:robot: a11y-ai
Experimental tool to automatically detect accessibility issues in web pages using OpenAI and provide suggestions for fixing them.
Can I help fixing your a11y issues?
npm install -g a11y-ai
Usage: a11y <command> <files> [options]
If no files are specified, it will scan the current directory and
subdirectories for HTML files.
s, scan Scan files or URLs for accessibility issues
f, fix Fix accessibility issues interactively
-i, --issues <issues> Comma-separated list of issues to fix (disable scan)
-s, --chunk-size <tokens> Set input chunk size (default: 1000)
-c, --char-diff Use character diff instead of patch-like diff
-y, --yes Apply fixes without prompting
--context <context> Provide additional context
--gpt-diff Make AI generate diff of fixes (experimental)
r, report Generate a report of issues with fix suggestions
-i, --issues <issues> Comma-separated list of issues to fix (disable scan)
-s, --chunk-size <tokens> Set input chunk size (default: 1000)
-o, --format <format> Report format [html, md] (default: html)
--context <context> Provide additional context
--gpt-diff Make AI generate diff of fixes (experimental)
General options:
--api Use specified API URL
--verbose Show detailed logs
--help Show this help
You can also set the API URL using the A11Y_AI_API
environment variable.
Interactively scan & fix a local file:
a11y fix site.html
Generate a report of issues with fix suggestions for multiple URLs:
a11y report https://microsoft.com https://docs.microsoft.com
Interactively fix specific issues with additional context:
a11y fix doc.html \
--issues "Add missing images alt attributes" \
--context "This is a documentation where screenshots shows the different step to setup GitHub Copilot on your account"
Automagicically scan for all HTML files in the current directory and subdirectories, interactively fix the issues:
- Windows support outside of WSL2 is currently not working due to a bug in Axe CLI (WIP)
- It needs a matching Chrome version to work (WIP)
- Issue scanning is only supported for HTML files, not for JS/TS components (but fixing is supported)
options is experimental and may not work well in some cases