Abbyy OCR Wrapper for Node.js
This is a cleaned-up wrapper for the Abbyy OCR SDK. It is heavily inspired by, and by "heavily inspired", I mean I re-wrote it so the code made more sense along with adding a few new doo-hickeys like uploading images to S3
How do I use it?
- Call
(the only exported function) with your application ID (what the application is called), the application password that was emailed to you and options for processing.
- This function will return a class that has one function called
takes in the file path to the image, optionally what processing you want do (Image, Receipt, etc. Look here for the full list) and a callback.
will send it off the processing and call you back with a JSON object of the results. Woooo! So much easier than their original way. :)
Options to give when instantiate
: Whether images should be uploaded to S3 as they are processeds3
: Options for when uploading to S3
: Name of the S3 bucket to upload to- Note: The key of the file will be the key of whatever the file is called
: Any option that Abbyy lists on their API reference. These options will be made into a URL query string and appended.