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Customizable JavaScript runtime

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Subscript is a reactivity runtime for JavaScript. It takes any valid JavaScript code, reads its dependency graph, and gives you the mechanism to run it both in whole and in selected parts, called dependency threads.

What's A Dependency Thread?

That's simply the line of dependencies involving two or more expressions.

let count = 10, doubleCount = count * 2, quadCount = doubleCount * 2;

We just expressed that doubleCount should be two times the value of count, and that quadCount should be two times the value of doubleCount.

console,log( count, doubleCount, quadCount );
< 10, 20, 40

Problem is: this mathematical relationship only holds for as long as nothing changes. Should the value of count change, then its dependents would be out of sync.

count ++;
console,log( count, doubleCount, quadCount );
< 11, 20, 40

This is that reminder that expressions in JavaScript aren't automatically bound to their dependencies. And that's what we'd expect of any programming language.

If we had this in real life in some sort of a UI render function…

let count = 10, doubleCount, quadCount;
let render = function() {
    let countElement = document.querySelector( '#count' );
    countElement.innerHTML = count;
    doubleCount = count * 2;
    let doubleCountElement = document.querySelector( '#double-count' );
    doubleCountElement.innerHTML = doubleCount;
    quadCount = doubleCount * 2;
    let quadCountElement = document.querySelector( '#quad-count' );
    quadCountElement.innerHTML = quadCount;

…then, we'd have to execute render() in whole each time the value of count changes. And here comes the additional overhead of querying the DOM every time!

In the time it takes to take a deep breath, we could make a drop-in replacement of the render function with a hypothetical function that, in addition to being a normal function, offers us a way to run expressions in isolation.

render = new SubscriptFunction(`
    let countElement = document.querySelector( '#count' );
    countElement.innerHTML = count;
    doubleCount = count * 2;
    let doubleCountElement = document.querySelector( '#double-count' );
    doubleCountElement.innerHTML = doubleCount;
    quadCount = doubleCount * 2;
    let quadCountElement = document.querySelector( '#quad-count' );
    quadCountElement.innerHTML = quadCount;`

> Run as a normal function…


The above executes the function body in full as designed… elements are selected and assigned content. And we can see the counters in the console.

console,log( count, doubleCount, quadCount );
< 10, 20, 40

> Run as a reactive function…

count ++;
render.signal( [ 'count' ] );

This time, only statements 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 were run - the count dependency thread; and the previously selected UI elements in those local variables are updated.

console,log( count, doubleCount, quadCount );
< 11, 22, 44

Now, that's a bit of magic! But that hypothetical function is really Subscript Function!

But before we go into the details, there's a fever pitch that can't wait:

As trivial as our example code looks, we can see it applicable in real life places! Consider a neat reactive web component for our counter below.

// We'll still keep count as a global variable for now
let count = 10;
// This custom element extends Subscript as a base class… more on this later
customElements.define( 'click-counter', class extends SubscriptElement( HTMLElement ) {
    // This is how we designate methods as reactive methods
    // But this is implicit having extended SubscriptElement()
    static get subscriptMethods() {
        return [ 'render' ];
    connectedCallback() {
        // Full execution at connected time
        // Granularly-selective execution at click time
        this.addEventListener( 'click', () => {
            count ++;
            this.render.signal( [ 'count' ] );
        } );

    render() {
        let countElement = document.querySelector( '#count' );
        countElement.innerHTML = count;
        let doubleCount = count * 2;
        let doubleCountElement = document.querySelector( '#double-count' );
        doubleCountElement.innerHTML = doubleCount;
        let quadCount = doubleCount * 2;
        let quadCountElement = document.querySelector( '#quad-count' );
        quadCountElement.innerHTML = quadCount;
} );

What Is Subscript?

A general-purpose reactivity runtime for JavaScript, with an overarching philosophy of reactivity that is based on the dependency graph of your own code, and nothing of its own syntax!

It takes any piece of code and compiles it into an ordinary JavaScript function that can also run expressions in dependency threads!

Being function-based let's you have Subscript as a building block… to fit anywhere!



Subscript is not concerned with how changes happen or are detected on the outer scope of the function. It simply gives us a way to announce that something has changed. That announcement is called a signal.

A Subscript function has a signal() method that lets us specify the list of outside variables or properties that have changed.

let a = 'Apple', b = 'Banana', c = { prop: 'Fruits' };
let fn = new SubscriptFunction(`
    console.log( \`The value of 'a' is: \${ a }\` );
    console.log( \`The value of 'b' is: \${ b }\` );
    console.log( \`The value of 'c.prop' is: \${ c.prop }\` );
// Initial run
// Updates and signals
b = 'Breadfruit';
fn.signal( [ 'b' ] );

The array syntax allows us to send signals for property changes as paths.

fn.signal( [ 'c', 'prop' ] );

And we can send multiple signals in one call.

fn.signal( [ 'a' ], [ 'b' ] );

Variables declared within the function belong in their own scope and do not respond to outside signals. But when they do reference variables from the outside scope, they are included in the dependency thread of those variables.

let fn = new SubscriptFunction(`
    let a = 'Apple', b = 'Banana' + ' ' + c.prop;
    console.log( \`The value of 'a' is: \${ a }\` );
    console.log( \`The value of 'b' is: \${ b }\` );
    console.log( \`The value of 'c.prop' is: \${ c.prop }\` );
// Initial run
// The following signals will have no effect since a and b are local variables.
fn.signal( [ 'a' ], [ 'b' ] );
// The local variable b will be part of the dependency thread for the following signal
// (The console will therefore show the result of the last two statements in the function)
fn.signal( [ 'c', 'prop' ] );

References And Bindings

Expressions and statements in Subscript maintain a binding to their references. And that's the basis for reactivity in Subscript.

Variable declarations, with let and var, and assignment expressions, are bound to any references that may be in their argument. (const declarations are an exception as they're always const in nature.)

var tense = score > 50 ? 'passed' : 'failed';

Above, tense is bound to the reference score. The effect of a signal from score is that tense is updated. That update, in turn, becomes a signal to any subsequent expression referencing tense.

let message = `Hi ${ candidate.firstName }, you ${ tense } this test!`;
message += ? ' Up next is: ' + : ' The end!';

Above, message is bound to the references candidate, candidate.firstName, and tense. (Likewise, in the additional assignment for message, message is bound to the reference The effect of a signal from any of these references is that message is updated. That update, in turn, becomes a signal to any subsequent expression referencing message.

And the dependency thread continues!

Other types of operations like score ++, and delete make a signal to their dependents.

Array/Object expressions, as another example, are bound to any references that they may be composed of, and the expressions are reevaluated should any of those change.

let fullName = [ candidate.firstName, candidate.lastName, ].join( ' ' );

Above, fullName is updated as any of candidate, candidate.firstName, candidate.lastName changes.

result = { …result, [ subjects.current ]: score };

Above, the result object gets, or updates, a property corresponding to subjects.current, with an associated value score, as any of subjects.current and score changes.

References in call-time arguments are binding.

alert( message ); // alert() runs again on receiving a change signal from message.
let candidate = new Candidate( id ); // candidate is a new instance on receiving a change signal from id.

Conditionals And Logic

When the parameters of an If/Else statement, Switch statement, or other logical expressions contain references, the statement or logical expression is bound to those references. That lets us have reactive conditionals and logic.

If/Else Statements

When the test expression of an If statement contains references, the if/else construct is bound to those references.

if ( score > 80 && passesSomeOtherTest() ) {
    addBadge( candidate );
    candidate.remark = 'You\'ve got a badge';
} else {

Above, the effect of a signal from the reference score is that the test expression (score > 80 && passesSomeOtherTest()) is evaluated again and the corresponding branch is executed in whole.

Now, adding an else if block would be just as adding another if statement in the else block of a parent if statement.

if ( score > 80 && passesSomeOtherTest() ) {
    addBadge( candidate );
    candidate.remark = 'You\'ve got a badge';
} else if ( someOtherCondition ) {
} else {

Nested If statements have their own if/else branches bound to the references in their own test expression. So, above, every effect of a signal from the reference someOtherCondition is scoped to just the nested if statement.

Now, for as long as one side of a logical expression remains active, expressions on the other side are always unexposed to signals. Above, for as long as the parent test expression (score > 80 && passesSomeOtherTest()) holds true:

  • The If statement nested on its inactive side remains unexposed to signals from the reference someOtherCondition.
  • The individual expressions nested on its active side remain exposed to signals from the references they themselves might be bound to. A change of state in the parent test expression reverses the situation.
Switch Statements

When the switch expression or any of the test expressions of a Switch statement contains references, the Switch construct is bound to those references.

switch( score ) {
    case 0:
        candidate.remark = 'You got nothing at all';
    case maxScore:
        candidate.remark = 'You got the most';
        candidate.remark = defaultRemark;

Above, the effect of a signal on any of the references score and maxScore is that the test expressions are tested again and the body of the corresponding case is executed in whole.

Now, for as long as the applicable case(s) of a Switch statement remain active, expressions in the others are always unexposed to signals. Above, for as long as the first or second case holds true, the assignment expression in the default case remains unexposed to signals from the reference defaultRemark.

Logical And Ternary Operators

Subscript observes the state of logical expressions (a && b || c), and conditional expressions with the ternary operator (a ? b : c), when running the dependency thread for a signal.

let a = () => 1, b = 2, c = 3, d, e;
d = a() ? b : c;
e = a() && b || c;

Above, because of the truthy nature of the condition a(), the logical expressions will always return the value of b. This logic holds true even if the value of c continues to change. The assignment expressions are therefore not exposed at all to any signals from c, and this saves the potential overhead of calling a() each time c changes.

Should the condition a() become falsey, as in a = () => 0, the scenario above changes to favour c over b.


When the parameters of a loop (for loops, do and do … while loops) contain references, the loop is bound to those references. That lets us have reactive loops.

A for Loop, do And do … while Loop

When any of the three parts of a for loop contains references, the loop is bound to those references.

let start = 0, items = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' ], targetItems = [];
for ( let index = start; index < items.length; index ++ ) {
    targetItems[ index ] = items[ index ];

Above, the effect of a signal from start or items, or items.length, is that the loop runs again.

// Say, start and items were global variables
start = 2;
fn.signal( [ 'start' ] );
items.unshift( 'zero' );
fn.signal( [ 'items', 'length' ] );

Similar to a for loop, when the condition expression of a do or do … while loop contains references, the loop is bound to those references.

let index = 0, items = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' ], targetItems = [];
while ( index < items.length ) {
    targetItems[ index ] = items[ index ];
    index ++;

Above, the effect of a signal from items, or items.length, is that the loop runs again.

// Say, items were global variables
items.unshift( 'zero' );
fn.signal( [ 'items', 'length' ] );
A for … of Loop

When the iteratee of a for … of loop is a reference, the loop is bound to that reference.

let  entries = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' ], targetEntries = [];
for ( let entry of entries ) {
    let index = entries.indexOf( entry );
    console.log( `Current iteration index is: ${ index }, and entry is: '${ entry }'` );
    targetEntries[ index ] = entries[ index ];

Above, the effect of a signal from the reference entries is that the loop runs again.

// Say, entries were a global variable
entries = [ 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten' ];
fn.signal( [ 'entries' ] );

As an added advantage of this form of loop, updating a specific entry in entries moves the loop's pointer to the specific iteration involving that entry, and the body of that iteration is run again.

entries[ 7 ] = 'This is new eight';
fn.signal( [ 'entries', 7 ] );

Now, the console reports…

Current iteration index is: 7, and entry is: 'This is new eight'

…and index 7 of targetEntries is updated.

A for … in Loop

When the iteratee of a for … in loop is a reference, the loop is bound to that reference.

let  entries = { one: 'one', two: 'two', three: 'three', four: 'four', five: 'five' }, targetEntries = {};
for ( let propertyName in entries ) {
    console.log( `Current property name is: ${ propertyName }, and associated value is: '${ entries[ propertyName ] }'` );
    targetEntries[ propertyName ] = entries[ propertyName ];

Above, the effect of a signal from the reference entries is that the loop runs again.

// Say, entries were a global variable
entries = { six: 'six', seven: 'seven', eight: 'eight', nine: 'nine', ten: 'ten' };
fn.signal( [ 'entries' ] );

As an added advantage of this form of loop, updating a specific property in entries moves the loop's pointer to the specific iteration involving that property, and the body of that iteration is run again.

entries[ 'eight' ] = 'This is new eight';
fn.signal( [ 'entries', 'eight' ] );

Now, the console reports…

Current property name is: eight, and property value is: 'This is new eight'

…and the property eight of targetEntries is updated.

Iteration States

Conceptually, each round of iteration in a loop is an instance that Subscript can access directly during a reactive run. A round of iteration is thus updatable in isolation in response to a directed signal. This is what happens when the iteratee of a for … of or for … in loop signals about an updated entry, as seen above.

Below is a similar case.

let  entries = { one: { name: 'one' }, two: { name: 'two' } }, targetEntries = {};
for ( let propertyName in entries ) {
    console.log( `Current property name is: ${ propertyName }, and its alias name is: '${ entries[ propertyName ].name }'` );
    targetEntries[ propertyName ] = entries[ propertyName ];

On updating the first entry, only the first round of iteration is executed again.

entries[ 'one' ] = { name: 'New one' };
fn.signal( [ 'entries', 'one' ] );

For even more granularity, individual expressions inside a round of iteration are also responsive to signals of their own. So, if we updated just = 'New one';
fn.signal( [ 'entries', 'one', 'name' ] );

…we would have skipped the iteration instance itself, to match just the first statement within it.

This granular reactivity makes it often pointless to trigger a full rerun of a loop, offering multiple opportunities to deliver unmatched performance.


Subscript observes break and continue statements even in a reactive run. And any of these statements may employ labels.

let  entries = { one: { name: 'one' }, two: { name: 'two' } };
parentLoop: for ( let propertyName in entries ) {
    childLoop: for ( let subPropertyName in entries[ propertyName ] ) {
        If ( propertyName === 'one' ) {
            break parentLoop;
        console.log( propertyName, subPropertyName );




To report bugs or request features, please submit an issue.





Package last updated on 01 Mar 2022

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