![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/haraka/@zitterorg/enim-earum-maiores/badges/gpa.svg)
extracts matching log entries from the haraka log file
cd /my/haraka/config/dir
npm install @zitterorg/enim-earum-maiores
Add log-reader
to haraka/config/plugins
When enabled, this plugin registers two URL routes in Haraka's http server:
The former rule simply returns a list of the Haraka rules in use. The http client uses those rules (the ID, reason, and value) to display the Policy Rules
and Steps to Resolve
sections in the web page.
Sorry we blocked your message:
Our filters mistook your server for a malicious computer attempting to send spam. To improve your mail servers reputation, please contact your IT helpdesk or Systems Administrator and ask them for help.
Policy Rules
- -7, DNS Blacklist (b.barracudacentral.org)
- -5, DNS Blacklist (zen.spamhaus.org)
- -3, DNS Blacklist (dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net)
- -3, DNS Blacklist (bl.spamcop.net)
- -3, ASN reputation is spam-only (asn_all_bad)
- -1, Geographic distance is unusual for ham (4000)
- -1, Geographic distance is unusual for ham (8000)
- -1, ASN reputation is bad (karma)
Steps to Resolve
- Disinfect your host/network
Raw Logs
[NOTICE] [core] connect ip= port=39005 local_ip= local_port=25
[INFO] [connect.p0f] os="Linux 2.4.x-2.6.x" link_type="Ethernet or modem" distance=7 total_conn=1
[INFO] [connect.fcrdns] ip= rdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" rdns_len=1 fcrdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" fcrdns_len=1 other_ips_len=0 invalid_tlds=0 generic_rdns=true
[INFO] [connect.asn] asn: 29314, org: Al. Zwyciestwa 253, 81-525 Gdynia, Poland
[INFO] [connect.geoip] EU, PL, Gdansk, 82, 8506km
[INFO] [dnsbl] fail:dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net, bl.spamcop.net, b.barracudacentral.org, zen.spamhaus.org, dnsbl.sorbs.net
[INFO] [connect.asn] asn: 29314, org: Al. Zwyciestwa 253, 81-525 Gdynia, Poland, asn_score: -4364, asn_connections: 4367, asn_good: 0, asn_bad: 4364, fail:karma, asn_all_bad
[INFO] [limit] no IP history from : karma
[INFO] [karma] score: -24, awards: 001,002,115,114,111,116,021,023
[NOTICE] [core] disconnect ip= rdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" helo="" relay=N early=N esmtp=N tls=N pipe=N errors=0 txns=0 rcpts=0/0/0 msgs=0/0/0 bytes=0 lr="" time=12.752