assertIsString(value, errorMessage) | Throws if value is not a string |
at(iterable, index) | Finds element by index, including negative index |
awaitRecord(obj) | Awaits a record of promises, and returns a record of their results. |
capitalizeFirstLetter(val) | Capitalize the first letter of a string |
chain(value) | Chain iterable operations, each acting on the output of the previous step |
chain(value) | Chain iterable operations, each acting on the output of the previous step |
clamp(value, min, max) | |
concat(iterables) | |
createRandomIntWithSeed(seed) | |
defaults(_source, _defaultValues, deep, shouldUseDefault) | Returns an object where missing keys and values/keys that satisfy shouldUseDefault to the value in shouldUseDefault. |
delayed(fn, wait) | Ensures func will be called with at least wait ms between runs. For @example, if func is called 3 times in a row: func(1); func(2); func(3); it will wait wait ms between each run: func(1); await sleep(wait); func(2); await sleep(wait); func(3); This is not throttling (!) since eventually all calls will be ran, while in throttling the calls in the "wait" period are skipped. |
enforceSequentialExecution(fn) | Ensures that when the async function fn is called twice in a row, the second call only begins after the first one has finished (successfully or not). |
enumValues(enumObj) | |
enumValues(enumObj) | |
equalIdents(reference, modified, newline) | Matches the indentation of modified to the one of reference |
errorToPlainObject(error) | |
escapeRegExp(str) | Returns a string safe to be used in RegExp |
every(iterable, predicate) | |
exclude(excluded) | |
filter(iterable, predicate) | |
find(iterable, predicate) | |
first(iterable) | Picks the first element of an iterable |
flat(iterable, deep) | |
flatMap(iterable, mapFn) | |
forEach(iterable, fn) | |
get(obj, key) | Similar to Map.get, but works for plain objects, and returns undefined for null maps and missing keys |
get(obj, key) | |
getCartesianProductOfArrays(arrays) | |
getErrorCode(error) | Returns error.code property if the error object has it, otherwise returns undefined. |
getIn(obj, path) | |
getValue(map, key, errorMessage) | Returns a value by key, throws if the value is missing or the map null |
getValue(map, key, errorMessage) | |
getValue(map, key, errorMessage) | |
groupBy(elements, property) | Groups elements by the value of a property |
has(obj, key) | Similar to Map.has, but works for plain objects, and returns false for null maps |
has(obj, key) | Similar to Map.has, but works for plain objects, and returns false for null maps |
has(obj, key) | |
histogram(iterable) | Calculate a histogram of iterable elements |
includes(iterable, item) | |
includesCaseInsensitive(str, substr) | Checks if str contains substr ignoring capitalization |
indexToLineAndColumn(content, pos, newline) | Finds line an column by position index |
isDefined(value) | Given a value of type Nullable, validates value is T |
isEmpty(iterable) | Checks if an iterable is empty |
isErrorLikeObject(error) | |
isIterable(x) | |
isPlainObject(value) | Checks that value is a POJO |
isValidNamingConvention(namingConvention) | Checks if namingConvention is supported |
join(iterable, separator) | |
keys(map) | |
keys(map) | |
last(iterable) | Picks the last element of an iterable |
map(iterable, mapFn) | Map iterable elements |
mapKeys(obj, mapping) | Maps values of a plain object |
mapObject(obj, mapping) | Maps key value pairs of a plain object |
mapValues(obj, mapping) | Maps values of a plain object |
minimalIndent(str) | Shifts all indentation to the left using the line with the least indentation as a baseline |
mulberry32(a) | |
naiveStripComments(str) | Removes comments from string Note that there's lexical no parsing, so stuff like "//'//" will not work |
next(iterable, item) | Find the element following an item |
noIdents(modified, separator) | Remove line indentation (heading whitespace) |
normToRage(normal, min, max) | |
noWhiteSpace(str) | Remove white spaces including empty lines |
once(fn) | Make a function executable only once, following calls are ignored |
pick(record, keys) | returns an object composed of the picked object properties |
prev(iterable, item) | Find the element before an item |
reduce(iterable, reducer, initial) | |
reportError_2(ex) | Logs an error |
reverseObject(obj) | Reverses keys-values of an object, ignoring falsy values. First takes on value collisions. |
same(a, b, unordered) | Deep comparison of two objects |
size(iterable) | Evaluate the size of an iterable |
skip(iterable, count) | Skips the first elements of an iterable |
some(iterable, predicate) | |
sort(iterable, by) | |
stringifyErrorStack(error) | |
templateCompilerProvider(context) | Similar to templated string, given a fixed context object returns a function that parses strings in it |
toCamelCase(str) | Converts a string to camelCase |
toCSSCamelCase(str) | like toCamelCase(), but capitalizes first character if input starts with '-' |
toCSSKebabCase(str) | like toKebabCase(), but prepends '-' if first character of input is UpperCase |
toError(value) | Convert any kind of value to an error instance. Unless the value is already an error instance, it's stringified and used as the error message. |
toKebabCase(str) | Converts a string to kebab-case |
toNamingConvention(str, namingConvention) | Converts string formatting to a naming convention |
toPascalCase(str) | Converts a string to PascalCase |
toPascalCaseJsIdentifier(str) | Similar to toPascalCase(), but drops heading non-letters |
unique(iterable, by) | Creates iterable of unique elements |
values(map) | |
values(map) | |