string[])): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid credit card number
creditCard(...args: Parameters<typeof creditCardRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid passport number
passport(...args: Parameters<typeof passportRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid postal code
postalCode(...args: Parameters<typeof postalCodeRule>): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid UUID
uuid(...args: Parameters<typeof uuidRule>): this;
* Validates the value contains ASCII characters only
ascii(): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid IBAN number
iban(): this;
* Validates the value to be a valid JWT token
jwt(): this;
* Ensure the value is a string with latitude and longitude coordinates
coordinates(): this;
* Clones the VineString schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* VineNumber represents a numeric value in the validation schema.
declare class VineNumber extends BaseLiteralType<number, number> {
protected options: FieldOptions & {
strict?: boolean;
* Default collection of number rules
static rules: {
max: (options: {
max: number;
}) => Validation<{
max: number;
min: (options: {
min: number;
}) => Validation<{
min: number;
range: (options: {
min: number;
max: number;
}) => Validation<{
min: number;
max: number;
number: (options: {
strict?: boolean | undefined;
}) => Validation<{
strict?: boolean | undefined;
decimal: (options: {
range: [number, (number | undefined)?];
}) => Validation<{
range: [number, (number | undefined)?];
negative: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
positive: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
withoutDecimals: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of number type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(options?: Partial<FieldOptions> & {
strict?: boolean;
}, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Enforce a minimum value for the number input
min(value: number): this;
* Enforce a maximum value for the number input
max(value: number): this;
* Enforce value to be within the range of minimum and maximum output.
range(value: [min: number, max: number]): this;
* Enforce the value be a positive number
positive(): this;
* Enforce the value be a negative number
negative(): this;
* Enforce the value to have fixed or range
* of decimal places
decimal(range: number | [number, number]): this;
* Enforce the value to be an integer (aka without decimals)
withoutDecimals(): this;
* Clones the VineNumber schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* VineBoolean represents a boolean value in the validation schema.
declare class VineBoolean extends BaseLiteralType<boolean, boolean> {
* Default collection of boolean rules
static rules: {
boolean: (options: {
strict?: boolean | undefined;
}) => Validation<{
strict?: boolean | undefined;
protected options: FieldOptions & {
strict?: boolean;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME]: string;
* Checks if the value is of boolean type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE]: (value: unknown) => boolean;
constructor(options?: Partial<FieldOptions> & {
strict?: boolean;
}, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineBoolean schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* VineLiteral represents a type that matches an exact value
declare class VineLiteral<Value> extends BaseLiteralType<Value, Value> {
* Default collection of literal rules
static rules: {
equals: (options: {
expectedValue: any;
}) => Validation<{
expectedValue: any;
constructor(value: Value, options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineLiteral schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Copy-pasted from
* Since, we need just one helper, I decided to not pull in the entire package and just copy-paste
* the types
type IsStringLiteral<Type> = Type extends string ? (string extends Type ? false : true) : false;
type WordInPascalCase<Type> = Capitalize<WordInCamelCase<Uncapitalize<Type & string>>>;
type WordInCamelCase<Type, Character extends string = ''> = Type extends `${Character}${infer NextCharacter}${infer _}` ? NextCharacter extends Capitalize<NextCharacter> ? Character : WordInCamelCase<Type, `${Character}${NextCharacter}`> : Character;
type Separator = '_' | '-';
type IncludesSeparator<Type> = Type extends `${string}${Separator}${string}` ? true : false;
type IsOneWord<Type> = Type extends Lowercase<Type & string> ? true : Type extends Uppercase<Type & string> ? true : false;
type IsCamelCase<Type> = Type extends Uncapitalize<Type & string> ? true : false;
type IsPascalCase<Type> = Type extends Capitalize<Type & string> ? true : false;
/** snake_case, CONSTANT_CASE, kebab-case or COBOL-CASE */
type SeparatorCaseParser<Type, Tuple extends readonly any[] = []> = Type extends `${infer Word}${Separator}${infer Tail}` ? SeparatorCaseParser<Tail, [...Tuple, Lowercase<Word>]> : Type extends `${infer Word}` ? [...Tuple, Lowercase<Word>] : Tuple;
type CamelCaseParser<Type, Tuple extends readonly any[] = []> = Type extends '' ? Tuple : Type extends `${WordInCamelCase<Type & string>}${infer Tail}` ? Type extends `${infer Word}${Tail}` ? CamelCaseParser<Uncapitalize<Tail>, [...Tuple, Lowercase<Word>]> : never : never;
type PascalCaseParser<Type, Tuple extends readonly any[] = []> = Type extends '' ? Tuple : Type extends `${WordInPascalCase<Type & string>}${infer Tail}` ? Type extends `${infer Word}${Tail}` ? PascalCaseParser<Tail, [...Tuple, Lowercase<Word>]> : never : never;
type SplitAnyCase<Type> = IncludesSeparator<Type> extends true ? SeparatorCaseParser<Type> : IsOneWord<Type> extends true ? [Lowercase<Type & string>] : IsCamelCase<Type> extends true ? CamelCaseParser<Type> : IsPascalCase<Type> extends true ? PascalCaseParser<Type> : [];
type PascalCapitalizer<Type, Tuple extends readonly any[] = []> = Type extends [
infer Head,
...infer Tail
] ? Head extends string ? PascalCapitalizer<Tail, [...Tuple, Capitalize<Head>]> : PascalCapitalizer<Tail, Tuple> : Tuple;
type CamelCapitalizer<Type> = Type extends [infer First, ...infer Tail] ? PascalCapitalizer<Tail, [First]> : [];
type Join<Type, JoinedString extends string = ''> = Type extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? Head extends string ? Join<Tail, `${JoinedString}${Head}`> : Join<Tail> : JoinedString;
type CamelCase<Type> = IsStringLiteral<Type> extends true ? Join<CamelCapitalizer<SplitAnyCase<Type>>> : Type;
* VineAccepted represents a checkbox input that must be checked
declare class VineAccepted extends BaseLiteralType<true, true> {
* Default collection of accepted rules
static rules: {
accepted: (options?: undefined) => Validation<undefined>;
constructor(options?: Partial<FieldOptions>, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineAccepted schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Create an object group. Groups are used to conditionally merge properties
* to an existing object.
declare function group<Conditional extends GroupConditional<any, any, any>>(conditionals: Conditional[]): ObjectGroup<Conditional>;
declare namespace group {
var _a: <Properties extends Record<string, SchemaTypes>>(conditon: (value: Record<string, unknown>, field: FieldContext) => any, properties: Properties) => GroupConditional<Properties, { [K in keyof Properties]: Properties[K][typeof OTYPE]; }, { [K_1 in keyof Properties as CamelCase<K_1 & string>]: Properties[K_1][typeof COTYPE]; }>;
var _b: <Properties extends Record<string, SchemaTypes>>(properties: Properties) => GroupConditional<Properties, { [K in keyof Properties]: Properties[K][typeof OTYPE]; }, { [K_1 in keyof Properties as CamelCase<K_1 & string>]: Properties[K_1][typeof COTYPE]; }>;
export { _a as if, _b as else };
* VineNativeEnum represents a enum data type that performs validation
* against a pre-defined choices list.
* The choices list is derived from TypeScript enum data type or an
* object
declare class VineNativeEnum<Values extends EnumLike> extends BaseLiteralType<Values[keyof Values], Values[keyof Values]> {
* Default collection of enum rules
static rules: {
enum: (options: {
choices: readonly any[] | ((field: _vinejs_compiler_types.FieldContext) => readonly any[]);
}) => Validation<{
choices: readonly any[] | ((field: _vinejs_compiler_types.FieldContext) => readonly any[]);
constructor(values: Values, options?: FieldOptions, validations?: Validation<any>[]);
* Clones the VineNativeEnum schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone(): this;
* Vine union represents a union data type. A union is a collection
* of conditionals and each condition has an associated schema
declare class VineUnionOfTypes<Schema extends SchemaTypes> implements ConstructableSchema<Schema[typeof OTYPE], Schema[typeof COTYPE]> {
[OTYPE]: Schema[typeof OTYPE];
[COTYPE]: Schema[typeof COTYPE];
constructor(schemas: Schema[]);
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the union conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback: UnionNoMatchCallback<Record<string, unknown>>): this;
* Clones the VineUnionOfTypes schema type.
clone(): this;
* Compiles to a union
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): UnionNode;
* Schema builder exposes methods to construct a Vine schema. You may
* add custom methods to it using macros.
declare class SchemaBuilder extends Macroable {
* Define a sub-object as a union
group: typeof group;
* Define a union value
union: typeof union;
* Define a string value
string(): VineString;
* Define a boolean value
boolean(options?: {
strict: boolean;
}): VineBoolean;
* Validate a checkbox to be checked
accepted(): VineAccepted;
* Define a number value
number(options?: {
strict: boolean;
}): VineNumber;
* Define a schema type in which the input value
* matches the pre-defined value
literal<const Value>(value: Value): VineLiteral<Value>;
* Define an object with known properties. You may call "allowUnknownProperties"
* to merge unknown properties.
object<Properties extends Record<string, SchemaTypes>>(properties: Properties): VineObject<Properties, { [K in keyof Properties]: Properties[K][typeof OTYPE]; }, { [K_1 in keyof Properties as CamelCase<K_1 & string>]: Properties[K_1][typeof COTYPE]; }>;
* Define an array field and validate its children elements.
array<Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schema: Schema): VineArray<Schema>;
* Define an array field with known length and each children
* element may have its own schema.
tuple<Schema extends SchemaTypes[]>(schemas: [...Schema]): VineTuple<Schema, { [K in keyof Schema]: Schema[K][typeof OTYPE]; }, { [K_1 in keyof Schema]: Schema[K_1][typeof COTYPE]; }>;
* Define an object field with key-value pair. The keys in
* a record are unknown and values can be of a specific
* schema type.
record<Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schema: Schema): VineRecord<Schema>;
* Define a field whose value matches the enum choices.
enum<const Values extends readonly unknown[]>(values: Values | ((field: FieldContext) => Values)): VineEnum<Values>;
enum<Values extends EnumLike>(values: Values): VineNativeEnum<Values>;
* Allow the field value to be anything
any(): VineAny;
* Define a union of unique schema types.
unionOfTypes<Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schemas: Schema[]): VineUnionOfTypes<Schema>;
* Vine Validator exposes the API to validate data using a pre-compiled
* schema.
declare class VineValidator<Schema extends SchemaTypes, MetaData extends undefined | Record<string, any>> {
* Reference to static types
[OTYPE]: Schema[typeof OTYPE];
* Messages provider to use on the validator
messagesProvider: MessagesProviderContact;
* Error reporter to use on the validator
errorReporter: () => ErrorReporterContract;
constructor(schema: Schema, options: {
convertEmptyStringsToNull: boolean;
metaDataValidator?: MetaDataValidator;
messagesProvider: MessagesProviderContact;
errorReporter: () => ErrorReporterContract;
* Validate data against a schema. Optionally, you can share metaData with
* the validator
* ```ts
* await validator.validate(data)
* await validator.validate(data, { meta: {} })
* await validator.validate(data, {
* meta: { userId: },
* errorReporter,
* messagesProvider
* })
* ```
validate(data: any, ...[options]: [undefined] extends MetaData ? [options?: ValidationOptions<MetaData> | undefined] : [options: ValidationOptions<MetaData>]): Promise<Infer<Schema>>;
* Validate user input with type-safety using a pre-compiled schema.
declare class Vine extends SchemaBuilder {
* Messages provider to use on the validator
messagesProvider: MessagesProviderContact;
* Error reporter to use on the validator
errorReporter: () => ErrorReporterContract;
* Control whether or not to convert empty strings to null
convertEmptyStringsToNull: boolean;
* Helpers to perform type-checking or cast types keeping
* HTML forms serialization behavior in mind.
helpers: {
exists(value: any): boolean;
isMissing(value: any): boolean;
isTrue(value: any): boolean;
isFalse(value: any): boolean;
isString(value: unknown): value is string;
isObject<Value>(value: unknown): value is Record<PropertyKey, Value>;
hasKeys(value: Record<string, any>, keys: string[]): boolean;
isArray<Value_1>(value: unknown): value is Value_1[];
isNumeric(value: any): boolean;
asNumber(value: any): number;
asBoolean(value: any): boolean | null;
isEmail: typeof validator_lib_isEmail_js.default;
isURL: typeof validator_lib_isURL_js.default;
isAlpha: typeof validator.default.isAlpha;
isAlphaNumeric: typeof validator.default.isAlphanumeric;
isIP: typeof validator.default.isIP;
isUUID: typeof validator.default.isUUID;
isAscii: typeof validator.default.isAscii;
isCreditCard: typeof validator.default.isCreditCard;
isIBAN: typeof isIBAN.default;
isJWT: typeof validator.default.isJWT;
isLatLong: typeof validator.default.isLatLong;
isMobilePhone: typeof validator.default.isMobilePhone;
isPassportNumber: typeof validator.default.isPassportNumber;
isPostalCode: typeof validator.default.isPostalCode;
isSlug: typeof validator.default.isSlug;
isDecimal: typeof validator.default.isDecimal;
mobileLocales: validator.default.MobilePhoneLocale[];
postalCountryCodes: validator.default.PostalCodeLocale[];
passportCountryCodes: readonly ["AM", "AR", "AT", "AU", "AZ", "BE", "BG", "BR", "BY", "CA", "CH", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "DZ", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GB", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IS", "IT", "JM", "JP", "KR", "KZ", "LI", "LT", "LU", "LV", "LY", "MT", "MZ", "MY", "MX", "NL", "NZ", "PH", "PK", "PL", "PT", "RO", "RU", "SE", "SL", "SK", "TH", "TR", "UA", "US"];
isHexColor: (value: string) => boolean;
isActiveURL: (url: string) => Promise<boolean>;
isDistinct: (dataSet: any[], fields?: string | string[] | undefined) => boolean;
* Convert a validation function to a Vine schema rule
createRule: typeof createRule;
* Pre-compiles a schema into a validation function.
* ```ts
* const validate = vine.compile(schema)
* await validate({ data })
* ```
compile<Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schema: Schema): VineValidator<Schema, Record<string, any> | undefined>;
* Define a callback to validate the metadata given to the validator
* at runtime
withMetaData<MetaData extends Record<string, any>>(callback?: MetaDataValidator): {
compile: <Schema extends SchemaTypes>(schema: Schema) => VineValidator<Schema, MetaData>;
* Validate data against a schema. Optionally, you can define
* error messages, fields, a custom messages provider,
* or an error reporter.
* ```ts
* await vine.validate({ schema, data })
* await vine.validate({ schema, data, messages, fields })
* await vine.validate({ schema, data, messages, fields }, {
* errorReporter
* })
* ```
validate<Schema extends SchemaTypes>(options: {
* Schema to use for validation
schema: Schema;
* Data to validate
data: any;
} & ValidationOptions<Record<string, any> | undefined>): Promise<Infer<Schema>>;
* Create an instance of validation error
declare const E_VALIDATION_ERROR: typeof ValidationError;
declare const main_E_VALIDATION_ERROR: typeof E_VALIDATION_ERROR;
declare namespace main {
export {
* Default messages provider performs messages lookup inside
* a collection of key-value pair.
declare class SimpleMessagesProvider implements MessagesProviderContact {
constructor(messages: ValidationMessages, fields: ValidationFields);
* Returns a validation message for a given field + rule.
getMessage(rawMessage: string, rule: string, field: FieldContext, args?: Record<string, any>): string;
import { Vine } from './src/vine/main.js';
export { Vine };
export * as symbols from './src/symbols.js';
export * as errors from './src/errors/main.js';
export { VineAny } from './src/schema/any/main.js';
export { VineEnum } from './src/schema/enum/main.js';
export { VineTuple } from './src/schema/tuple/main.js';
export { VineUnion } from './src/schema/union/main.js';
export { VineArray } from './src/schema/array/main.js';
export { VineValidator } from './src/vine/validator.js';
export { VineString } from './src/schema/string/main.js';
export { VineNumber } from './src/schema/number/main.js';
export { VineDate } from './src/schema/date/main.js';
export { VineRecord } from './src/schema/record/main.js';
export { VineObject } from './src/schema/object/main.js';
export { VineLiteral } from './src/schema/literal/main.js';
export { VineBoolean } from './src/schema/boolean/main.js';
export { VineAccepted } from './src/schema/accepted/main.js';
export { BaseLiteralType } from './src/schema/base/literal.js';
export { BaseType, BaseModifiersType } from './src/schema/base/main.js';
export { SimpleErrorReporter } from './src/reporters/simple_error_reporter.js';
export { SimpleMessagesProvider } from './src/messages_provider/simple_messages_provider.js';
declare const vine: Vine;
export { BaseLiteralType, BaseModifiersType, BaseType, SimpleMessagesProvider, Vine, VineAccepted, VineAny, VineArray, VineBoolean, VineEnum, VineLiteral, VineNumber, VineObject, VineRecord, VineString, VineTuple, VineUnion, VineValidator, vine as default, main as errors };
export default vine;
import {
} from "./chunk-OQONERRF.js";
} from "./chunk-OGE7BNTQ.js";
import "./chunk-LKAXJ6BU.js";
import {
} from "./chunk-W377YOUX.js";
import {
} from "./chunk-QPO2OBYN.js";
// src/vine/create_rule.ts
function createRule(validator, metaData) {
const rule = {
isAsync: metaData?.isAsync || === "AsyncFunction",
implicit: metaData?.implicit ?? false
return function(...options) {
return {
options: options[0]
// src/schema/builder.ts
import Macroable3 from "@poppinss/macroable";
// src/schema/base/literal.ts
import camelcase from "camelcase";
import Macroable from "@poppinss/macroable";
// src/symbols.ts
var symbols_exports = {};
__export(symbols_exports, {
var UNIQUE_NAME = Symbol.for("schema_nme");
var IS_OF_TYPE = Symbol.for("is_of_type");
var PARSE = Symbol.for("parse");
var OTYPE = Symbol.for("opaque_type");
var COTYPE = Symbol.for("camelcase_opaque_type");
var VALIDATION = Symbol.for("to_validation");
// src/schema/base/literal.ts
var BaseModifiersType = class extends Macroable {
* Mark the field under validation as optional. An optional
* field allows both null and undefined values.
optional() {
return new OptionalModifier(this);
* Mark the field under validation to be null. The null value will
* be written to the output as well.
* If `optional` and `nullable` are used together, then both undefined
* and null values will be allowed.
nullable() {
return new NullableModifier(this);
* Apply transform on the final validated value. The transform method may
* convert the value to any new datatype.
transform(transformer) {
return new TransformModifier(transformer, this);
var NullableModifier = class _NullableModifier extends BaseModifiersType {
constructor(parent) {
this.#parent = parent;
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the nullable modifier
clone() {
return new _NullableModifier(this.#parent.clone());
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
const output = this.#parent[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
output.allowNull = true;
return output;
var OptionalModifier = class _OptionalModifier extends BaseModifiersType {
constructor(parent) {
this.#parent = parent;
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the optional modifier
clone() {
return new _OptionalModifier(this.#parent.clone());
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
const output = this.#parent[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
output.isOptional = true;
return output;
var TransformModifier = class _TransformModifier extends BaseModifiersType {
constructor(transform, parent) {
this.#transform = transform;
this.#parent = parent;
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the transform modifier.
clone() {
return new _TransformModifier(this.#transform, this.#parent.clone());
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
const output = this.#parent[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
output.transformFnId = refs.trackTransformer(this.#transform);
return output;
var BaseLiteralType = class extends BaseModifiersType {
* Field options
* Set of validations to run
constructor(options, validations) {
this.options = {
bail: true,
allowNull: false,
isOptional: false,
this.validations = validations || [];
* Shallow clones the validations. Since, there are no API's to mutate
* the validation options, we can safely copy them by reference.
cloneValidations() {
return => {
return {
options: validation.options,
rule: validation.rule
* Shallow clones the options
cloneOptions() {
return { ...this.options };
* Compiles validations
compileValidations(refs) {
return => {
return {
ruleFnId: refs.track({
validator: validation.rule.validator,
options: validation.options
implicit: validation.rule.implicit,
isAsync: validation.rule.isAsync
* Define a method to parse the input value. The method
* is invoked before any validation and hence you must
* perform type-checking to know the value you are
* working it.
parse(callback) {
this.options.parse = callback;
return this;
* Push a validation to the validations chain.
use(validation) {
this.validations.push(VALIDATION in validation ? validation[VALIDATION]() : validation);
return this;
* Enable/disable the bail mode. In bail mode, the field validations
* are stopped after the first error.
bail(state) {
this.options.bail = state;
return this;
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "literal",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase(propertyName) : propertyName,
bail: this.options.bail,
allowNull: this.options.allowNull,
isOptional: this.options.isOptional,
parseFnId: this.options.parse ? refs.trackParser(this.options.parse) : void 0,
validations: this.compileValidations(refs)
// src/schema/any/main.ts
var VineAny = class _VineAny extends BaseLiteralType {
constructor(options, validations) {
super(options, validations);
* Clones the VineAny schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineAny(this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/enum/rules.ts
var enumRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
const choices = typeof options.choices === "function" ? options.choices(field) : options.choices;
if (!choices.includes(value)) {, "enum", field, { choices });
// src/schema/enum/main.ts
var VineEnum = class _VineEnum extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of enum rules
static rules = {
enum: enumRule
* Returns the enum choices
getChoices() {
return this.#values;
constructor(values, options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [enumRule({ choices: values })]);
this.#values = values;
* Clones the VineEnum schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineEnum(this.#values, this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/union/main.ts
import camelcase2 from "camelcase";
var VineUnion = class _VineUnion {
#otherwiseCallback = (_, field) => {, "union", field);
constructor(conditionals) {
this.#conditionals = conditionals;
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the union conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback) {
this.#otherwiseCallback = callback;
return this;
* Clones the VineUnion schema type.
clone() {
const cloned = new _VineUnion(this.#conditionals);
return cloned;
* Compiles to a union
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "union",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase2(propertyName) : propertyName,
elseConditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional(this.#otherwiseCallback),
(conditional) => conditional[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options)
// src/schema/union/conditional.ts
var UnionConditional = class {
* Properties to merge when conditonal is true
* Conditional to evaluate
constructor(conditional, schema) {
this.#schema = schema;
this.#conditional = conditional;
* Compiles to a union conditional
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
conditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional(this.#conditional),
schema: this.#schema[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options)
// src/schema/union/builder.ts
function union(conditionals) {
return new VineUnion(conditionals);
union.if = function unionIf(conditon, schema) {
return new UnionConditional(conditon, schema);
union.else = function unionElse(schema) {
return new UnionConditional(() => true, schema);
// src/schema/tuple/main.ts
import camelcase3 from "camelcase";
// src/schema/base/main.ts
import Macroable2 from "@poppinss/macroable";
var BaseModifiersType2 = class extends Macroable2 {
* Mark the field under validation as optional. An optional
* field allows both null and undefined values.
optional() {
return new OptionalModifier2(this);
* Mark the field under validation to be null. The null value will
* be written to the output as well.
* If `optional` and `nullable` are used together, then both undefined
* and null values will be allowed.
nullable() {
return new NullableModifier2(this);
var NullableModifier2 = class _NullableModifier extends BaseModifiersType2 {
constructor(parent) {
this.#parent = parent;
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the nullable modifier
clone() {
return new _NullableModifier(this.#parent.clone());
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
const output = this.#parent[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
if (output.type !== "union") {
output.allowNull = true;
return output;
var OptionalModifier2 = class _OptionalModifier extends BaseModifiersType2 {
constructor(parent) {
this.#parent = parent;
* Creates a fresh instance of the underlying schema type
* and wraps it inside the optional modifier
clone() {
return new _OptionalModifier(this.#parent.clone());
* Compiles to compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
const output = this.#parent[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
if (output.type !== "union") {
output.isOptional = true;
return output;
var BaseType = class extends BaseModifiersType2 {
* Field options
* Set of validations to run
constructor(options, validations) {
this.options = options || {
bail: true,
allowNull: false,
isOptional: false
this.validations = validations || [];
* Shallow clones the validations. Since, there are no API's to mutate
* the validation options, we can safely copy them by reference.
cloneValidations() {
return => {
return {
options: validation.options,
rule: validation.rule
* Shallow clones the options
cloneOptions() {
return { ...this.options };
* Compiles validations
compileValidations(refs) {
return => {
return {
ruleFnId: refs.track({
validator: validation.rule.validator,
options: validation.options
implicit: validation.rule.implicit,
isAsync: validation.rule.isAsync
* Define a method to parse the input value. The method
* is invoked before any validation and hence you must
* perform type-checking to know the value you are
* working it.
parse(callback) {
this.options.parse = callback;
return this;
* Push a validation to the validations chain.
use(validation) {
this.validations.push(VALIDATION in validation ? validation[VALIDATION]() : validation);
return this;
* Enable/disable the bail mode. In bail mode, the field validations
* are stopped after the first error.
bail(state) {
this.options.bail = state;
return this;
// src/schema/tuple/main.ts
var VineTuple = class _VineTuple extends BaseType {
* Whether or not to allow unknown properties
#allowUnknownProperties = false;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.array";
* Checks if the value is of array type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return Array.isArray(value);
constructor(schemas, options, validations) {
super(options, validations);
this.#schemas = schemas;
* Copy unknown properties to the final output.
allowUnknownProperties() {
this.#allowUnknownProperties = true;
return this;
* Clone object
clone() {
const cloned = new _VineTuple( => schema.clone()),
if (this.#allowUnknownProperties) {
return cloned;
* Compiles to array data type
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "tuple",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase3(propertyName) : propertyName,
bail: this.options.bail,
allowNull: this.options.allowNull,
isOptional: this.options.isOptional,
allowUnknownProperties: this.#allowUnknownProperties,
parseFnId: this.options.parse ? refs.trackParser(this.options.parse) : void 0,
validations: this.compileValidations(refs),
properties:, index) => schema[PARSE](String(index), refs, options))
// src/schema/array/main.ts
import camelcase4 from "camelcase";
// src/schema/array/rules.ts
var minLengthRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length < options.min) {["array.minLength"], "array.minLength", field, options);
var maxLengthRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length > options.max) {["array.maxLength"], "array.maxLength", field, options);
var fixedLengthRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length !== options.size) {["array.fixedLength"], "array.fixedLength", field, options);
var notEmptyRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length <= 0) {, "notEmpty", field);
var distinctRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isDistinct(value, options.fields)) {, "distinct", field, options);
var compactRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
value.filter((item) => helpers.exists(item) && item !== ""),
// src/schema/array/main.ts
var VineArray = class _VineArray extends BaseType {
* Default collection of array rules
static rules = {
compact: compactRule,
notEmpty: notEmptyRule,
distinct: distinctRule,
minLength: minLengthRule,
maxLength: maxLengthRule,
fixedLength: fixedLengthRule
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.array";
* Checks if the value is of array type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return Array.isArray(value);
constructor(schema, options, validations) {
super(options, validations);
this.#schema = schema;
* Enforce a minimum length on an array field
minLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(minLengthRule({ min: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a maximum length on an array field
maxLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(maxLengthRule({ max: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a fixed length on an array field
fixedLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(fixedLengthRule({ size: expectedLength }));
* Ensure the array is not empty
notEmpty() {
return this.use(notEmptyRule());
* Ensure array elements are distinct/unique
distinct(fields2) {
return this.use(distinctRule({ fields: fields2 }));
* Removes empty strings, null and undefined values from the array
compact() {
return this.use(compactRule());
* Clones the VineArray schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineArray(this.#schema.clone(), this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
* Compiles to array data type
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "array",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase4(propertyName) : propertyName,
bail: this.options.bail,
allowNull: this.options.allowNull,
isOptional: this.options.isOptional,
each: this.#schema[PARSE]("*", refs, options),
parseFnId: this.options.parse ? refs.trackParser(this.options.parse) : void 0,
validations: this.compileValidations(refs)
// src/schema/object/main.ts
import camelcase5 from "camelcase";
var VineCamelCaseObject = class _VineCamelCaseObject extends BaseModifiersType2 {
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "types.object";
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value);
constructor(schema) {
this.#schema = schema;
* Clone object
clone() {
return new _VineCamelCaseObject(this.#schema.clone());
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
options.toCamelCase = true;
return this.#schema[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options);
var VineObject = class _VineObject extends BaseType {
* Object properties
* Object groups to merge based on conditionals
#groups = [];
* Whether or not to allow unknown properties
#allowUnknownProperties = false;
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.object";
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value);
constructor(properties, options, validations) {
super(options, validations);
this.#properties = properties;
* Returns a clone copy of the object properties. The object groups
* are not copied to keep the implementations simple and easy to
* reason about.
getProperties() {
return Object.keys(this.#properties).reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = this.#properties[key].clone();
return result;
}, {});
* Copy unknown properties to the final output.
allowUnknownProperties() {
this.#allowUnknownProperties = true;
return this;
* Merge a union to the object groups. The union can be a "vine.union"
* with objects, or a "vine.object.union" with properties.
merge(group2) {
return this;
* Clone object
clone() {
const cloned = new _VineObject(
this.#groups.forEach((group2) => cloned.merge(group2));
if (this.#allowUnknownProperties) {
return cloned;
* Applies camelcase transform
toCamelCase() {
return new VineCamelCaseObject(this);
* Compiles the schema type to a compiler node
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "object",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase5(propertyName) : propertyName,
bail: this.options.bail,
allowNull: this.options.allowNull,
isOptional: this.options.isOptional,
parseFnId: this.options.parse ? refs.trackParser(this.options.parse) : void 0,
allowUnknownProperties: this.#allowUnknownProperties,
validations: this.compileValidations(refs),
properties: Object.keys(this.#properties).map((property) => {
return this.#properties[property][PARSE](property, refs, options);
groups: => {
return group2[PARSE](refs, options);
// src/schema/record/main.ts
import camelcase6 from "camelcase";
// src/schema/record/rules.ts
var minLengthRule2 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (Object.keys(value).length < options.min) {["record.minLength"], "record.minLength", field, options);
var maxLengthRule2 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (Object.keys(value).length > options.max) {["record.maxLength"], "record.maxLength", field, options);
var fixedLengthRule2 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (Object.keys(value).length !== options.size) {["record.fixedLength"], "record.fixedLength", field, options);
var validateKeysRule = createRule(
(value, callback, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
callback(Object.keys(value), field);
// src/schema/record/main.ts
var VineRecord = class _VineRecord extends BaseType {
* Default collection of record rules
static rules = {
maxLength: maxLengthRule2,
minLength: minLengthRule2,
fixedLength: fixedLengthRule2,
validateKeys: validateKeysRule
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.object";
* Checks if the value is of object type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value);
constructor(schema, options, validations) {
super(options, validations);
this.#schema = schema;
* Enforce a minimum length on an object field
minLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(minLengthRule2({ min: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a maximum length on an object field
maxLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(maxLengthRule2({ max: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a fixed length on an object field
fixedLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(fixedLengthRule2({ size: expectedLength }));
* Register a callback to validate the object keys
validateKeys(...args) {
return this.use(validateKeysRule(...args));
* Clones the VineRecord schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineRecord(
* Compiles to record data type
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "record",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase6(propertyName) : propertyName,
bail: this.options.bail,
allowNull: this.options.allowNull,
isOptional: this.options.isOptional,
each: this.#schema[PARSE]("*", refs, options),
parseFnId: this.options.parse ? refs.trackParser(this.options.parse) : void 0,
validations: this.compileValidations(refs)
// src/schema/string/rules.ts
import normalizeEmail from "validator/lib/normalizeEmail.js";
import escape from "validator/lib/escape.js";
import camelcase7 from "camelcase";
import normalizeUrl from "normalize-url";
var stringRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (typeof value !== "string") {, "string", field);
var emailRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isEmail(value, options)) {, "email", field);
var mobileRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const normalizedOptions = options && typeof options === "function" ? options(field) : options;
const locales = normalizedOptions?.locale || "any";
if (!helpers.isMobilePhone(value, locales, normalizedOptions)) {, "mobile", field);
var ipAddressRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isIP(value, options?.version)) {, "ipAddress", field);
var regexRule = createRule((value, expression, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!expression.test(value)) {, "regex", field);
var hexCodeRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isHexColor(value)) {, "hexCode", field);
var urlRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isURL(value, options)) {, "url", field);
var activeUrlRule = createRule(async (value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!await helpers.isActiveURL(value)) {, "activeUrl", field);
var alphaRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
let characterSet = "a-zA-Z";
if (options) {
if (options.allowSpaces) {
characterSet += "\\s";
if (options.allowDashes) {
characterSet += "-";
if (options.allowUnderscores) {
characterSet += "_";
const expression = new RegExp(`^[${characterSet}]+$`);
if (!expression.test(value)) {, "alpha", field);
var alphaNumericRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
let characterSet = "a-zA-Z0-9";
if (options) {
if (options.allowSpaces) {
characterSet += "\\s";
if (options.allowDashes) {
characterSet += "-";
if (options.allowUnderscores) {
characterSet += "_";
const expression = new RegExp(`^[${characterSet}]+$`);
if (!expression.test(value)) {, "alphaNumeric", field);
var minLengthRule3 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length < options.min) {, "minLength", field, options);
var maxLengthRule3 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length > options.max) {, "maxLength", field, options);
var fixedLengthRule3 = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value.length !== options.size) {, "fixedLength", field, options);
var endsWithRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!value.endsWith(options.substring)) {, "endsWith", field, options);
var startsWithRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!value.startsWith(options.substring)) {, "startsWith", field, options);
var sameAsRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const input = field.parent[options.otherField];
if (input !== value) {, "sameAs", field, options);
var notSameAsRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const input = field.parent[options.otherField];
if (input === value) {, "notSameAs", field, options);
var confirmedRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const otherField = options?.confirmationField || `${}_confirmation`;
const input = field.parent[otherField];
if (input !== value) {, "confirmed", field, { otherField });
var trimRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(value.trim(), field);
var normalizeEmailRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(normalizeEmail.default(value, options), field);
var toUpperCaseRule = createRule(
(value, locales, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(value.toLocaleUpperCase(locales), field);
var toLowerCaseRule = createRule(
(value, locales, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(value.toLocaleLowerCase(locales), field);
var toCamelCaseRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(camelcase7(value), field);
var escapeRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(escape.default(value), field);
var normalizeUrlRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
field.mutate(normalizeUrl(value, options), field);
var inRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const choices = typeof options.choices === "function" ? options.choices(field) : options.choices;
if (!choices.includes(value)) {, "in", field, options);
var notInRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const list = typeof options.list === "function" ? options.list(field) : options.list;
if (list.includes(value)) {, "notIn", field, options);
var creditCardRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const providers = options ? typeof options === "function" ? options(field)?.provider || [] : options.provider : [];
if (!providers.length) {
if (!helpers.isCreditCard(value)) {, "creditCard", field, {
providersList: "credit"
} else {
const matchesAnyProvider = providers.find(
(provider) => helpers.isCreditCard(value, { provider })
if (!matchesAnyProvider) {, "creditCard", field, {
providersList: providers.join("/")
var passportRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const countryCodes = typeof options === "function" ? options(field).countryCode : options.countryCode;
const matchesAnyCountryCode = countryCodes.find(
(countryCode) => helpers.isPassportNumber(value, countryCode)
if (!matchesAnyCountryCode) {, "passport", field, { countryCodes });
var postalCodeRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
const countryCodes = options ? typeof options === "function" ? options(field)?.countryCode || [] : options.countryCode : [];
if (!countryCodes.length) {
if (!helpers.isPostalCode(value, "any")) {, "postalCode", field);
} else {
const matchesAnyCountryCode = countryCodes.find(
(countryCode) => helpers.isPostalCode(value, countryCode)
if (!matchesAnyCountryCode) {, "postalCode", field, { countryCodes });
var uuidRule = createRule(
(value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!options || !options.version) {
if (!helpers.isUUID(value)) {, "uuid", field);
} else {
const matchesAnyVersion = options.version.find(
(version) => helpers.isUUID(value, version)
if (!matchesAnyVersion) {, "uuid", field, options);
var asciiRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isAscii(value)) {, "ascii", field);
var ibanRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isIBAN(value)) {, "iban", field);
var jwtRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isJWT(value)) {, "jwt", field);
var coordinatesRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isLatLong(value)) {, "coordinates", field);
// src/schema/string/main.ts
var VineString = class _VineString extends BaseLiteralType {
static rules = {
in: inRule,
jwt: jwtRule,
url: urlRule,
iban: ibanRule,
uuid: uuidRule,
trim: trimRule,
email: emailRule,
alpha: alphaRule,
ascii: asciiRule,
notIn: notInRule,
regex: regexRule,
escape: escapeRule,
sameAs: sameAsRule,
mobile: mobileRule,
string: stringRule,
hexCode: hexCodeRule,
passport: passportRule,
endsWith: endsWithRule,
confirmed: confirmedRule,
activeUrl: activeUrlRule,
minLength: minLengthRule3,
notSameAs: notSameAsRule,
maxLength: maxLengthRule3,
ipAddress: ipAddressRule,
creditCard: creditCardRule,
postalCode: postalCodeRule,
startsWith: startsWithRule,
toUpperCase: toUpperCaseRule,
toLowerCase: toLowerCaseRule,
toCamelCase: toCamelCaseRule,
fixedLength: fixedLengthRule3,
coordinates: coordinatesRule,
normalizeUrl: normalizeUrlRule,
alphaNumeric: alphaNumericRule,
normalizeEmail: normalizeEmailRule
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.string";
* Checks if the value is of string type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
return typeof value === "string";
constructor(options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [stringRule()]);
* Validates the value to be a valid URL
url(...args) {
return this.use(urlRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be an active URL
activeUrl() {
return this.use(activeUrlRule());
* Validates the value to be a valid email address
email(...args) {
return this.use(emailRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be a valid mobile number
mobile(...args) {
return this.use(mobileRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be a valid IP address.
ipAddress(version) {
return this.use(ipAddressRule(version ? { version } : void 0));
* Validates the value to be a valid hex color code
hexCode() {
return this.use(hexCodeRule());
* Validates the value to be an active URL
regex(expression) {
return this.use(regexRule(expression));
* Validates the value to contain only letters
alpha(options) {
return this.use(alphaRule(options));
* Validates the value to contain only letters and
* numbers
alphaNumeric(options) {
return this.use(alphaNumericRule(options));
* Enforce a minimum length on a string field
minLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(minLengthRule3({ min: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a maximum length on a string field
maxLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(maxLengthRule3({ max: expectedLength }));
* Enforce a fixed length on a string field
fixedLength(expectedLength) {
return this.use(fixedLengthRule3({ size: expectedLength }));
* Ensure the field under validation is confirmed by
* having another field with the same name.
confirmed(options) {
return this.use(confirmedRule(options));
* Trims whitespaces around the string value
trim() {
return this.use(trimRule());
* Normalizes the email address
normalizeEmail(options) {
return this.use(normalizeEmailRule(options));
* Converts the field value to UPPERCASE.
toUpperCase() {
return this.use(toUpperCaseRule());
* Converts the field value to lowercase.
toLowerCase() {
return this.use(toLowerCaseRule());
* Converts the field value to camelCase.
toCamelCase() {
return this.use(toCamelCaseRule());
* Escape string for HTML entities
escape() {
return this.use(escapeRule());
* Normalize a URL
normalizeUrl(...args) {
return this.use(normalizeUrlRule(...args));
* Ensure the value starts with the pre-defined substring
startsWith(substring) {
return this.use(startsWithRule({ substring }));
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
endsWith(substring) {
return this.use(endsWithRule({ substring }));
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
sameAs(otherField) {
return this.use(sameAsRule({ otherField }));
* Ensure the value ends with the pre-defined substring
notSameAs(otherField) {
return this.use(notSameAsRule({ otherField }));
* Ensure the field's value under validation is a subset of the pre-defined list.
in(choices) {
return this.use(inRule({ choices }));
* Ensure the field's value under validation is not inside the pre-defined list.
notIn(list) {
return this.use(notInRule({ list }));
* Validates the value to be a valid credit card number
creditCard(...args) {
return this.use(creditCardRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be a valid passport number
passport(...args) {
return this.use(passportRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be a valid postal code
postalCode(...args) {
return this.use(postalCodeRule(...args));
* Validates the value to be a valid UUID
uuid(...args) {
return this.use(uuidRule(...args));
* Validates the value contains ASCII characters only
ascii() {
return this.use(asciiRule());
* Validates the value to be a valid IBAN number
iban() {
return this.use(ibanRule());
* Validates the value to be a valid JWT token
jwt() {
return this.use(jwtRule());
* Ensure the value is a string with latitude and longitude coordinates
coordinates() {
return this.use(coordinatesRule());
* Clones the VineString schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineString(this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/number/rules.ts
var numberRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
const valueAsNumber = options.strict ? value : helpers.asNumber(value);
if (typeof valueAsNumber !== "number" || Number.isNaN(valueAsNumber) || valueAsNumber === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || valueAsNumber === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {, "number", field);
field.mutate(valueAsNumber, field);
var minRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value < options.min) {, "min", field, options);
var maxRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value > options.max) {, "max", field, options);
var rangeRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value < options.min || value > options.max) {, "range", field, options);
var positiveRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value < 0) {, "positive", field);
var negativeRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (value >= 0) {, "negative", field);
var decimalRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!helpers.isDecimal(String(value), {
force_decimal: options.range[0] !== 0,
decimal_digits: options.range.join(",")
})) {, "decimal", field, { digits: options.range.join("-") });
var withoutDecimalsRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!field.isValid) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {, "withoutDecimals", field);
// src/schema/number/main.ts
var VineNumber = class _VineNumber extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of number rules
static rules = {
max: maxRule,
min: minRule,
range: rangeRule,
number: numberRule,
decimal: decimalRule,
negative: negativeRule,
positive: positiveRule,
withoutDecimals: withoutDecimalsRule
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.number";
* Checks if the value is of number type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
const valueAsNumber = helpers.asNumber(value);
return !Number.isNaN(valueAsNumber);
constructor(options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [numberRule(options || {})]);
* Enforce a minimum value for the number input
min(value) {
return this.use(minRule({ min: value }));
* Enforce a maximum value for the number input
max(value) {
return this.use(maxRule({ max: value }));
* Enforce value to be within the range of minimum and maximum output.
range(value) {
return this.use(rangeRule({ min: value[0], max: value[1] }));
* Enforce the value be a positive number
positive() {
return this.use(positiveRule());
* Enforce the value be a negative number
negative() {
return this.use(negativeRule());
* Enforce the value to have fixed or range
* of decimal places
decimal(range) {
return this.use(decimalRule({ range: Array.isArray(range) ? range : [range] }));
* Enforce the value to be an integer (aka without decimals)
withoutDecimals() {
return this.use(withoutDecimalsRule());
* Clones the VineNumber schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineNumber(this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/boolean/rules.ts
var booleanRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
const valueAsBoolean = options.strict === true ? value : helpers.asBoolean(value);
if (typeof valueAsBoolean !== "boolean") {, "boolean", field);
field.mutate(valueAsBoolean, field);
// src/schema/boolean/main.ts
var VineBoolean = class _VineBoolean extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of boolean rules
static rules = {
boolean: booleanRule
* The property must be implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[UNIQUE_NAME] = "vine.boolean";
* Checks if the value is of boolean type. The method must be
* implemented for "unionOfTypes"
[IS_OF_TYPE] = (value) => {
const valueAsBoolean = this.options.strict === true ? value : helpers.asBoolean(value);
return typeof valueAsBoolean === "boolean";
constructor(options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [booleanRule(options || {})]);
* Clones the VineBoolean schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineBoolean(this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/literal/rules.ts
var equalsRule = createRule((value, options, field) => {
let input = value;
if (typeof options.expectedValue === "boolean") {
input = helpers.asBoolean(value);
} else if (typeof options.expectedValue === "number") {
input = helpers.asNumber(value);
if (input !== options.expectedValue) {, "literal", field, options);
field.mutate(input, field);
// src/schema/literal/main.ts
var VineLiteral = class _VineLiteral extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of literal rules
static rules = {
equals: equalsRule
constructor(value, options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [equalsRule({ expectedValue: value })]);
this.#value = value;
* Clones the VineLiteral schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineLiteral(this.#value, this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/accepted/rules.ts
var ACCEPTED_VALUES = ["on", "1", "yes", "true", true, 1];
var acceptedRule = createRule((value, _, field) => {
if (!ACCEPTED_VALUES.includes(value)) {, "accepted", field);
// src/schema/accepted/main.ts
var VineAccepted = class _VineAccepted extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of accepted rules
static rules = {
accepted: acceptedRule
constructor(options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [acceptedRule()]);
* Clones the VineAccepted schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineAccepted(this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/object/group.ts
var ObjectGroup = class _ObjectGroup {
#otherwiseCallback = (_, field) => {, "unionGroup", field);
constructor(conditionals) {
this.#conditionals = conditionals;
* Clones the ObjectGroup schema type.
clone() {
const cloned = new _ObjectGroup(this.#conditionals);
return cloned;
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the group conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback) {
this.#otherwiseCallback = callback;
return this;
* Compiles the group
[PARSE](refs, options) {
return {
type: "group",
elseConditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional(this.#otherwiseCallback),
conditions: => conditional[PARSE](refs, options))
// src/schema/object/conditional.ts
var GroupConditional = class {
* Properties to merge when conditonal is true
* Conditional to evaluate
constructor(conditional, properties) {
this.#properties = properties;
this.#conditional = conditional;
* Compiles to a union conditional
[PARSE](refs, options) {
return {
schema: {
type: "sub_object",
properties: Object.keys(this.#properties).map((property) => {
return this.#properties[property][PARSE](property, refs, options);
groups: []
// Compiler allows nested groups, but we are not implementing it
conditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional(this.#conditional)
// src/schema/object/group_builder.ts
function group(conditionals) {
return new ObjectGroup(conditionals);
group.if = function groupIf(conditon, properties) {
return new GroupConditional(conditon, properties);
group.else = function groupElse(properties) {
return new GroupConditional(() => true, properties);
// src/schema/enum/native_enum.ts
var VineNativeEnum = class _VineNativeEnum extends BaseLiteralType {
* Default collection of enum rules
static rules = {
enum: enumRule
constructor(values, options, validations) {
super(options, validations || [enumRule({ choices: Object.values(values) })]);
this.#values = values;
* Clones the VineNativeEnum schema type. The applied options
* and validations are copied to the new instance
clone() {
return new _VineNativeEnum(this.#values, this.cloneOptions(), this.cloneValidations());
// src/schema/union_of_types/main.ts
import camelcase8 from "camelcase";
var VineUnionOfTypes = class _VineUnionOfTypes {
#otherwiseCallback = (_, field) => {, "unionOfTypes", field);
constructor(schemas) {
this.#schemas = schemas;
* Define a fallback method to invoke when all of the union conditions
* fail. You may use this method to report an error.
otherwise(callback) {
this.#otherwiseCallback = callback;
return this;
* Clones the VineUnionOfTypes schema type.
clone() {
const cloned = new _VineUnionOfTypes(this.#schemas);
return cloned;
* Compiles to a union
[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options) {
return {
type: "union",
fieldName: propertyName,
propertyName: options.toCamelCase ? camelcase8(propertyName) : propertyName,
elseConditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional(this.#otherwiseCallback),
conditions: => {
return {
conditionalFnRefId: refs.trackConditional((value, field) => {
return schema[IS_OF_TYPE](value, field);
schema: schema[PARSE](propertyName, refs, options)
// src/schema/builder.ts
var SchemaBuilder = class extends Macroable3 {
* Define a sub-object as a union
group = group;
* Define a union value
union = union;
* Define a string value
string() {
return new VineString();
* Define a boolean value
boolean(options) {
return new VineBoolean(options);
* Validate a checkbox to be checked
accepted() {
return new VineAccepted();
* Define a number value
number(options) {
return new VineNumber(options);
* Define a schema type in which the input value
* matches the pre-defined value
literal(value) {
return new VineLiteral(value);
* Define an object with known properties. You may call "allowUnknownProperties"
* to merge unknown properties.
object(properties) {
return new VineObject(properties);
* Define an array field and validate its children elements.
array(schema) {
return new VineArray(schema);
* Define an array field with known length and each children
* element may have its own schema.
tuple(schemas) {
return new VineTuple(schemas);
* Define an object field with key-value pair. The keys in
* a record are unknown and values can be of a specific
* schema type.
record(schema) {
return new VineRecord(schema);
enum(values) {
if (Array.isArray(values) || typeof values === "function") {
return new VineEnum(values);
return new VineNativeEnum(values);
* Allow the field value to be anything
any() {
return new VineAny();
* Define a union of unique schema types.
unionOfTypes(schemas) {
const schemasInUse = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
schemas.forEach((schema) => {
if (!schema[IS_OF_TYPE] || !schema[UNIQUE_NAME]) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot use "${}". The schema type is not compatible for use with "vine.unionOfTypes"`
if (schemasInUse.has(schema[UNIQUE_NAME])) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot use duplicate schema "${schema[UNIQUE_NAME]}". "vine.unionOfTypes" needs distinct schema types only`
return new VineUnionOfTypes(schemas);
// src/vine/validator.ts
import { Compiler, refsBuilder } from "@vinejs/compiler";
required: messages.required,
array: messages.array,
object: messages.object
var VineValidator = class {
* Validator to use to validate metadata
* Messages provider to use on the validator
* Error reporter to use on the validator
* Parses schema to compiler nodes.
#parse(schema) {
const refs = refsBuilder();
return {
compilerNode: {
type: "root",
schema: schema[PARSE]("", refs, { toCamelCase: false })
refs: refs.toJSON()
* Refs computed from the compiled output
* Compiled validator function
constructor(schema, options) {
const { compilerNode, refs } = this.#parse(schema);
this.#refs = refs;
this.#validateFn = new Compiler(compilerNode, {
convertEmptyStringsToNull: options.convertEmptyStringsToNull,
this.errorReporter = options.errorReporter;
this.messagesProvider = options.messagesProvider;
this.#metaDataValidator = options.metaDataValidator;
* Validate data against a schema. Optionally, you can share metaData with
* the validator
* ```ts
* await validator.validate(data)
* await validator.validate(data, { meta: {} })
* await validator.validate(data, {
* meta: { userId: },
* errorReporter,
* messagesProvider
* })
* ```
validate(data, ...[options]) {
if (options?.meta && this.#metaDataValidator) {
const errorReporter = options?.errorReporter || this.errorReporter;
const messagesProvider = options?.messagesProvider || this.messagesProvider;
return this.#validateFn(
options?.meta || {},
// src/vine/main.ts
var Vine = class extends SchemaBuilder {
* Messages provider to use on the validator
messagesProvider = new SimpleMessagesProvider(messages, fields);
* Error reporter to use on the validator
errorReporter = () => new SimpleErrorReporter();
* Control whether or not to convert empty strings to null
convertEmptyStringsToNull = false;
* Helpers to perform type-checking or cast types keeping
* HTML forms serialization behavior in mind.
helpers = helpers;
* Convert a validation function to a Vine schema rule
createRule = createRule;
* Pre-compiles a schema into a validation function.
* ```ts
* const validate = vine.compile(schema)
* await validate({ data })
* ```
compile(schema) {
return new VineValidator(schema, {
convertEmptyStringsToNull: this.convertEmptyStringsToNull,
messagesProvider: this.messagesProvider,
errorReporter: this.errorReporter
* Define a callback to validate the metadata given to the validator
* at runtime
withMetaData(callback) {
return {
compile: (schema) => {
return new VineValidator(schema, {
convertEmptyStringsToNull: this.convertEmptyStringsToNull,
messagesProvider: this.messagesProvider,
errorReporter: this.errorReporter,
metaDataValidator: callback
* Validate data against a schema. Optionally, you can define
* error messages, fields, a custom messages provider,
* or an error reporter.
* ```ts
* await vine.validate({ schema, data })
* await vine.validate({ schema, data, messages, fields })
* await vine.validate({ schema, data, messages, fields }, {
* errorReporter
* })
* ```
validate(options) {
const validator = this.compile(options.schema);
return validator.validate(, options);
// index.ts
var vine = new Vine();
var vine_default = vine;
} from "./chunk-U7IQLI4H.js";
import "./chunk-CSAU5B4Q.js";
export {
BaseModifiersType2 as BaseModifiersType,

@@ -2290,2 +41,3 @@ SimpleErrorReporter,


@@ -2304,1 +56,2 @@ VineLiteral,

* Collection of default error messages to use
declare const messages: {
export declare const messages: {
required: string;

@@ -61,2 +61,16 @@ string: string;

unionOfTypes: string;
date: string;
'date.equals': string;
'date.after': string;
'date.before': string;
'date.afterOrEqual': string;
'date.beforeOrEqual': string;
'date.sameAs': string;
'date.notSameAs': string;
'date.afterField': string;
'date.afterOrSameAs': string;
'date.beforeField': string;
'date.beforeOrSameAs': string;
'date.weekend': string;
'date.weekday': string;

@@ -66,6 +80,4 @@ /**

declare const fields: {
export declare const fields: {
'': string;
export { fields, messages };
import {
} from "../chunk-OQONERRF.js";
import "../chunk-QPO2OBYN.js";
} from "../chunk-LKAXJ6BU.js";
import "../chunk-CSAU5B4Q.js";
export {

@@ -10,1 +10,2 @@ fields,


@@ -1,10 +0,214 @@

export { ConditionalFn, FieldContext, MessagesProviderContact, RefIdentifier, Refs } from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
import 'normalize-url';
import 'validator/lib/isURL.js';
import 'validator/lib/isEmail.js';
export { NormalizeEmailOptions } from 'validator/lib/normalizeEmail.js';
import 'validator/lib/isMobilePhone.js';
import 'validator/lib/isPostalCode.js';
export { i as AlphaNumericOptions, A as AlphaOptions, C as ConstructableSchema, f as CreditCardOptions, q as EmailOptions, E as EnumLike, j as ErrorReporterContract, F as FieldOptions, m as Infer, k as MetaDataValidator, M as MobileOptions, N as NormalizeUrlOptions, P as Parser, c as ParserOptions, g as PassportOptions, h as PostalCodeOptions, R as RuleBuilder, S as SchemaTypes, T as Transformer, r as URLOptions, U as UnionNoMatchCallback, a as Validation, p as ValidationFields, o as ValidationMessages, l as ValidationOptions, t as ValidationRule, V as Validator } from '../types-8973fb04.js';
import 'validator';
import 'validator/lib/isIBAN.js';
import type dayjs from 'dayjs';
import type { Options as UrlOptions } from 'normalize-url';
import type { IsURLOptions } from 'validator/lib/isURL.js';
import type { IsEmailOptions } from 'validator/lib/isEmail.js';
import type { PostalCodeLocale } from 'validator/lib/isPostalCode.js';
import type { NormalizeEmailOptions } from 'validator/lib/normalizeEmail.js';
import type { IsMobilePhoneOptions, MobilePhoneLocale } from 'validator/lib/isMobilePhone.js';
import type { ParseFn, RefsStore, TransformFn, FieldContext, CompilerNodes, MessagesProviderContact, ErrorReporterContract as BaseReporter } from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
import type { helpers } from './vine/helpers.js';
import type { ValidationError } from './errors/validation_error.js';
import type { OTYPE, COTYPE, PARSE, VALIDATION, UNIQUE_NAME, IS_OF_TYPE } from './symbols.js';
* Options accepted by the mobile number validation
export type MobileOptions = {
locale?: MobilePhoneLocale[];
} & IsMobilePhoneOptions;
* Options accepted by the email address validation
export type EmailOptions = IsEmailOptions;
* Options accepted by the normalize email
export { NormalizeEmailOptions };
* Options accepted by the URL validation
export type URLOptions = IsURLOptions;
* Options accepted by the credit card validation
export type CreditCardOptions = {
provider: ('amex' | 'dinersclub' | 'discover' | 'jcb' | 'mastercard' | 'unionpay' | 'visa')[];
* Options accepted by the passport validation
export type PassportOptions = {
countryCode: (typeof helpers)['passportCountryCodes'][number][];
* Options accepted by the postal code validation
export type PostalCodeOptions = {
countryCode: PostalCodeLocale[];
* Options accepted by the alpha rule
export type AlphaOptions = {
allowSpaces?: boolean;
allowUnderscores?: boolean;
allowDashes?: boolean;
export type NormalizeUrlOptions = UrlOptions;
* Options accepted by the alpha numeric rule
export type AlphaNumericOptions = AlphaOptions;
* Re-exporting selected types from compiler
export type { Refs, FieldContext, RefIdentifier, ConditionalFn, MessagesProviderContact, } from '@vinejs/compiler/types';
* Representation of a native enum like type
export type EnumLike = {
[K: string]: string | number;
[number: number]: string;
* Representation of fields and messages accepted by the messages
* provider
export type ValidationMessages = Record<string, string>;
export type ValidationFields = Record<string, string>;
* Constructable schema type refers to any type that can be
* constructed for type inference and compiler output
export interface ConstructableSchema<Output, CamelCaseOutput> {
[OTYPE]: Output;
[COTYPE]: CamelCaseOutput;
[PARSE](propertyName: string, refs: RefsStore, options: ParserOptions): CompilerNodes;
clone(): this;
* Implement if you want schema type to be used with the unionOfTypes
[UNIQUE_NAME]?: string;
[IS_OF_TYPE]?: (value: unknown, field: FieldContext) => boolean;
export type SchemaTypes = ConstructableSchema<any, any>;
* Representation of a function that performs validation.
* The function receives the following arguments.
* - the current value of the input field
* - runtime options
* - field context
export type Validator<Options extends any> = (value: unknown, options: Options, field: FieldContext) => any | Promise<any>;
* A validation rule is a combination of a validator and
* some metadata required at the time of compiling the
* rule.
* Think of this type as "Validator" + "metaData"
export type ValidationRule<Options extends any> = {
validator: Validator<Options>;
isAsync: boolean;
implicit: boolean;
* Validation is a combination of a validation rule and the options
* to supply to validator at the time of validating the field.
* Think of this type as "ValidationRule" + "options"
export type Validation<Options extends any> = {
* Options to pass to the validator function.
options?: Options;
* The rule to use
rule: ValidationRule<Options>;
* A rule builder is an object that implements the "VALIDATION"
* method and returns [[Validation]] type
export interface RuleBuilder {
[VALIDATION](): Validation<any>;
* The transform function to mutate the output value
export type Transformer<Schema extends SchemaTypes, Output> = TransformFn<Exclude<Schema[typeof OTYPE], undefined>, Output>;
* The parser function to mutate the input value
export type Parser = ParseFn;
* A set of options accepted by the field
export type FieldOptions = {
allowNull: boolean;
bail: boolean;
isOptional: boolean;
parse?: Parser;
* A set of options accepted by the date field
export type DateFieldOptions = {
formats?: dayjs.OptionType;
* A set of options accepted by the equals rule
* on the date field
export type DateEqualsOptions = {
compare?: dayjs.OpUnitType;
format?: dayjs.OptionType;
* Options accepted when compiling schema types.
export type ParserOptions = {
toCamelCase: boolean;
* Method to invoke when union has no match
export type UnionNoMatchCallback<Input> = (value: Input, field: FieldContext) => any;
* Error reporters must implement the reporter contract interface
export interface ErrorReporterContract extends BaseReporter {
createError(): ValidationError;
* The validator function to validate metadata given to a validation
* pipeline
export type MetaDataValidator = (meta: Record<string, any>) => void;
* Options accepted during the validate call.
export type ValidationOptions<MetaData extends Record<string, any> | undefined> = {
* Messages provider is used to resolve error messages during
* the validation lifecycle
messagesProvider?: MessagesProviderContact;
* Validation errors are reported directly to an error reporter. The reporter
* can decide how to format and output errors.
errorReporter?: () => ErrorReporterContract;
} & ([undefined] extends MetaData ? {
meta?: MetaData;
} : {
meta: MetaData;
* Infers the schema type
export type Infer<Schema extends {
[OTYPE]: any;
}> = Schema[typeof OTYPE];
"name": "@vinejs/vine",
"description": "Form data validation library for Node.js",
"version": "1.6.0",
"version": "1.7.0",
"engines": {

@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ "node": ">=18.16.0"

"files": [

@@ -23,14 +26,15 @@ "exports": {

"test": "c8 npm run quick:test",
"quick:test": "node --loader=ts-node/esm --enable-source-maps bin/test.ts",
"clean": "del-cli build",
"prebenchmark": "npm run build",
"benchmark": "node build/benchmarks/flat_object.js && node build/benchmarks/nested_object.js && node build/benchmarks/array.js && node build/benchmarks/union.js",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"compile": "npm run lint && npm run clean && tsup-node",
"precompile": "npm run lint && npm run clean",
"compile": "tsup-node && tsc --emitDeclarationOnly --declaration",
"build": "npm run compile",
"release": "np",
"version": "npm run build",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
"lint": "eslint . --ext=.ts",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"sync-labels": "github-label-sync --labels .github/labels.json vinejs/vine",
"quick:test": "node --loader=ts-node/esm --enable-source-maps bin/test.ts"
"benchmark": "node build/benchmarks/flat_object.js && node build/benchmarks/nested_object.js && node build/benchmarks/array.js && node build/benchmarks/union.js",
"sync-labels": "github-label-sync --labels .github/labels.json vinejs/vine"

@@ -41,30 +45,33 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@adonisjs/tsconfig": "^1.1.8",
"@commitlint/cli": "^17.6.7",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^17.6.7",
"@japa/assert": "^2.0.0-1",
"@japa/expect-type": "^2.0.0-0",
"@japa/runner": "^3.0.0-6",
"@swc/core": "^1.3.70",
"@types/node": "^20.4.2",
"@commitlint/cli": "^18.4.3",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^18.4.3",
"@japa/assert": "^2.0.1",
"@japa/expect-type": "^2.0.0",
"@japa/runner": "^3.0.5",
"@swc/core": "^1.3.99",
"@types/dlv": "^1.1.4",
"@types/node": "^20.9.3",
"benchmark": "^2.1.4",
"c8": "^8.0.1",
"del-cli": "^5.0.0",
"eslint": "^8.45.0",
"del-cli": "^5.1.0",
"eslint": "^8.54.0",
"github-label-sync": "^2.3.1",
"husky": "^8.0.3",
"np": "^8.0.4",
"prettier": "^3.0.0",
"prettier": "^3.1.0",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"tsup": "^7.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.1.6",
"yup": "^1.2.0",
"zod": "^3.21.4"
"tsup": "^8.0.1",
"typescript": "5.2.2",
"yup": "^1.3.2",
"zod": "^3.22.4"
"dependencies": {
"@poppinss/macroable": "^1.0.0-7",
"@types/validator": "^13.7.17",
"@vinejs/compiler": "^2.2.0",
"camelcase": "^7.0.1",
"@poppinss/macroable": "^1.0.0",
"@types/validator": "^13.11.7",
"@vinejs/compiler": "^2.3.0",
"camelcase": "^8.0.0",
"dayjs": "^1.11.10",
"dlv": "^1.1.3",
"normalize-url": "^8.0.0",
"validator": "^13.9.0"
"validator": "^13.11.0"

@@ -122,3 +129,7 @@ "author": "virk,vinejs",


@@ -128,5 +139,6 @@ "outDir": "./build",

"format": "esm",
"dts": true,
"dts": false,
"sourcemap": true,
"target": "esnext"

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ # @vinejs/vine

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@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ </div>

[gh-workflow-url]: 'Github action'
[gh-workflow-url]: 'Github action'

@@ -54,3 +54,1 @@ [npm-url]: 'npm'

[snyk-url]: 'snyk'
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