Supported by Safe Grants
A Typescript Library to easily build and send ERC-4337 UserOperations, with first class support for Safe Accounts.
AbstractionKit is agnostic of:
- Ethereum interface libraries: ethers, web3.js, viem/wagmi
- Bundlers: Plug and play from any bundler provider
- Paymasters: Candide Paymaster is supported , but you can use any 3rd party paymaster to sponsor gas
- Accounts: The Safe Account first class supported, but you can use use Bundlers and Paymasters with any account
For full detailed documentation visit our docs page.
npm install abstractionkit
Safe Account
AbstractionKit features the Safe Account. It uses the original Safe Singleton and adds ERC-4337 functionality using a fallback handler module. The contracts have been developed by the Safe Team. It has been audited by Ackee Blockchain. To learn more about the contracts and audits, visit safe-global/safe-modules.
import { SafeAccountV0_2_0 as SafeAccount } from "abstractionkit";
const ownerPublicAddress = "0xBdbc5FBC9cA8C3F514D073eC3de840Ac84FC6D31";
const smartAccount = SafeAccount.initializeNewAccount([ownerPublicAddress]);
Then you can consume accout methods:
const safeAddress = smartAccount.accountAddress;
Initialize a Bundler with your desired bundler RPC url. Find more public bundler endpoints on our docs
import { Bundler } from "abstractionkit";
const bundlerRPC = "";
const bundler: Bundler = new Bundler(bundlerRPC);
Then you can consume Bundler methods:
const entrypointAddresses = await bundler.supportedEntryPoints();
Initialize a Candide Paymaster with your RPC url. Get one from the dashboard.
import { CandidePaymaster } from "abstractionkit";
const paymasterRpc = "$version/$network/$apikey";
const paymaster: CandidePaymaster = new CandidePaymaster(paymasterRPC);
Then you can consume Paymaster methods:
const erc20s = await paymaster.getSupportedERC20TokensAndPaymasterMetadata();
npm package