A batch manager that will deduplicate and batch requests for a given data type made within a window of time (or other custom scheduling). Useful to batch requests made from multiple react components that uses react-query or do batch processing of accumulated tasks.
Codesandbox example
Here is a codesanbox example using react, typescript, vite and the zeitgeist prediction-markets indexer api.
It fetches markets up front and then batches all liquidity pool fetches made from the individual components into one request.
Example with devtools
Example using zeitgeist market and pool data with included devtools to inspect the batching process.
The working live code for the example linked below can be found in ./packages/example
Vercel Example app
yarn add @yornaath/batshit
Here we are creating a simple batcher that will batch all fetches made within a window of 10 ms into one request.
import { create, keyResolver, windowScheduler } from "@yornaath/batshit";
type User = { id: number; name: string };
const users = create<User, number>({
fetcher: async (ids) => {
return client.users.where({
id_in: ids,
resolver: keyResolver("id"),
scheduler: windowScheduler(10),
const bob = users.fetch(1);
const alice = users.fetch(2);
const bobUndtAlice = await Promise.all([bob, alice]);
await delay(100);
const joe = users.fetch(3);
const margareth = users.fetch(4);
const joeUndtMargareth = await Promise.all([joe, margareth]);
React(query) Example
Here we are also creating a simple batcher that will batch all fetches made within a window of 10 ms into one request. Since all items are rendered in one go their individual fetches will be batched into one request.
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
import { create, windowScheduler } from "@yornaath/batshit";
const users = create<User, number>({
fetcher: async (ids) => {
return client.users.where({
userId_in: ids,
resolver: keyResolver("id"),
scheduler: windowScheduler(10),
const useUser = (id: number) => {
return useQuery(["users", id], async () => {
return users.fetch(id);
const UserDetails = (props: { userId: number }) => {
const { isFetching, data } = useUser(props.userId);
return (
{isFetching ? (
<div>Loading user {props.userId}</div>
) : (
<div>User: {data.name}</div>
const UserList = () => {
const userIds = [1, 2, 3, 4];
return (
{userIds.map((id) => (
<UserDetails userId={id} />
Custom Batch Resolver
This batcher will fetch all posts for multiple users in one request and resolve the correct list of posts for the discrete queries.
const userposts = create<mock.Post, { authorId: number }, mock.Post[]>({
fetcher: async (queries) => {
return api.posts.where({
authorId_in: queries.map((q) => q.authorId),
scheduler: windowScheduler(10),
resolver: (posts, query) =>
posts.filter((post) => post.authorId === query.authorId),
const [alicesPosts, bobsPost] = await Promise.all([
userposts.fetch({authorId: 1})
userposts.fetch({authorId: 2})
React Devtools
Tools to debug and inspect the batching process can be found in the @yornaath/batshit-devtools-react package.
yarn add @yornaath/batshit-devtools @yornaath/batshit-devtools-react
import { create, keyResolver, windowScheduler } from "@yornaath/batshit";
import BatshitDevtools from "@yornaath/batshit-devtools-react";
const batcher = create<Data, number>({
fetcher: async (queries) => {...},
scheduler: windowScheduler(10),
resolver: keyResolver("id"),
name: "batcher:data"
const App = () => {
<Data batcher={batcher} />
<BatshitDevtools />