360 User Profile
A web component that displays a user's information.
npm i @webpros/tsxuserprofile
** Alternative with a CDN**
Or download as script from this URL
<script type="module" crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/@webpros/tsxuserprofile/dist/index.js"></script>
The user profile <tsx-user-profile>
is simply installed in the space provided, the component itself only outputs the content, if a different background colour, round corners, shadows etc. are required, this should be added via a wrapper in which the component is installed.
The component itself also only controls the display of the data, it has no direct connection to an API, all events are therefore sent out via MITT events.
The component is controlled via three props: current-language
, user-data
, inactive-fields
. The data is transmitted as a string (or JSON string) according to the WebComponent specification.
current-language <string>
The current language useduser-data <JSON object>
The data of the userinactive-fields <JSON array>
Specifying the profile blocks that you want to deactivate
Usage with Frontend Frameworks
Vue / Nuxt
So that Vue does not treat these elements as regular Vue components the tags must be ignored. The easiest way is to include the elements using plugin
import Vue from 'vue'
import '@webpros/tsxuserprofile'
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [
React / Next
Currently no findings.
To change the language of the user profile, pass the language code through the prop to the application. Eight languages are available
type TLanguage = 'de' | 'en' | 'fr' | 'es' | 'it' | 'ja' | 'ru' | 'pt'
Via the user data, we transmit meta information of the user, such as the time zone, name, avatar and email. All information is optional.
If no timezone is transmitted, the profile will use the timezone from the user's browser as soon as it is called up and automatically transmit it to the API.
interface IProfileUser {
name?: string
email?: string
avatar?: string
timezone?: null | string
This prop can be used to specifically deactivate blocks of the profile, either because they should not be displayed in general, or because perhaps only the time zone should be visible at that point.
Currently the avatar
, email
and the timezone
can be deactivated.
interface IInactiveFields {
values: Array<'avatar' | 'email' | 'timezone'>
All click events are passed on to the outside as MITT events.
window.mitt.on('tsxUserProfile', (payload) => {
if (payload.timezone) {
console.log('Hello from changed Timezone', payload.timezone)
The colors are defined using CSSVars and must be included either inline or in the custom stylesheet.
:root {
--tsxup-brightest: #ffffff;
--tsxup-brightest-darker: #e5e7eb;
--tsxup-darkest: #111827;
--tsxup-darkest-light: #4b5563;
--tsxup-signal-success: #4CA154;
--tsxup-signal-error: #b73737;
--tsxup-primary: #1E40AF;
--tsxup-primary-light: #668bca;
--tsxup-text: var(--tsxup-darkest);
--tsxup-text-lighter: var(--tsxup-darkest-light);
--tsxup-headline: var(--tsxup-darkest);
--tsxUp-button-color: var(--tsxup-brightest);
--tsxUp-button-bg: var(--tsxup-primary);
--tsxUp-button-color-hover: var(--tsxup-brightest);
--tsxUp-button-bg-hover: var(--tsxup-primary-light);
--tsxUp-selectField-border: var(--tsxup-brightest-darker);
--tsxUp-selectField-background: var(--tsxup-brightest);
--tsxUp-selectField-backgroundHover: var(--tsxup-brightest);
--tsxUp-selectField-backgroundDisabled: var(--tsxup-brightest-darker);
--tsxUp-selectField-color: var(--tsxup-darkest);
--tsxUp-selectField-selectedBackground: var(--tsxup-primary-light);
--tsxUp-selectField-selectedColor: var(--tsxup-brightest);