
You'd like to update your screen reader users on changes in the status of your ui but don't want to create multiple dom elements to notifiy them.
Inject a visually hidden singleton element in the dom which is responsible for notifying screen reader users of updates to the accessibility status of the UI.
yarn add a11y-status
pnpm add a11y-status
npm install a11y-status
Note that the 11
is the number eleven. A-Eleven-Y
is a widely used shorthand for accessibility
Import the setStatus
function from this library and then use the function to set the desired status in your code.
import { setStatus } from 'a11y-status';
const button = document.querySelector('#insert-selection');
const select = document.querySelector('#selection');
button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
const itemName = select.value;
setStatus(`Selected item: ${itemName}`);
This code was taken from downshift