Zero Dependencies One Liner Feature Tutorial Helper
User Onboarding, Product Walkthrough, Feature Guide, whatever you call it, is annoying but PM likes it.
Not Very Ready
This thing is working in progress. Everything may change during the development. Use it at your own discretion.
npm i a-tour
new aTour({
id: 'my-guide',
steps: [
target: '#app > div >',
hint: 'This is an awesome page header',
title: 'My page header',
new ATour(options) // options has following properties
- id: string // an identifier
- container: HTMLElement | string | (() => HTMLElement) // a HTML node, a selector or a function that returns a html node
- steps: Step[] // properties as below
- target: string // a css selector targeting the element you want to highlight
- title: string
- hint: string
- clickTargetAsNext?: boolean // enable mouse event on target and click it as "next" button
- delay?: number // a delay in milliseconds, in case the target element is not yet visible on DOM for reason like, data loading or invoking a modal
- noPrev?: boolean // disable "prev" button for this step
instance.start() // starts the guide
instance.stop() // quite the guide programmatically
handle scrollmultiple guides- hint arrow
hyper link in hint