Tagify - lightweight input "tags" script
![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yairEO/tagify/master/demo.gif)
Transforms an input field or a textarea into a Tags component, in an easy, customizable way,
with great performance and tiny code footprint.
Selling points
- JS at
GZIP) (less than 900 easily understandable lines of code) - SCSS file is
of well-crafted flexible code - Easily change direction to RTL via the SCSS file only
- No other inputs are used beside the original, and its value is kept in sync
- Easily customized
- Exposed custom events (add, remove, invalid)
- For Internet Explorer 11 include the script
under /dist
What can Tagify do
- Can be applied on input & textarea elements
- Supports whitelist
- Supports blacklists
- Shows suggestions selectbox (flexiable settings & styling)
- Auto-complete input as-you-type (whitelist first match)
- Can paste in multiple values:
tag 1, tag 2, tag 3
- Tags can be created by Regex delimiter or by pressing the "Enter" key / focusing of the input
- Validate tags by Regex pattern
- Supports read-only mode to the whole componenet or per-tag
- Each tag can have any properties desired (class, data-whatever, readonly...)
- Automatically disallow duplicate tags (vis "settings" object)
- Tags can be trimmed via
by giving max-width
to the tag
element in your CSS
Building the project
Simply run gulp
in your terminal, from the project's path (Gulp should be installed first).
Source files are this path: /src/
Output files, which are automatically generated using Gulp, are in: /dist/
The rest of the files are most likely irrelevant.
Basic usage
Lets say this is your markup, and you already have a value set on the input (which was pre-filled by data from the server):
<input name='tags' placeholder='write some tags' value='foo, bar,buzz'>
<textarea name='tags' pattern=".{3,}" placeholder='write some tags'>foo, bar,buzz</textarea>
What you need to do to convert that nice input into "tags" is simply select your input/textarea and run tagify()
var input = document.querySelector('input[name=tags]'),
tagify = new Tagify( input );
tagify = new Tagify( input, {
duplicates: true,
whitelist: ['foo', 'bar'],
callbacks: {
add : onAddTag
tagify.on('remove', onTagRemoved)
.on('add', onTagAdded);
.on('invalid', onInvaildTag)
function onTagRemoved(e){
console.log(e, e.detail);
tagify.off('remove', onTagRemoved);
function onTagAdded(e){
function onInvaildTag(e){
The value of the Tagify component can be accessed like so:
var tagify = new Tagify(...);
console.log( tagify.value )
console.log( input.value )
If the Tags were added with custom properties, the value output might look something like this:
Tags with properties (example)
The below example will populate the Tags component with 2 tags, each with specific attributes & values.
the addTags
method accepts an Array of Objects with any key/value, as long as the value
key is defined.
<input placeholder="add tags">
var allowedTags = [
"value" : "apple",
"data-id" : 3,
"class" : 'color-green'
"value" : "orange",
"data-id" : 56,
"class" : 'color-orange'
"value" : "passion fruit",
"data-id" : 17,
"class" : 'color-purple'
"value" : "banana",
"data-id" : 12,
"class" : 'color-yellow'
"value" : "paprika",
"data-id" : 25,
"class" : 'color-red'
var input = document.querySelector('input'),
tagify = new Tagify(input, {
whitelist : allowedTags,
mapValueToProp : "data-id"
tagify.addTags( allowedTags.slice(0,2) )
The above will prepend a "tags" element before the original input element:
<tags class="tagify">
<tag readonly="true" class="color-red" data-id="8" value="strawberry">
<x></x><div><span title="strawberry">strawberry</span></div>
<tag readonly="true" class="color-darkblue" data-id="6" value="blueberry">
<x></x><div><span title="blueberry">blueberry</span></div>
<div contenteditable data-placeholder="add tags" class="tagify--input"></div>
<input placeholder="add tags">
Suggestions selectbox
The suggestions selectbox is shown is a whitelist Array of Strings or Objects was passed in the settings when the Tagify instance was created.
Suggestions list will only be rendered if there were at least two sugegstions found.
Matching suggested values is case-insensetive.
The selectbox dropdown will be appended to the document's "body" element and will be positioned under the element.
Using the keyboard arrows up/down will highlight an option from the list, and hitting the Enter key to select.
It is possible to tweak the selectbox dropdown via 2 settings:
- enabled - this is a numeral value which tells Tagify when to show the suggestions dropdown, when a minimum of N characters were typed.
- maxItems - Limits the number of items the suggestions selectbox will render
var input = document.querySelector('input'),
tagify = new Tagify(input, {
whitelist : ['aaa', 'aaab', 'aaabb', 'aaabc', 'aaabd', 'aaabe', 'aaac', 'aaacc'],
dropdown : {
classname : "color-blue",
enabled : 3,
maxItems : 5
Will render:
<div class="tagify__dropdown" style="left: 993.5px; top: 106.375px; width: 616px;">
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaab">aaab</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabb">aaabb</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabc">aaabc</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabd">aaabd</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabe">aaabe</div>
jQuery plugin version (jQuery.tagify.js)
.on('add', function(e, tagName){
console.log('added', tagName)
Name | Info |
destroy | Reverts the input element back as it was before Tagify was applied |
removeAllTags | Removes all tags and resets the original input tag's value property |
addTags | Accepts a String (word, single or multiple with a delimiter) or an Array of Objects (see above) |
removeTag | Removes a specific tag (argument is the tag DOM element to be removed. see source code.) |
Exposed events
Name | Info |
add | A tag has been added |
remove | A tag has been removed |
invalid | A tag has been added but did not pass vaildation. See event detail |
Name | Type | Default | Info |
delimiters | String | "," | [regex] split tags by any of these delimiters. Example: ", |
pattern | String | null | Validate input by REGEX pattern (can also be applied on the input itself as an attribute) Ex: /[1-9]/ |
duplicates | Boolean | false | (flag) Should duplicate tags be allowed or not |
enforceWhitelist | Boolean | false | Should ONLY use tags allowed in whitelist |
autocomplete | Boolean | true | Tries to autocomplete the input's value while typing (match from whitelist) |
whitelist | Array | [] | An array of tags which only they are allowed |
blacklist | Array | [] | An array of tags which aren't allowed |
addTagOnBlur | Boolean | true | Automatically adds the text which was inputed as a tag when blur event happens |
callbacks | Object | {} | Exposed callbacks object to be triggered on events: 'add' / 'remove' tags |
maxTags | Number | Infinity | Maximum number of tags |
mapValueToProp | String | "" | For tags with properties, where a certain property should be used as the "saved" value |
transformTag | Function | undefined | Takes a tag input as argument and returns a transformed value |
tagTemplate | Function | undefined | Takes a tag's value and data as arguments and returns an HTML string for a tag element |
dropdown.enabled | Number | 2 | Minimum characters to input to show the suggestions list. "false" to disable |
dropdown.maxItems | Number | 10 | Maximum items to show in the suggestions list dropdown |
dropdown.classname | String | "" | Custom class name for the dropdown suggestions selectbox |
dropdown.itemTemplate | Function | "" | Returns a custom string for each list item in the dropdown suggestions selectbox |