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> Note: as of `vue` 3.2.13+ and `@vitejs/plugin-vue` 1.9.0+, `@vue/compiler-sfc` is no longer required as a peer dependency.

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Package description

What is @vitejs/plugin-vue?

The @vitejs/plugin-vue package is a plugin for Vite, a modern frontend build tool, that enables Vue.js single-file component (SFC) support. It allows developers to use Vue 3 features within Vite projects, including template compilation, hot module replacement (HMR), and more.

What are @vitejs/plugin-vue's main functionalities?

Single-File Component Support

Enables the use of Vue.js single-file components (.vue files) by handling their parsing and compilation.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

const app = createApp(App);

Hot Module Replacement

Supports HMR for Vue components, allowing for a more efficient development experience by enabling instant feedback on code changes without a full page reload.

if ( {'./some-module.js', (newModule) => {
    // Handle the module update

Template Compilation

Compiles Vue component templates into render functions, improving performance and enabling the use of Vue's template syntax.

  <div>{{ message }}</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, world!'

Other packages similar to @vitejs/plugin-vue



@vitejs/plugin-vue npm

Note: as of vue 3.2.13+ and @vitejs/plugin-vue 1.9.0+, @vue/compiler-sfc is no longer required as a peer dependency.

// vite.config.js
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default {
  plugins: [vue()]


export interface Options {
  include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
  exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

  ssr?: boolean
  isProduction?: boolean

   * Transform Vue SFCs into custom elements (requires vue@^3.2.0)
   * - `true` -> all `*.vue` imports are converted into custom elements
   * - `string | RegExp` -> matched files are converted into custom elements
   * @default /\.ce\.vue$/
  customElement?: boolean | string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

   * Enable Vue reactivity transform (experimental, requires vue@^3.2.25).
   * - `true`: transform will be enabled for all vue,js(x),ts(x) files except
   *           those inside node_modules
   * - `string | RegExp`: apply to vue + only matched files (will include
   *                      node_modules, so specify directories in necessary)
   * - `false`: disable in all cases
   * @default false
  reactivityTransform?: boolean | string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

  // options to pass on to vue/compiler-sfc
  script?: Partial<Pick<SFCScriptCompileOptions, 'babelParserPlugins'>>
  template?: Partial<
      | 'compiler'
      | 'compilerOptions'
      | 'preprocessOptions'
      | 'preprocessCustomRequire'
      | 'transformAssetUrls'
  style?: Partial<Pick<SFCStyleCompileOptions, 'trim'>>

Asset URL handling

When @vitejs/plugin-vue compiles the <template> blocks in SFCs, it also converts any encountered asset URLs into ESM imports.

For example, the following template snippet:

<img src="../image.png" />

Is the same as:

<script setup>
import _imports_0 from '../image.png'

<img :src="_imports_0" />

By default the following tag/attribute combinations are transformed, and can be configured using the template.transformAssetUrls option.

  video: ['src', 'poster'],
  source: ['src'],
  img: ['src'],
  image: ['xlink:href', 'href'],
  use: ['xlink:href', 'href']

Note that only attribute values that are static strings are transformed. Otherwise, you'd need to import the asset manually, e.g. import imgUrl from '../image.png'.

Example for passing options to vue/compiler-sfc:

import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default {
  plugins: [
      template: {
        compilerOptions: {
          // ...
        transformAssetUrls: {
          // ...

Example for transforming custom blocks

import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import yaml from 'js-yaml'

const vueI18nPlugin = {
  name: 'vue-i18n',
  transform(code, id) {
    if (!/vue&type=i18n/.test(id)) {
    if (/\.ya?ml$/.test(id)) {
      code = JSON.stringify(yaml.load(code.trim()))
    return `export default Comp => {
      Comp.i18n = ${code}

export default {
  plugins: [vue(), vueI18nPlugin]

Using Vue SFCs as Custom Elements

Requires vue@^3.2.0 & @vitejs/plugin-vue@^1.4.0

Vue 3.2 introduces the defineCustomElement method, which works with SFCs. By default, <style> tags inside SFCs are extracted and merged into CSS files during build. However when shipping a library of custom elements, it may be desirable to inline the styles as JavaScript strings and inject them into the custom elements' shadow root instead.

Starting in 1.4.0, files ending with *.ce.vue will be compiled in "custom elements" mode: its <style> tags are compiled into inlined CSS strings and attached to the component as its styles property:

import { defineCustomElement } from 'vue'
import Example from './Example.ce.vue'

console.log(Example.styles) // ['/* css content */']

// register
customElements.define('my-example', defineCustomElement(Example))

Note in custom elements mode there is no need to use <style scoped> since the CSS is already scoped inside the shadow DOM.

The customElement plugin option can be used to configure the behavior:

  • { customElement: true } will import all *.vue files in custom element mode.
  • Use a string or regex pattern to change how files should be loaded as Custom Elements (this check is applied after include and exclude matches).




Package last updated on 26 Oct 2022

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