A set of frequently used data-dynamodb higher order functions.
For more information, please visit
the official docs.
yarn add @webiny/db-dynamodb
Helper classes
We have some classes that ease the use of dynamodb-toolbox.
import { createTable } from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const table = createTable({...params});
const writer = table.createWriter();
const reader = table.createReader();
const result = await table.scan({...params});
import { createEntity } from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const entity = createEntity({...params});
const writer = entity.createWriter();
const reader = entity.createReader();
const tableWriter = entity.createTableWriter();
const getResult = await entity.get({...params});
const getCleanResult = await entity.getClean({...params});
const queryAllResult = await entity.queryAll({...params});
const queryOneResult = await entity.queryOne({...params});
const putResult = await entity.put({...params});
import { createEntityWriteBatch } from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const writer = createEntityWriteBatch({...params});
await writer.execute();
import { createEntityReadBatch } from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const reader = createEntityReadBatch({...params});
const result = await reader.execute();
import { createTableWriteBatch } from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const writer = createTableWriteBatch({...params});
writer.put(entity, {...item});
writer.delete(entity, {...keys});
writer.delete(entity, {...moreKeys});
await writer.execute();
import {createTableReadBatch} from "@webiny/db-dynamodb";
const reader = createTableReadBatch({...params});
writer.get(entity, {...keys});
writer.get(entity, {...moreKeys});
const result = await reader.execute();
Helper functions
We have a number helper functions that ease the use of either dynamodb-toolbox, filtering, sorting or just creating proper response.
Read a batch of records from the DynamoDB table.
This function accepts table and items, an array of objects created by Entity.getBatch().
Internally it reads records until there are no more to read and returns a list of read records.
Write a batch of records to the DynamoDB table.
This function accepts table and items, an array of objects created by Entity.putBatch().
It also accepts a number which defines a number of items to be written in one request. DO NOT put that number over the official DynamoDB maximum.
Internally it loops through the items received (in chunks of maxChunks
parameter) and does not return anything.
Clean up records received from the DynamoDB table.
This function accepts entity and item to be cleaned up, in case of the cleanupItem.
In case of cleanupItems
it accepts an array of items to clean up.
We use this to remove the properties that dynamodb-toolbox puts on the record automatically.
Get a single record from the DynamoDB table with given keys.
This function accepts entity and keys to fetch the record by.
It returns either record or null. By default, entity.get() returns a object with some meta data and Item
property, which contains the record (or null if no record).
Query the DynamoDB table for record(s) by given partition key and query options.
This function accepts entity to perform the query on, partitionKey
to query by and options to define the query parameters with.
The queryAll
method accepts limit
, a number with which you can load only a certain amount of records. The queryOne
method does not have that property.
Filter the DynamoDB records by given where condition.
This function accepts items (records) to be filtered, a definition of fields to filter by (not required by default if no field modification is required), where conditions (eg. {published: true, date_gte: "2021-01-01"}
) and filtering plugins.
Sort the DynamoDB records by given sort condition.
This function accepts items (records) to be sorted, sort options (eg. createdBy_ASC, id_DESC, etc.) and a definitions of fields to sort by (not required by default if no field modification is required).