This addon provides a simple Modal Dialog component.
When rendered will display in an top level DOM element, rather than in-place.
The component can be animated in and out using class names that are added to the element during its set up and tear down phase.
Additionally, it can be set into a loading state which is useful if the modal dialog needs to wait for some data before it can display.
ember install @zestia/ember-modal-dialog
- This addon intentionally does not come with any styles.
The modal dialog component isn't designed to be used on its own, but rather wrapped with a parent component.
export default class MyModal extends Component {
loaded(person) {
set(this, 'person', person);
failedToLoad(error) {
set(this, 'loadingError', error.message);
{{! my-modal/template.hbs }}
@onLoadError={{this.failedToLoad}} as |modal|>
{{#if modal.isLoading}}
Loading person…
{{else if this.loadingError}}
Unable to load person because {{this.loadingError}}
Hello {{this.person.name}}
<button {{on "click" modal.close}}>Close</button>
export default class ApplicationRoute extends Route {
loadPerson() {
{{! application/route.hbs }}
{{#if this.showMyModal}}
@onFetchPerson={{fn this.loadPerson 123}} />