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The pug loader resolves paths and webpack aliases in a pug template and compiles it to HTML or into a template function.

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Webpack loader for the Pug templates.
The pug loader resolves paths and webpack aliases for extends/include/require() in a pug template and compiles it to HTML or into a template function.


  • supports Webpack 5 and Pug 3
  • supports features and options of original pugjs/pug-loader
  • up to 4x faster than original pugjs/pug-loader at webpack starting
  • up to 8x faster than original pugjs/pug-loader at webpack watching during compile changes in dependencies
  • supports Webpack resolve.alias, works with and without the prefixes: ~ @
  • supports integration with Angular Component
  • supports syntax of CommonJS and ES modules in generated JavaScript modules, e.g.:
    const html = require('./template.pug');
    import html from './template.pug';
  • compiling a pug into a template function, e.g.:
    const tmpl = require('template.pug');
    const html = tmpl({ key: "value" })
  • rendering a pug into HTML at compile time (using loader method 'render' or query parameter ?pug-render), e.g.:
    const html = require('template.pug?pug-render');
    NEW supports require of JS and JSON files in pug at compile time, e.g.:
    file data.json
      { "id": 1, "name": "abc" },
      { "id": 2, "name": "xyz" },
    pug template
    - var myData = require('./data.json')
    each item in myData
      div #{} #{}
  • rendering into a pure HTML (method 'html') for processing the HTML in additional loaders, e.g. in html-loader
  • support for passing custom data to templates at compile time using loader option data, e.g.:
      test: /\.pug$/,
      loader: 'pug-loader',
      options: {
        method: 'render',
        data: { "key": "value" }
    or via query parameters:
    const html = require('template.pug?pug-render&{"key":"value"}');
  • supports watching of changes in all dependencies
  • all features have integration tests processed through a webpack runner

Why use this particular pug loader instead of the original one?

  • the original pugjs/pug-loader is outdated and not maintained more
  • the original pugjs/pug-loader has error by npm install see issue:
    • npm ERR! Found: pug@3.0.2 ... pug-loader@2.4.0" has incorrect peer dependency "pug@^2.0.0"
  • this pug loader can render a pug into HTML without additional loader
  • this pug loader resolve a path in an embedded resource
  • this pug loader support Webpack resolve.alias also without the prefix ~
  • this pug loader is many times faster than the original pugjs/pug-loader
  • this pug loader watch all change in all dependencies

Webpack config
Usage in Pug templates
Usage in JavaScript
Usage method compile in JavaScript
Usage method render in JavaScript
Usage method html in JavaScript
Usage with Angular Component
Passing data into template
Usage embedded resources
More examples of usages


npm install @webdiscus/pug-loader --save-dev

Webpack config

For usage pug templates only in javascript is enough add to a webpack config:

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.pug$/,
        loader: '@webdiscus/pug-loader',

Or you can define the resolveLoader.alias to use the pug-loader as default pug loader name:

  resolveLoader: {
    alias: {
      'pug-loader': '@webdiscus/pug-loader'
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.pug$/,
        loader: 'pug-loader',

For processing an embedded resource see usage embedded resources.

For rendering pug templates into static HTML is needed the HtmlWebpackPlugin.

The complete example of the webpack config file:

const path = require('path');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
// The absolute path to the base directory of application.
const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname);

// The options for pug-loader.
const pugLoaderOptions = {
  method: 'compile',
  esModule: false,

module.exports  = {
  resolve: {
    // aliases used in the code examples below
    alias: {
      Components: path.join(basePath, 'src/lib/components/ui/'),
      Images: path.join(basePath, 'src/images/'),
      Templates: path.join(basePath, 'src/templates/'),
  resolveLoader: {
    // alias for pug-loader
    alias: {
      'pug-loader': '@webdiscus/pug-loader'
  entry: {
    // the script used a pug template
    'script': './src/js/script.js',

  output: {
    path: path.join(basePath, 'public'),
    filename: '[name].js',
    assetModuleFilename: 'assets/images/[hash][ext][query]',

  plugins: [
    // this plugin extract the content of a pug template 
    // and save compiled via pug-loader content into html file
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      template: path.join(basePath, '/src/templates/index.pug'),
      filename: './public/index.html',
      inject: false

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.pug$/,
        loader: 'pug-loader',
        options: pugLoaderOptions
      // processing an embedded resource, e.g. img(src=require('./image.jpeg')) 
        test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)/,
        type: 'asset/resource'

Options of original pug-loader

See original description of options


Type: string
Default: html
Specifies the type of document. See available doctypes.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Use the self as namespace for the local variables in template. It will speed up the compilation, but for access to variable, e.g. myVariable, you must write self.myVariable.


Type: Array<string>
Default: []
Add a list of global names to make accessible in templates.


Type: object
Default: undefined
Hash table of custom filters. Filters let to use other languages in Pug templates.


Type: Array<Object>
Default: []
Plugins allow to manipulate pug tags, template content in compile process. How it works see in source of pug.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Includes the function source in the compiled template to improve error reporting.


Type: boolean
Default: false
This option is deprecated by pugjs and always is false. Don't use it.

Additional options of this implementation


Type: string
Default: compile

  • compile the pug template compiles into a template function and in JavaScript can be called with variables to render into HTML at runtime.
    Use this method, if the template have variables passed from JavaScript at runtime. see usage
  • render the pug template renders into HTML at compile time and exported as a string. All required resource will be processed by the webpack and separately included as added strings wrapped to a function.
    Use this method, if the template does not have variables passed from JavaScript at runtime. The method generates the most compact and fastest code. see usage
  • html the template renders into a pure HTML string at compile time. The method need an addition loader to handles the HTML.
    Use this method if the rendered HTML needs to be processed by another loader, e.g. by html-loader see usage

Embedded resources such as img(src=require('./image.jpeg')) handles at compile time by the webpack using asset/resource.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enable/disable ES modules syntax in generated JS modules.

  • true The pug-loader generates JS modules with the ES modules syntax.
    For example: import html from 'template.pug';.
    For smaller and faster JS code, it is recommended to use this mode.
  • false defaults. The pug-loader generates JS modules with the CommonJS modules syntax.
    For example, const html = require('template.pug').
    The default value is false for compatibility with the JS modules that is generated by the original pug-loader.

Note: The option esModule is irrelevant for the html method, because it returns a pure HTML string.

For generates smaller and faster JS code, it is recommended to use this options:

  method: 'render'
  esModule: true


Type: Object
Default: {}
The custom data will be passed in all pug templates, it can be useful by pass global data.


The example of simple file structure of an application under the path /srv/vhost/

|  └--components/
|     ├--ui/
|     |  ├--layout.pug
|     |  ├--mixins.pug
|     |  └--colors.json
|     ...
|  ├--images/
|  |  ├--image.jpeg
|  |  ├--image1.jpeg
|  |  ├--image2.jpeg
|  |  └--image3.jpeg
|  ├--js/
|  |  ├--script.js
|  |  └--data.json
|  └--templates/
|     ├--index.pug
|     └--mixins.pug
|     ├--widget.pug

The source Pug templates from src/templates/ after compilation are saved as HTML files in public/.

Usage in Pug templates

File ./src/templates/index.pug

extends Components/layout.pug
include Components/mixins.pug

block content
  - const colors = require('Components/colors.json')`

File ./lib/components/ui/layout.pug

    block head
    block content

File ./lib/components/ui/mixins.pug

mixin show-colors(colors)
  each color in colors

File ./lib/components/ui/colors.json

    "name": "red",
    "hex": "#f00"
    "name": "green",
    "hex": "#0f0"
    "name": "blue",
    "hex": "#00f"

In the sample above uses Webpack alias Components instand of relative path ../../lib/components/ui/.

Usage in JavaScript

This pug loader resolve all paths and aliases in Pug templates required from JavaScript.

For example, see the file structure of the application above, the pug template can be loaded in JavaScript via require(). The result of require() is a template function, where the argument is an object of variableName:value, which are available in the pug template.

File ./src/js/script.js:

// 'Templates' is webpack alias
// 'widgetTemplate' is template function
const widgetTemplate = require('Templates/widget.pug');

// variables passed to the pug template
const locals = {
  text: 'Hello World!',
  colors: [
      "name": "red",
      "hex": "#f00"
      "name": "green",
      "hex": "#0f0"
      "name": "blue",
      "hex": "#00f"

// render template function with variables to HTML
const html = widgetTemplate(locals);


File ./src/templates/widget.pug:

//- 'Templates' is webpack alias
include ~Templates/mixins

h2 Pug demo widget
//- the variables 'text' and `colors` are passed from 'script.js'
+widget(text, colors)

File ./src/templates/mixins.pug:

mixin widget(text, colors)
    p= text
    each color in colors

The result of console.log(html):

<h2>Pug demo widget</h2>
<div class='widget'>
  <p>Hello World!</p>
  <div style="color:#f00">red</div>
  <div style="color:#0f0">green</div>
  <div style="color:#00f">blue</div>

See the simple web app example >>

Usage methods compile, render or html in JavaScript

Method compile (default)

In JavaScript the required template will be compiled into template function.
In webpack config add to module.rules:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: 'pug-loader',
  options: {
    method: 'compile' // default method `compile` can be omitted

In JavaScript, the result of require () is a template function. Call the template function with some variables to render it то HTML:

const tmpl = require('template.pug');
const html = tmpl({ key: 'value' }); // the HTML string

You can apply the method render to single template using the query parameter ?pug-render:

const html = require('template.pug?pug-render&{"key":"value"}'); // the HTML string

Note: if the query parameter pug-render is set, then will be used rendering for this template, independent of the loader option method. Variables passed in template with method render will be used at compile time.

Method render

This method will render the pug into HTML at compile time.
In webpack config add to module.rules:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: 'pug-loader',
  options: {
    method: 'render'

In JavaScript the result of require() is an HTML string:

const html = require('template.pug'); // the HTML string

Method html

This method will render the pug to pure HTML and should be used with an additional loader to handle HTML.
In webpack config add to module.rules:

   test: /\.pug$/,
   use: [
       loader: 'html-loader',
       options: {
         esModule: false, // need to allow use require() for load a tempale in JavaScript
       loader: 'pug-loader',
       options: {
         method: 'html',

In JavaScript the result of require() is an HTML string:

const html = require('template.pug'); // the HTML string

Usage scenario 1: pug loader configured for compiling (defaults)

Webpack config:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: 'pug-loader'


// compile into template function, because loader option 'method' defaults is 'compile'
const tmpl = require('template.pug');
const html = tmpl({...});

// render the pug file into HTML, using the parameter 'pug-render'
const html2 = require('template2.pug?pug-render');

Usage scenario 2: pug loader configured for rendering

Webpack config:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: 'pug-loader', 
  options: {
    method: 'render'


// render into HTML, because loader option 'method' is 'render'
const html = require('template.pug');

// compile into template function, using the parameter 'pug-compile'
const tmpl2 = require('template2.pug?pug-compile');
const html2 = tmpl2({...});

Usage with Angular Component

For usage pug-loader with Angular is needed to customize the webpack config.

Install packages:

npm i --saveDev @webdiscus/pug-loader pug-plugin-ng

in pug-loader can be used optional a plugin, e.g. pug-plugin-ng, to allow unquoted syntax of Angular: [(bananabox)]="val"

Create the file webpack.config.js in root directory of angular project:

module.exports = {
  resolveLoader: {
    alias: {
      'pug-loader': '@webdiscus/pug-loader',

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.pug$/,
        loader: 'pug-loader',
        options: {
          method: 'render',
          doctype: 'html',
          plugins: [require('pug-plugin-ng')],

      // processing an embedded resource by webpack
        test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)/,
        type: '`asset/resource`',

Bind the file webpack.config.js in the Angular config file angular.json:

  "projects": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          // replace with this value:
          "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
          // add the options:
          "options": {
            "aot": true,
            "customWebpackConfig": {
              "path": "./webpack.config.js" // the path to webpack.config.js
        "serve": {
          // replace architect.serve.builder with this value:
          "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:dev-server",
          "options": {
            "browserTarget": "<app-name>:build"

In a component file, e.g. ./src/app/app.component.ts set the templateUrl with pug file:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

// the variable `description` will be passed into pug template via resource query
const templateVars = '{"description": "Use pug template with Angular."}';

  selector: 'app-root',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
  templateUrl: './app.component.pug?' + templateVars,
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'ng-app';

Create a pug template, e.g. ./src/app/app.component.pug:

h1 Hello Pug!
p Description: #{description}

See the source files of this example >>

Alternative usage with additional html-loader

Install the html-loader:

npm i --saveDev html-loader

If your templates use the html-loader, then modify the webpack.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  resolveLoader: {
    alias: {
      'pug-loader': '@webdiscus/pug-loader',

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.pug$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'html-loader',
            options: {
              esModule: false,
            loader: 'pug-loader',
            options: {
              method: 'html', // the method render into HTML string and require additional loader `html-loader`
              doctype: 'html',
              plugins: [require('pug-plugin-ng')], // optional plugin 

      // processing an embedded resource by webpack
        test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)/,
        type: 'asset/resource',

See the source files of this example >>

Passing data into template

By default, the pug file is compiled as template function, into which can be passed an object with template variables.

const tmpl = require('template.pug');
const html = tmpl2({
   key: 'value',
   foo: 'bar',

But how pass variables in template which is rendered into HTML?

const html = require('template.pug');

Variables can be passed with query parameters, e.g.:

const html = require('template.pug?key=value&foo=bar');

or as a JSON object, e.g.:

const html = require('template.pug?{"key":"value","foo":"bar"}');

Using the method render and JSON object:

const html = require('template.pug?pug-render&{"key":"value","foo":"bar"}');

Usage of query parameters is legal and official documented feature of webpack loader.

To pass variables global, in all templates at compile time use loader option data:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: 'pug-loader',
  options: {
    data: {
      key: 'value',
      foo: 'bar'  

The variables will be passed in all templates independent of the method.

Usage embedded resources

For processing image resources in templates with webpack use the require() function:


To handles embedded resources in pug is needed the webpack module asset/resource:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)/,
        type: 'asset/resource'

More information about asset-modules see here.

Known issues / features by usage embedded resources

Due to the peculiarities of the pug compiler, the interpolation of the argument to the require() function depends on its string and variable parts.
Use a relative path only in the string before the variable. The variable must contain only the filename without specifying a path.

Examples of incorrect usage:

- filename = './image.jpeg'
- filename = '../relative/path/to/resource/image.jpeg'

Examples of correct usage:

- filename = 'image.jpeg'
- filename = 'image.jpeg'
img(src=require('../relative/path/to/resource/' + filename))

The example of dynamically generating embedded resources in template:

- files = ['image1.jpeg', 'image2.jpeg', 'image3.jpeg']
each file in files
  img(src=require('../images/' + file))

The example of webpack alias used in the table below:

resolve: {
  alias: {
    SourceImages: path.join(__dirname, 'src/images/'),

Examples for using embedded resources:

img(src=require('SourceImages/image.jpeg'))OKOKUsage of the webpack alias to images directory.
- file = 'image.jpeg'
img(src=require('SourceImages/' + file))
- file = 'image.jpeg'
- file = 'image.jpeg'
- file = 'image.jpeg'
- file = 'image.jpeg'
img(src=require('./' + file))
- file = './image.jpeg'
failfailDon't use ./ in variable of filename.
- file = './image.jpeg'
img(src=require('' + file))
failOKDon't use ./ in variable of filename.
- file = 'images/image.jpeg'
- file = 'image.jpeg'
img(src=require('./images/' + file))
- file = 'image.jpeg'
- file = '../images/image.jpeg'
failfailDon't use a path in a variable.
- file = 'image.jpeg'
img(src=require('../images/' + file))
OKOKDefine a path separately as string and add to she the variable contained only a filename.
- file = 'image.jpeg'
Include the template from sub directory:
include mixins
OKfailwhen use a mixin and require on same file, then pugjs/pug-loader can't resolve the file in require().

More examples of usages see in test cases.

Important: in examples used name of loader as pug-loader, because it is defined as alias at resolveLoader:

  resolveLoader: {
    alias: {
      'pug-loader': '@webdiscus/pug-loader'


npm run test will run the unit and integration tests.
npm run test:coverage will run the tests with coverage.





Package last updated on 18 Nov 2021

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