How to generate scripts from an OpenAPI spec and sync them with your workspace
1. Setup your local development environment of your Windmill workspace
mkdir [workspace_name]
cd [workspace_name]
wmill workspace add [workspace_name] [workspace_id] [remote]
wmill sync pull
2. Generate the scripts using @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli:
Minimal example:
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli --schemaUrl "urlOrLocalOpenApiSpecInJsonOrYaml" --outputDir "./" --resourceTypeName "resourceTypeNameForThisSpec" --authKind "bearer"
Schema url (required)
The schema url can be a local file or a remote url. It can be a json or yaml file.
Output directory (required)
The output directory is specified by the --outputDir
flag. The scripts will be generated in this directory.
Resource type name (required unless no auth and extra params/headers)
The resource type will be generated with the necessary properties. The resource type name is specified by the --resourceTypeName
Auth (required)
No auth
For no authentication, pass the --authKind none
. The resource type will be omitted if no extra resource type params or extra headers are specified.
Bearer auth
For bearer authentication, pass the --authKind bearer
. It will define a token property on the resource type. You can change the name of the token property by passing the --tokenName "token"
You can change the "Bearer" prefix by passing a --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Basic auth
For basic authentication, pass the --authKind basic
flag. By default, it will add "username" and "password" to the resource type. You can change the names of the properties in the resource type by passing the --usernameName "username"
and --passwordName "password"
You can change the "Basic" prefix by passing a --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Query auth
For query authentication, pass the --authKind query
flag. By default, it will add a token property on the resource type and pass the token as a query parameter named "token". Setting tokenName will change the name of the token property as well as the name of the query parameter.
For header authentication, pass the --authKind header
flag and the --headerName "X-CUSTOM-HEADER"
flag. Like for bearer and query auth, it will add a token property to the resource type. You can change the name of the token property in the resource type by passing the --tokenName "token"
You can add a prefix to the header value by passing the --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Override base url
Instead of using the base url from the spec file, you can override it by passing the --baseUrl ""
You can specify parameters of the path to be included in the resource type by adding the --extraResourceParams "extraParameter1,extraParameter2"
The generated script path will use the resource type properties instead of taking them as parameters.
This is useful when you have a path parameter (e.g. {subdomain}, {organisation_id}, etc...) that is common to all endpoints of the spec and you don't want to pass it as a parameter in each script.
You can also specify extra headers to be passed to each request by adding the --extraHeaders "header1:propertyName1,header2:propertyName2"
Those property names will be added to the resource type.
Specifying tags
You can limit the CLI to only generate scripts for a subset of the spec tags by passing the --tags "tag1,tag2"
3. Sync your generated scripts with the remote by running wmill sync push
Full example with the Github API
# assume we have a workspace called CodegenDemo with id codegendemo on the cloud
mkdir CodegenDemo
cd CodegenDemo
wmill workspace add CodegenDemo codegendemo
wmill sync pull
# generate the scripts from the github OpenAPI spec into the f/github folder
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli \
--schemaUrl "" \
--outputDir "./f/github" \
--resourceTypeName "github" \
--authKind "bearer"
# sync the scripts with the remote
wmill sync push
Validate OpenAPI spec
You can validate an OpenAPI spec by running the following command:
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli validate "urlOrLocalOpenApiSpecInJsonOrYaml"