Using this library you can easily create and sign transactions for Waves blockchain.
It also allows you to multi-sign existing transactions or create them without signature at all.
This library is a set of transaction constructing functions:
Check full documentation on GitHub Pages.
The idea is really simple - you create transaction and sign it from a minimal set of required params.
If you want to create Transfer transaction the minimum you need to provide is amount and recipient as defined in Transfer params:
const { transfer } = require('@waves/waves-transactions')
const seed = 'some example seed phrase'
const signedTranserTx = transfer({
amount: 1,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
timestamp: 1536917842558
}, seed)
Output will be a signed transfer transaction:
id: '8NrUwgKRCMFbUbqXKQAHkGnspmWHEjKUSi5opEC6Havq',
type: 4,
version: 2,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
attachment: undefined,
feeAssetId: undefined,
assetId: undefined,
amount: 1,
fee: 100000,
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq',
timestamp: 1536917842558,
proofs: [
You can also create transaction, but not sign it:
const unsignedTransferTx = transfer({
amount: 1,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq'
Now you are able to POST it to Waves API or store for future purpose or you can add another signature from other party:
const otherPartySeed = 'other party seed phrase'
const transferSignedWithTwoParties = transfer(signedTranserTx, seed)
So now there are two proofs:
id: '8NrUwgKRCMFbUbqXKQAHkGnspmWHEjKUSi5opEC6Havq',
type: 4,
version: 2,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
attachment: undefined,
feeAssetId: undefined,
assetId: undefined,
amount: 1,
fee: 100000,
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq',
timestamp: 1536917842558,
proofs: [
To send transaction you can use either node REST API or broadcast helper function:
const {broadcast} = require('@waves/waves-transactions');
const nodeUrl = 'https://nodes.wavesplatform.com';
broadcast(signedTx, nodeUrl).then(resp => console.log(resp))
You can send tx to any waves node you like:. E.g.:
Most transactions require chainId as parameter, e.g: IBurnParams. By default chainId is 'W', which means MAINNET. To make transaction in TESTNET be sure to pass chainId if it is present in params interface and then send it to TESTNET node