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A Hapi.js plugin that works with the catalyst-server to aid in server-side rendering using Handlebars and React. It allows you to relate a Handlebars template and a React component to a route. This route will automatically be registered with the server and will decorate request.pre.component
with the react component and the request.pre.template
with the template. It will also register @hapi/vision and server views with Handlebars rendering for the page scaffolding
npm install @vrbo/catalyst-render
Register the plugin in the application's manifest:
"register": {
"catalyst-render": {
"plugin": "require:@vrbo/catalyst-render",
"options": {
"routes": [{
"route": "require:./routes/application.js",
"component": "require:../components/App/server.js",
"template": "./templates/welcome.hbs"
The require:./routes/application.js
points to a route file that exports a Hapi.js route object and will look something like this (with a very basic render):
module.exports = {
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
options: {
handler(request, h){
const template = request.pre.template;
const Component = request.pre.component;
const body = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Component/>);
return h.view(template, { body })
id: 'root'
Register the plugin server.register(server, options)
Param | Type | Description |
server | object | Hapi.js server |
options | object | Overriding options |
options.routes | array | A list of route objects to register on server. |
[options.viewsOptions] | object | Options to add to (or override) when on server.views method is called for adding things like partials ,, layouts, helpers and others. |
[options.visionOptions] | object | Proxy for options when registering @hapi/vision. |
[options.resolveAssetHelper] | object | A Handlebars helper to help resolve static assets, as in publishing to a CDN. |
options.resolveAssetHelper.name | string | Name of helper. |
options.resolveAssetHelper.helper | function | Helper function. |
This is an object for registering routes, React components, and templates
Property | Type | Description |
route | object | Hapi.js route object to register on server. |
component | object | A React component to render. Available as request.pre.component in handler in above route. |
template | array | A Handlebars template to use to render page scaffold. Available as request.pre.template in handler in above route. |
Further Reading