Weblite Storage Client
TypeScript client for Weblite S3 Storage
declare const upload: (file: File, { name, type, meta, compression, onProgress, }?: {
name?: string; // default: file.name
type?: 'file' | 'voice' | 'image' | 'infer'; // default: `file`
meta?: Record<string, unknown>; // use it carefully!
compression?: CompressorOptions; // applied only if `type` = `image`, will be passed to compressorjs
onProgress?: (fileId: string, { sent, total }: {
sent: number;
total: number;
}) => void;
}) => Promise<{
fileId: string;
fileName: string;
size: number;
type: 'file' | 'voice' | 'image';
contentType: string;
createdAt: Date;
declare const cancelUpload: (fileId: string) => boolean
declare const getDownloadLink: (fileId: string) => string
declare const getInfo: (fileId: string) => Promise<{
fileName: string;
size: number;
contentType: string;
meta: Record<string, unknown>;
directUrl: string;
import * as storage from '@web-lite/storage'
const uploadImage = async (image: File): Promise<void> => {
const { fileId } = await storage.upload(file, {
type: 'image',
compression: { quality: 0.5 },
const info = await storage.getInfo(fileId)
const image = selectImage()