Lightweight and accessible accordion module with an extensible API. With the module you can create accordion on your website, useful especially for creating FAQ lists.
Install the package & import files
npm install accordion-js
import Accordion from "accordion-js";
import "accordion-js/dist/accordion.min.css";
Include files using CDN.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[CDN CSS URL]" />
<script src="[CDN JS URL]"></script>
You can also download files from Github and attach them manually to your project.
Note: On production use files (JS and CSS) only from dist/ folder.
Include files
See the section above.
Create HTML layout
This is just an example of a layout. You can create your own HTML structure.
<div class="accordion-container">
<div class="ac">
<h2 class="ac-header">
<button type="button" class="ac-trigger">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</button>
<div class="ac-panel">
<p class="ac-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<div class="ac">
<h2 class="ac-header">
<button type="button" class="ac-trigger">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</button>
<div class="ac-panel">
<p class="ac-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<div class="ac">
<h2 class="ac-header">
<button type="button" class="ac-trigger">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</button>
<div class="ac-panel">
<p class="ac-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
Initialize the module
new Accordion(".accordion-container");
new Accordion(container, options)
- string | HTMLElement (required), selector of accordion containeroptions
- object (optional), accordion options
new Accordion(".container-first");
new Accordion(".container-second", {
duration: 400,
showMultiple: true,
onOpen: function (currentElement) {
new Accordion([".container-first", ".container-second"], {});
const accordions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".accordion-container"));
new Accordion(accordions, {});
const accordion = new Accordion(".container-first");
Option | Type | Default value | Description |
duration | number | 500 | Animation duration in ms |
ariaEnabled | boolean | true | Add ARIA elements to the HTML structure |
collapse | boolean | true | Allow collapse expanded panel |
showMultiple | boolean | false | Show multiple elements at the same time |
onlyChildNodes | boolean | true | Disabling this option will find all items in the container. Warning: Setting to false will break the functionality of nested accordions |
openOnInit | array | [] | Show accordion elements during initialization |
elementClass | string | "ac" | Element class |
triggerClass | string | "ac-trigger" | Trigger class |
panelClass | string | "ac-panel" | Panel class |
activeClass | string | "is-active" | Active element class |
beforeOpen | function | - | Calls before the item is opened. beforeOpen: (currElement) => {} |
onOpen | function | - | Calls when the item is opened. onOpen: (currElement) => {} |
beforeClose | function | - | Calls before the item is closed. beforeClose: (currElement) => {} |
onClose | function | - | Calls when the item is closed. onClose: (currElement) => {} |
Option | Description | Arguments |
attachEvents() | Attach events | - |
detachEvents() | Detach events | - |
open() | Open the accordion element with the given idx E.g. | idx - element index |
close() | Close the accordion element with the given idx E.g. acc.close(1) | idx - element index |
toggle() | Toggle the accordion element with the given idx E.g. acc.toggle(1) | idx - element index |
openAll() | Open all accordion elements (without animation) | - |
closeAll() | Close all accordion elements (without animation) | - |
update() | If there are new items added by lazy load, you can run this method to update the Accordion | - |
destroy() | Destroy accordion instance: Open elements, remove events, IDs & ARIA | - |
v3 Release Info
There have been a lot of changes to the API in version 3.0.0
, so if you are using previous versions of the accordion (2.8.0
and below), I recommend updating the package to the latest version with new structure and options.
This project is under the MIT license.